Chapter 14 | HOLY SH*T!!!

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QUICK A/N Im trying to write this on my phone, so Im sorry for any mistakes that I may make. I should hopefully be getting my laptop sorted soon, so yeah (._.)


Also, DJ basically looks like TJ but with a few differences. But I'll let you guys decide what they are.

******TJ's P.O.V*******

As me and DJ ran down the hall, giggling away with Zero at our heels, I started to feel weird. I just ignored it and carried on running. That was until everything went black...

********DJ's P.O.V*******

As me and TJ ran down the hall, giggling away with Zero at our heels, I started to feel strange. I turned and looked at TJ. She looked pale. And I mean PALE. Before I knew it, She had passed out on the floor. Next thing I felt was my head hitting the floor and seeing Ty run into the hallway.

*******Ty's P.O.V*******

'Alright Guys! I think thats about it! Anyways Guys Im Deadlox and I'll See You Guys Later!!' I had just finnished my outro when I heard to thumps come from outside. I ran, and by '"ran" I mean fast walked, into the hall to see TJ and DJ passsd out on the floor. I yelled to Mitch

'YO MITCH, YOU MIGHT, AND BY MIGHT I MEAN YOU DO, WANT TO SEE THIS!' I heard Mitch run out from the spare room to where I was.

(Mitch. Ty)


'I dont know dude! I I just heard some noise and checked it out!!!'

'Ty, Call 911!'

I got my phone out as fast as I could and called 911.

(Ty. Person on phone)

'Hello, 911 whats your emergancy?'

'Hello? Yes. My little sisters (that made me smile xD) have just been found uncosious on the floor. I think one may have hit their head.'

'Okay, Whats your name and where are you?'

'My names Ty Ellis and Im at *Insert random addres here*'

'Okay Ty and abmulance is on its way.'

'Thank you!' I said before hanging up.

Mitch was knelt down, with tear streaks on his face stroking the girls hair. (sounds weird but sweet right xD) He must really care about them. What I hadnt noticed was that the rest of the guys were peaking their heads out from their doorways. I nodded as if to say "Yeah you can come over". We all snapped our heads up at the sound of the door being broken down. We quickly realized that it was the paramedics. They worked their way through the group and to the girls.

'Alright. Only two of you can ride in the ambulance' The medic said, rushed.

Mitch stepped foward ' I am the girls father so Im coming. Ty, wanna come with!'

'Sure Um.. I suppose.' We followed the medics to the Ambulance and got in while the others hopped into the People Carrier.

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