(Larry) Harry, Sick Stomach; Part 2

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"Can you please do a part two, with Daddy directions thoughts on the situation?"

REQUESTED BY: -     ElishaHilker                  

Sitting on that bathroom floor, Harry sleeping on his legs, Louis lost track of time. His legs long ago gone numb, he had absolutely no idea of the hour. He had thought of disturbing the curly lad, only to end up fawning over just how peaceful he looked while asleep.

Besides, sitting there on that floor watching the light change from darkness to a banquet of colours wasn't all that bad.


Alarm ringing through the bedroom, [cue for the Wolverhampton lad to wake up], had Liam Payne rousing to an urgent need to use the bathroom- bladder ever impatient in the mornings.

Forcing himself from bed with a yawn and stretch, he slowly made his way to the bathroom; surprised to find it already occupied. Knocking receiving no response her cautiously pushed the door open, smiling at the scene he was met with: Louis with his back up against the tub, hand idly weaved into brown curls while the owner of said curls was sound asleep with his head rested upon crossed legs; snores just able to be detected.

Concluding that Harry had likely woken feeling Ill and Louis had been of assistance, Liam fully entered the room, crouching by the oldest.

"Mmm," Louis moaned, coming dangerously close to jumping from his skin as he was yet again prodded awake. Blinking blurring up at Liam he frowned, "What's up?"

"Need the toilet," Liam answered, trying to refrain from jumping from foot to foot as his need did nothing but intensify. "Is he alright?"

"Harry?" Louis looked down, "I don't know. He woke about to puke and promptly fell asleep after. I didn't have the heart to wake him."

Cringing, Liam fixed Harry with a sympathetic look. Nobody liked being sick. "Do you think we should wake him? Move him to the bed?"

"Don't know, probably." Louis shrugged, hating the idea of disturbing him, "Can you help me? My legs are sort of numb."

Liam nodded, picking Harry up with ease. "He'll be much more comfortable in a bed, you both will." The heat coming off Harry was evident, the next twenty four hours likely not being much fun for any of them.

Standing up with caution, Louis shook out both his legs before painfully making his way to where Liam had lain Harry down - Liam having bolted back towards the bathroom.

Returning to the bedroom, Liam couldn't help but notice the way the pair seemed to attach to one another, even in sleep.


Waking up around lunchtime briefly left Harry confused as to how exactly he had gotten to bed. Luckily waking Louis had proved beneficial in filling in the blanks.
"Feeling better?" Louis has asked him, which thankfully he was, although not 100%. His stomach still hurt a little and the room still swayed with sudden movement, but he felt warm and comforted and that was enough.

Hmm, did I change it too much? Let me know. ❤️❤️❤️

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