Chapter 14

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So then they left it alone and one of the guys took out Robert (Joseph) from his car seat and was carrying him and Robert was just laughing. Then the lady had arrived and called all the guys over but Victor was still carrying Robert they went towards her.

Norma "So did you guys find some girls that agreed to do it"

Victor "Everybody you assigned it to did it except....

Norma "Let me guess Jose"

Jose "No I actually did it this time and it was Angel"

Norma "What happen you have never let me down before???"

Angel "I'm sorry I just forgot about it."

Norma "Well now Ruben you pick one girl out that might agree to do it

Ruben "How about Lola she was always happy to dance"

So they called her and she agreed to do that she would go in tomorrow.

Norma "Son (Victor) who's baby is that you are carrying there"

Victor "Ohh it's Jose's child isn't he just so cute and adorable"

Norma "Yes and you have another child I thought one was enough for you"

Jose "Well this one was a little unexpected"

Jose signal Brook to come close to them and she went towards them but, she was just confused about it.

Brook (whisper) "What do you want with me??"

Jose "Meet Brooklyn and she is the mother of Robert"

Norma "How old are you???"

Brook "I'm 16"

Norma "Why would you do it with a minor???"

Brook "He didn't exactly do it ok"

Norma "Then how did you managed to get pregnant??"

Brook "Since I know you guys have to teach i'll give you the short version"

So then she told them the story and they were all surprised about by what she had said. So then they all went back to teaching after while of waiting Norma comes close to Brook sits with her.

Norma "So what game are you playing here with Jose???"

Brook "What do you mean???"

Norma "There is no way what you told us is true im not letting you drag Jose into something he doesn't deserve"

Brook "First of all what I said is all true and I never dragged him into this we did a huge mistake ok!!"

Norma "Why are you messing with him he knows better"

Brook "We never knew about this sickness in my family ok and I didn't tell him till Robert was 4 months old!!!!!!"

So Brook got up and got Robert from Michael and asked Jose for his keys and she put Robert in his car seat and she went outside. Then she unlocked the car and put Robert in and then she turned the car on to lower the windows down. After that she just sat in the back with Robert and was waiting for Jose to finish and leave.

So then Jose was wondering what Norma had said to Brook to get her all mad that she would have left. Then after he was done and saw that the other girls were practicing he went up to Norma to ask her.

Jose "So um what did you say to Brook to get her all mad??"

Norma "Nothing that would hurt her feelings and to leave you alone"

Jose "Why would you say that her she didn't drag me into this she didn't even want to tell me in the first place?!!!"

Norma "Well I'm trying to protect you from anything that could change that"

Jose "You are not my mother to be needing to protect me"

Norma "Well I care because I get to know you guys more each day"

Jose "Well this is more personal plus she even let me go take a DNA test with him so I could be proven I was the farther"

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