Chapter 26 + Its like 1:20am here :/

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A/N I just got back from Battle Of The Bands and I'm super tired but I don't wanna sleep, so I'm gonna try and update! Yayyyyyy!!!!

Third Person P.O.V

As Tj said yes, Toby's world felt brighter. He felt...Happy for once.For about five seconds. Toby's life wasn't the best and Tj's just about to find out.
'Toby you son of a bitch where are you!' Toby cringed at his brothers words. 'I'm so sorry Tj but you gotta go.' 'Why? Toby. Whats he doing?''Just please Tj. I don't want you to get hurt!' 'Toby! What is going on?!' 'TOBY!!' 'Y-Yes Justin- I mean, Yes Sir' 'Whos ya cute little friend here?' Justin slurred, Obviously drunk. 'Don't you dare touch her' 'Aww! Trying to protect your little girlyfriend here? Pathetic! Now move!' 'No.' 'Excuse me? Did you just answear back to me?!' 'Yes. And I swear to notch, if you even lay one finger one her, I WILL call the cops.' 'Ha! Toby your funny. Now MOVE' 'NEVER!' Toby didn't even cringe, almost as if he was used to this.
Toby's P.O.V

As Justin went to punch Me Something clicked inside my brain. Before I even knew what I was doing, I grabbed Justins fist, twisting it around his back, pinning him to the ground. Before he left, my dad taught me how to defend myself and the people I care about.  'Hey Tj, can you pass me that rope?' 'Y-yeah' I tied the rope around Justins hands and feet, making sure he couldn't get up. I grabbed a fist full of his hair, making him look up at me, (I'm writing this on my phone and my thumbs just don't want to co-operate :/) I readied my fist and punched him right in the nose. Something I've wanted to do for over 10 years. 

A/N Hey bros! I wanted to write more but my thumbs wont co-operate, I'm so tired and it's 2:00am now :/ meh oh well! Battle Of The Bands went well! Anywayz! Until Next Time! Baaaiiiii!!!

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