16- Let Her Go

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One week after Sarah left

Connor's POV

Each night felt like it would never end. Some how going to bed knowing Sarah was across the world helping people, helped Connor feel better about the entire situation. Going to bed was still a major struggle. The hardest part was going to sleep in an empty bed having no idea how Sarah was sleeping. In honesty, he didn't care how she was sleeping. Connor just wanted Sarah to be sleeping beside him. 

Work was getting harder. At first Connor only dreaded the night but now he was started to dread every part of the day. He wasn't going to beg her to come home. He wasn't going to call or text. Connor just let her go. She wanted to be alone, in her own world, so that's what she'll get.

Everyone at med was worried about both Sarah and Connor. They all thought she would only stay in Africa for a few days or week. Needless to say, Sarah proved them all wrong and Connor knew it.

Sarah's POV

Some days felt longer than others but for the most part, she loved what she was doing. There was no question that the people in the area of Africa needed her. Being away from Connor made her sad. Most of the time, her focus was on patient. Sarah hated to leave Connor the way she did, with anger and tension. She hoped it would all work out in the end. After all, she'd come back to the USA sometime. Maybe she'd even go back to Connor. 

One month after Sarah left

Connor's POV

Everyday was starting to feel easier. Connor wasn't mad at her anymore but he also didn't necessarily want her to come back home. If she was gone for this long, she obliviously didn't need him.

At work, Natalie reminded him that his birthday was coming up. His mind was so foggy over this that he forgot his own birthday. Of coarse, he wasn't going to do anything special for his birthday. He thought Sarah wouldn't even remember.

A couple days later on Connor's Birthday

Sarah's POV  

 As soon as Sarah woke up, she started to think about Connor. She remembered it was his birthday and wanted to do something for him. No. Not like flying all the way home from Africa. That just crazy talk.

 It might seem like she didn't miss him, but being away was slowly driving her crazy. The patients helped her through all of the long days and nights. At the end of the day, all that matters is if shes helping them and making a change. 

She had been up for a few hours and had already treated a few people. It seemed like the things she was treating were small but it would all make a difference in the end. On her break, she got her phone out. She unlocked it and got to her contacts. Once she found Connors, She tapped on his name as soon as she found it. She had so many opportunities to call or catch up before this. Why did it have to be his birthday for her to even think about calling him? Sarah was getting mad at herself.

She stared at the call button for a while. They haven't said a word or acknowledged each other for over a month. Just thinking about it mad Sarah feel like the bad guy when she knew it was just the way it is..

Quickly, she tapped the button and it started to ring. Nerves surged through her. She wanted to hang up and just text him but it was too late. 


Sorry if there are any typos..  I wrote this on my iPad. 

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