Chapter 12.

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This chapter was not my idea. 

I wanna thank SPECIALMIND for the idea! Your were so much help Bro!!!!! 

One with the story!!

*******Time skip to when they have to go to school*****

******Tj's P.O.V*******

Me and Jason have already announced that we were dating. As we entered the school we got many stares. This one chick, she looked really slutty. She was wearing what was possibly the smallest miniskirt ever with a very small crop top that barely covered her .. ya know... She got really close to my face and spat 'Stay away from him! Jason loves ME!!'. Jason had already gone on ahead, so he didn't see any of this. This girl, I had no idea who she was but she stood up for me. 'HEY !!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!' The mystery girl took my arm to go and find Jason. We found them.... I was shocked...No.. Whats worse than shocked? I don't know... They were kissing... She was kissing him and Jason was kissing back... I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I ran.. I ran as fast as i could out of the school. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't dare look back... I crossed the road, not bothering to look if a car was coming. I heard a girl scream 'NOO!!!' Then I was pushed out of the way. By who I am guessing was the New Girl. She took the hit for me... I quickly got out my phone out and dialed 911 'Hello 911 whats your emergency?' I heard the woman on the other line. 'Hello? Yes My friend just got hit by a car!!' 'Okay, Hold on sweetie. Where are you?' 'Im on Giblands Park' (Random Road xD) 'Okay Sweetie, Whats your name?' 'My names Tj' I replied shakily. 'Okay Tj. The Ambulance is on its way. Would you like me to stay on the line with you until they arrive?' 'No thank you.' 'Ok then. Just hold on sweet!' 'Thank you' I hung up the phone. I heard the sirens getting closer. I ran to the New Girl and tried to see if she still had a pulse. Luckily she did. She was slightly conscious. 'Hey.. Hey can you hear me?' She groaned in response. 'I'll take that as a yea' I muttered 'Can you tell me your name?' I asked calmly. 

She coughed before trying to speak. 'My n-name i-is DJ' She hoarsly replied. 'Well , nice to meet you DJ. Im Tj!' Before we knew it, the ambulance had arrived. They put DJ on s stretcher and "loaded" him into the van. 'Are you family?' asked a paramedic. 'No. But she did just save my life!' 'Hmmmmm. Well ok then. Do you want to ride in the ambulance?' 'Please!' I hopped into the ambulance. I texted Dad to meet me at the Hospital. I told him nothing was wrong with me, but with my friend. Once we arrived at the Hospital, I saw Dad, the rest of TC and..... Jason... The last person i wanted to see today. I went and sat next to Dad and he put his arm around me. I silently cried into his shoudler. The nurse came out. 'Are you all here for DJ Drew?' Huh.. I thought. she has the same last name i had before Mitch adopted me.... 'Yes' Me and Dad replied. Well, I'm sorry but only 2 of you can go and see DJ' 'Dad would you come with me?' I whispered into Dads ear 'Sure Tj'

'Me and Tj will go in while you guys wait out here' Dad said to the rest. They all nodded in agreement. The nurse nodded and asked us to follow her. Once we reached DJ's room, I felt really guilty... This is my fault.. The door was opened to reveal a bruised and bandaged up DJ.. 'Hey DJ' I said in a small voice. 'Hey Tj' DJ replied grogily. 'How are ya feeling?' I knew it was a stupid question but i had to ask it. 'Believe it or not, but I actually feel good!' DJ said chuckleing a little bit. 'Hey DJ, is it? Random question, but why did you save my daughter?' Dad asked DJ curiously. 'Well, Tj did you already tell him?' 'no..' 'Tell me what??' 'Well..  I saw Tj and Jason walk into school. Jason had already gone on ahead so he didnt see anything. This really slutty chick went up to Tj, got really up in her face and spat 'Stay away from him! Jason loves ME!!' and she went away. I took Tj;s arm and went to find Jason. Once we had found them, I could tell Tj was shocked. They were kissing. She was kissing him and he was kissing back. I saw the tear well up in Tj's eyes as she ran off out  through the doors of the school. I gave Jason a disgusted look and ran after Tj. I saw her stood in the middle of the road as a car was coming. I yelled "NOO!!!!" and pushed her out of the way and took the hit.' DJ had finished explaining what happened when I looked at Dad. Uh Oh... Shits gonna go down I thought. 'I.AM.GOING.TO.KILL.HIM.' I was scared. Dad looked so enraged. He slowly got up and left the room. 'Hang on DJ. I'll be back in a minuite.' 'Okay Bro' she smiled. I got up and went to the guys. I looked and saw that Dad and Jason weren't there... 'Hey, Wheres Dad and Jason?' I asked Tyler (Brotato) 'Outside, But I warn you, Mitch looked pretty angry. So be careful!' Tyler warned me. 'Okay, Thanks Bro' I smiled at Tyler as i left the Hospital. I looked around until i saw Dad pinning Jason up against the wall by the collar.I ran over to them. 'DAD STOP!' I yelled as i saw him about to hurt Jason. Dad dropped Jason and started to go back inside the Hospital but before he did he turned to Jason and spat 'I said if you hurt my Daughter I hurt you...' Dad turned and walked inside. I glared at Jason, 'Come on dude. Let get you inside.' 'Why are you being nice to me? You saw what I did!' 'Jason. Yes, I saw what you did. Yes, We are over. No, we wont stop being friends. Ok?' I said sternly. 'Okay Bro' (When they say Bro they mean dude.) Jason smiled and so did I. We entered the Hospital, Jason got a glare from Dad. We sat down in seperat seats, away from each other. I got my phone out and texted Dad because I was wayy to shy to speak at that moment. 

( D - Mitch , T - Tj )

T- Dad, Me and Jason are over. BUT, Yes there is a but, We are still going to be friends.

D- Okay Teej. I wouldnt of allowed you 2 to continue dating anyways.

T - Dad.. Did you notice that DJ has the same last name I did before you adopted me?

D -  Yeah.. It may just be a coincidence though =/ Did you ever have a sister?

T - Yeah but she was the favorite of the family. Her name was Kaylie though..

D -  Hmmmmm...

At that moment, DJ was rolled out in a wheelchair by a nurse. 'Who is going to sign the relese forms?' The nurse asked. We all turned to Mitch because he was the most Mature one here. 'Errrmm I will' Dad got up to sign the papers. I wheeled DJ over when Adam asked her 'Where do you live, we can take you home' DJ looked kinda sad when Adam mentioned home. 'Well...Errrmmm.. Ya see, I dont really have a "Home".... I live in an Adoption center...' We all gasped. 'so you are like Tj? Ya Know beofre she got adopted by Mitch?' 'Yeah...' 

'What Adoption center DJ?' I asked. 'Errrmmm... Miss Lowers Home For Children. Why?' 'Omg Thats the same one i went to!'  'Huh! what a small world!'

Tj - Hey DJ?

DJ - Yeeeesss Tj?

Tj - Did you ever have a sister?

DJ - Well now that i think about it, my parents did tell me that i had a sister but that they put her up for adoption so i never go to see her.

Tj - What were your parents names?

DJ - Julet Drew and Darren Drew. Why?

Tj - Thats the names of my "parents"...

DJ - You dont think we could be sisters do you?

Tj - I think we could be..... We had the same parents, We had/have the same last name.... I dont think this is just a "Coincidence" and come to think of it, we do look alike... hmmmm

Dad came back just as we finished our conversation. 'Well guys, we have to take you back now. Im sorry. Bashur, Help me get DJ into the van?' Kay Bro' Once we got to the Adoption center, I felt sad because DJ had to go.. We all got out to see DJ off, when Dad went to the reception, asking for some papers....Hmmmm. I helped DJ to her room. She sat down as i took in what her room looked like. It looked like a prison.... Bars on the windows, No carpet, No bed covers... Oh My God....

'Hey DJ? Do you get bullied by a group of girls?' 'Yeah, The Bitches.. Why?' 'Oh just wondering....' M

Dad came into DJ's room with a huge smile on his face.... 'DJ! Pack your bags, your coming home with us!!' Me and DJ looked at each other and started squealing..... I saw Dad covering his ears as we squealed. 'I'll wait for you guys downstairs.'


Imma end this chapter here because its 11:40pm where i am.... whoops! lawl

Yeahh update... idk really what to say buut yeah!! 1671 words...


Peace Out Guys!!!


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