Chapter 24 | The Bullies...

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Quick A/N Ok, So the Bullies in this story are going to be some of the People that Bullied me in Primary School and for the 2 years of College I went through. If their reading this, I hope they know what they did to my life. Also, the last name Gold is just a random name I picked lol! Ok! On to the story!

TJ's P.O.V

Oh No...

I shrunk back into my seat as they came over to me. I quickly put my Headphones on before they reached me. That was pointless.

'Oh hey look! Its fatty!'  I cringed at what Bradley said. I mean, I know I'm not the skinniest girl in the world, but I would'nt say I'm "Fat". 'Aww. Is Fatty sad? Is Fatty gonna cry?' Bitc-Abbie I mean said. 'Does Fatty want her Mum? Oh wait! You don't have one!!'  Owen spat.  'Come on guys. Lets leave Fatty alone. She's just a Waste.Of.Space' Amelia said. They went back to the front of the bus. Apart from Toby. I never considered him a bully because he never said or did anything bad to me. 'Toby! Come.On!!' Bradley shouted at him. He smiled at me before sitting back with them

I looked over at Dj. It looks like she's made some friends. I don't know how she didn't see any of this.. Probably to engrossed in her conversation. Oh well.. I guess I should tell you who they are huh? Well they are my bullies. Owen Hodgeson, Bradley Hughes, Amelia Nye, Abbie Dawson  and Toby Gold. Before you ask, No, Bradley is NOT related to Mitch. Thank god! They all bully me. Well, I say all. Toby doesn't bully me. I don't even know why he hangs out with them. He's... Nice.. Completely the opposite of them. Huh... 

Time Skip to Lunch period

Toby's P.O.V (Where You Expecting That?)

I hate these people.. Why do I hang out with them? Oh yeah.. If I don't, I'll get bullied... But I'm not a mean person. In fact, I actually quite like Tj. She seems nice. I hate the fact that I'm forced to hang out with them... 'OI! TOBY!' I turned in the direction of the voice, only to be met by a face full of spaghetti... From Bradley... That.Is.IT!   'THATS IT!'  I yelled. 'I AM SO DONE WITH YOU LOT! ALL YOU DO IS BULLY PEOPLE! NICE PEOPLE! PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU! YOU ARE TERRIBLE PEOPLE AND I AM DONE WITH YOU!' I felt everyone in the canteen's eyes on me. I ran. I ran out the gates and into the park. 

Tj's P.O.V ( I'm pretty sure you've all guessed whats gonna happen)

I was sat in the canteen. On my own. Andrew had detention and Dj was with her new friends. I  heard yelling and slipped my Headphones off. I looked around the canteen for the source of the yells, when my eyes landed on Toby. I cringed at his yells. I've never liked loud noises. I always thought I was kinda like a cat when it came to loud noises. Always running from them ( This Is True ). I turned my attention back to Toby. He ran out of the canteen and out of the school. I don't know why but I felt the urge to run after him. And I did. I grabbed my bag and legged it after him, feeling everyone's eyes on me this time.

I followed him into the park, not caring about where he was going. After about 20minutes of running, Daym was he fast!,  Toby finally stopped by a river. It seemed peaceful and calm. I liked it. 

'Hey Toby?' I asked in a small voice. He looked startled, (Jason I'm Startled! lol!) 'Oh. Hey Tj' 

TJ: ' Are you okay Toby?' 

Toby: 'Hmm? Yeah.. I'm fine' 

TJ: 'Toby. I don't belive that for one second. Whats wrong?'

Toby: 'Well.. I geuss I'm just sick of life. I'm sick of them. They bully people, they bully you , for no reason. I just don't know why. You're a nice person. Why bully you?' 

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