Chapter 27

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So the guys were so confused over everything and then they ran back inside to find some answers.

Jose "Norma is Robert here"

Norma "No he said he couldn't come why and what was all that screaming???????"

Jose "It's was Brook she got kidnapped and Robert might be helping out Sarah with her plans"

Norma "Well he told he had to go deal with some personal business"

Angel "Ok first calm down Jose then we got to the police and her parent's and tell them what happen ok"

Jose "Ok then"

Angel "Why did you give her a ring?????"

Jose "Because it was a promise I made to her that I would never leave her alone with our children"

Angel "Ohh and how did she get pregnant a second time?????"

Jose "Ohh becaussssssssseeeeeee we realized we had feelings for each other still"

So while Angel called the police Jose called Brook's parents with Victor's phone. Then Jose called some person and told them that Sarah was onto him. Then he would change locations to protect the children from her at all time.

(Now Brook)

So Brook was barely waking up and then saw that she was in this really old shack. She had heard someone coming in that she closed her eyes again. That person came in and untied her from the chair and put her on a bed then he got a phone call and left out side to answer. So Brook was now laying on a bed and was really worried of it all. She was trying to move around but, then realized her hands and feet were tied up. Then the person came back in and went to the kitchen and got something and came back to Brook.

Person "Hey wake up!!!!"

Brook "What where am I????"

Person "Some where were they can't find you at all"

Brook "Is that you Robert???"

Person "Yes it is me and im sorry for what I did to you but Sarah has some dirt on me that she is willing to please me of what I like"

Brook "What do you mean????"

Robert "You'll find out soon enough but, first you have to drink this"

Brook "Why???"

Robert "DRINK it no questions asked now!!!!!!!!!"

So she drank it and then felt this weird sensation in her body. Then Robert was tying her hands and feet to the bed post. Then Robert started to take his clothes of while the pill took in affect and she was all woozy. Then he got on top of her and kissed her all rough and ripping her clothes of.

(Brook's mind)

Why is this happening to me I never deserved this why am I so into this when I hate this so much. Why did this happen to me wait one minute he gave me a sex pill. I hate that I have never had one ever since I drank one by accident. So that's why I can't stop anything this is terrible.

(Back to Jose and 2 weeks have passed by now)

Angel "Hey man you have to stop stressing yourself so much they will find her soon enough"

Jose "But she is still missing and I don't know what Sarah is doing to her"

Angel "I'm pretty sure is nothing bad that she can't handle she is a really strong person"

Jose "You are right i'll calm down and try to keep my life going a little bit more"

Angel "That's great now keep going"

Then all a sudden Jose got a phone called that he thought would relive him so much.

Jose "Wait one minute what did you just say????"

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