Chapter 20

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So then the weekend was over and since they couldn't tell there families yet so she changed the ring to a different finger. It just looked like she was wearing a ring for fun an not an engagement ring. So then they both headed their own ways till the next day when they had to go back to practicing. While they continued dance practice Brook and Jose where looking for someone to replace her. So she can do it later on when Brook can not handle it on anymore with her belly. Then found someone and she agreed that she would do it they would teach her the part they've been taught. Later on she will be practicing there her name was Marla. She loves to dance when she has a routine for it and knows it.

Jose "Hey are you feeling ok you don't need to sit down to rest because you look tired"

Brook "I'm fine for now it's just I have to put on my maternity clothes because the button on these pants is hurting me"

Jose "Ok then just tell me when you can't take it anymore"

Brook "Ok"

So they continued to dance when all a sudden her ring slipped of when she twirled around. Then it rolled away she tried to go for it but, then Angel saw it before she got it. It was way closer to him and it stoped right by his shoe so then he picked it up and was so amazed by it. Brook got to him and tried to get her ring back from him.

Brook "Can I have my ring back please?"

Angel "This is such a pretty ring where did you get it from"

Brook "It's a ring passed down by generations who have my sickness in my family"

Angel "This looks way to new to be that old"

Brook "Well because I got it recently from one of my family members"

Angel "Who gave it to you and why?????"

Brook "First that's personal who gave it to and second it's a promise that I made to them and gave me the ring to remind me about it at all times"

Angel "Was the promise that you wouldn't have sex till marriage or what is it made with that person"

Brook "That's personal also"

Angel "Ok then fine here you go here's your ring back"

So Angel gave her ring back then she had a terrible pain from her stomach but, Brook knew it's just because she's stressing out to much. So then after practice they got the girl to come the next practice because in probably two more weeks. Everybody is going to find out that she is pregnant again because her belly is growing way more since she having twins this time.

Jose "Are you sure you want her to already take your place?????????"

Brook "Yes my belly will soon start to show and it's just hurting me so much that I can't take it anymore"

So then they told Marla that it was time for her to come in to replace Brook. Then the next day she decided for them to pick her up because she didn't have a ride there but, on the way back she did. They got to practice an then found Norma and talked to her about having Marla take Brook's place.

Norma "Why do you want to get out Brook????"

Brook "Because of personal reasons that you will find out later on"

Jose "Yes please let Marla be in she knows all the dances and where we are up to point of practicing"

Norma "Ok then fine Marla can replace Brook"

Victor "Hey what's happening here mom?"

Jose "We just got your mom to agree to replace Brook with Marla"

Victor "Why would you do that she's a great dancer and could help us a lot at the expo"

Brook "Well I have my reasons and they have me that I can't continue to dance for a while"

Jose "So for right now she wants to step down"

Victor "Hey why won't you even tell me my mom can leave for you can tell me"

Angel "So how are we today Brook feel better now"

Brook "Yes a lot better"

Angel "So this is who is going to replace you"

Brook "Yes"

Victor "Angel do you know why she won't dance for a while"

Angel "Maybe"

Brook just looked over at Jose with a face that said did you tell him.

Jose "Hey sorry but I told him how could I not his my best friend"

Brook "Ohh ok then but, you should have told me that you told him"

Norma "So Angel tell me why she can't dance anymore you have to or I cancel something for you"

Jose "Why would you do that to him he doesn't deserve it"

Norma "If none of you tell me then I will cancel it"

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