Chapter 19 | Telling the fans

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Quick A/N. I have changed some of the characters and deleted the character sheets off of Instagram. I would post what I've changed but im wayy to lazy lol! Anywayz! Have a cookie and On with the story!

Mitch's P.O.V

As Andrew went and joined Tj and Dj, I realised that we havent told the fans about the girls! I jogged into the front room where the guys were 'Hey guys. I just realised that we havent told the fans about us adopting.' They knew exactly what I was thinking because we all yelled 'LIVESTREAM TIME!!!!!' We laughed at that and even harder when the Andrew, Tj and Dj yelled 'DID SOMEONE SAY LIVESTREAM?!'

Time Skip to Livestream because pokemon...idek

Still Mitch's P.O.V

'Girls come on! We're starting the Livestream in 5!...Oh and Andrew you're welcome to join!'  I laughed as they raced downstairs. '5...4...3...2...1 and we're live!' Adam yelled. Jerome started off 'Hey guys whats up! Welcome to our livestream!' Seto went next 'So guys. You may be wondering who the two extra people are! I'll let Mitch tell you who they are!' I started 'Well doods. This is Tj and this is Dj. They were the lucky two too be adopted! BUT they are the children of Team Crafted!' I said the last bit in a derpy voice.

Time skip again. (I cant be bothered to go through what everyone says)

Tj & Dj's P.O.V (telepathy ftw)

Tj: 'Hey Dj?'

Dj: 'Yah?'

Tj: Are we ever going to tell the guys about our Telepathy?'

Dj: 'Maybe. I dont know how they will react. Just because most of us are Hybrids doesn't mean that our Telepathy will go down well.'

Ty (oooo twist..) : 'You're not the only ones with the ability to talk to people in your heads.'

Dj: 'Ohmaga. Ty do they know about yours?'

Ty: Nah. Only Adam knows..:

Dj&Tj: 'oohhhh do we detect some Skylox?'

Ty: 'What? N..N..No..'

Tj: 'Its ok Ty. We wont tell'

Ty: 'Thanks guys..'

Dj: ' AHA! So you admit you like Adam!'

Ty: '.....Its a possibility....'


And I will leave you guys there! Cliffhangers ftw! Yes, there will be gay ships like Skylox and Merome ect ect because they are my favourites. Dont like it #DealWidIt :)

Also for those who may question my name, Tj is not my real name but my actual name caused me to be bullied in school/college so in 3 years when im 16 (im 13) I will legally change my name to Tj.

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