(Reader Insert) Zayn, Stomach Cramps; With You

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"U don't have to do this I'm just saying but can u like do one where Zayn has rlly bad stomach cramps and it's just Zayn and Y/N"

REQUESTED BY: - Anonymous

You wake up, being unsure on what woke you, before long you notice that Zayn is sleeping very restlessly: usually he is a pretty sound sleeper. It's still pretty dark outside so you reach for him and pull him into you, making a mental note to ask him about his sleep come daylight.

You wake next to the sunlight streaming into your bedroom through a small gap in the curtains, you blink your eyes rapidly in order to clear the sleep from them, and look around to see Zayn, who still seems to be sleeping soundly. Currently he is lying on his belly with one hand tucked underneath the pillow, the other wrapped around his stomach underneath him. Just like when you had woken to him moving about in his sleep you find the position that he is sleeping in slightly odd; you decide that you will question him when he wakes up.

Lying beside him and watching him sleep it takes roughly twenty minutes before he sleepily cracks one of his eyes open and looks at you. You notice that he inhales deeply before he rolls onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow and leaning his head on the back of his hand.

"Everything alright babe?" you ask him, still thinking about waking in the middle of the night.

"MMMMM," he exhales "what's the time baby?" he asks back, avoiding your question.

"About 9AM." You answer him, watching as he sits up. Not failing to notice the groan he tries to hide from you.

"Zayn." You say to him in a serious voice "What's wrong?"

"My stomach feels sore," you watch as he prods at his stomach gingerly, looking confused.

"Oh," you say quietly under your breath. If Zayn is sick than this day is about to be torture. Zayn was a moody enough person, something that got a hundred times worse when he wasn't feeling great.

"It just feels sore though. Mostly when I move." He elaborates, his words bringing you some relief.

"Do you think you have gas?" you ask him, embarrassing both him and yourself. Even though you are not a girly girl asking your boyfriend about his farting habits isn't exactly something on the top of your list of fun things to do.

"Y/N NO" he blushes, quickly excusing himself to the bathroom to use the toilet. You watch as he comes back a few minutes later with one of his arms wrapped protectively around his stomach, his movements slow and careful.

"Maybe having some breakfast would help?" you suggest. Thinking and somewhat hoping that his cramps might go away if he puts some food into his stomach.

"I don't know," he says "Maybe." He stands next the bed, waiting for you to hop out of it, and the two of you walk into the kitchen.

Once the two of you enter the kitchen you watch him from the corner of your eye. Zayn sits down at the table, and you notice the way he tries not to let any of the pain he is in show on his face. You walk across to the counter grabbing some bread, putting it into the toaster before going over to the fridge to retrieve the butter.

You make the both of you some buttered toast and go and sit down at the table with him, placing his in front of him. Each of you sit in silence slowly chewing on the toast, when both of the plates are empty you pick them up going to wash them up in the sink before coming to sit back down at the table.

"Feeling any better?" you ask Zayn, hoping that he will say he does.

"My stomach still feels sore, it's full of cramps." He tells you as you feel discouraged.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know," he says. The room falls silent again, Zayn thinking before he comes up with something "Y/N, do you reckon you would be able to rub my stomach?"

"Of-Course babe." You answer him, being more than happy to do anything that might help him to feel better. "Do you want to go and lay on the couch? Or would you prefer to go back to bed?"

"Couch." He responds, and the two of you stand up leaving the kitchen and going into the living area. You sit down on the couch first, positioning yourself so that your back is against the armrest and your legs up on the cushions; once you get situated Zayn comes over sitting in between your legs and leaning back against you.

"Thanks babe." He says to you as you start to slowly rub gently circles onto his belly through his shirt.

It doesn't take long until you notice his breathing even out, Zayn falling asleep on you. Deciding not to disturb him you carefully fish your phone out from your pocket, going to social media and scrolling through it, before long you dose off yourself. Waking after a short time to Zayn stirring in your lap,

"Feeling any better baby?" you ask him sleepily.

"A little," he says sitting up "Y/N."


"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asks "I'm bored."

"Yeah sure." You say, detangling yourself from him, and going to put on a random street racing film. "So Zayn be honest, how is the stomach?" you ask, sitting back down.

"It only hurts a little bit, that's all." He says leaning into your side, massaging his own stomach.

"Do you feel sick at all?" you ask concerned.

"No. I just have cramps. Kind of like when you need to go to the toilet." He answers, looking at me; I notice that he seems a little embarrassed.

"Okay, come here." You tell him, positioning yourself as you originally were as the movie starts.

About halfway through the movie you feel him start to squirm uncharacteristically,

"You sure you're alright?" you ask, again feeling concern for him.

He looks down at his lap. "I think I do need to fart." He says as quietly as he can.

"Just let it out than Hun." You tell him holding back your desire to laugh; knowing that if you were in his position you would feel the exact same way.

"I can't." He says standing up "I'll be back babe."

You watch him leave the room. He returns approximately fifteen minutes later looking a whole lot less pained.

"You good?" you ask him, as he sits back down next to you.

"Yeah, I feel better now." He blushes, refusing to make eye contact.

"So it was just gas than?" you ask him, feeling intrigued.

"I guess." He mumbles under his breath.

"Zayn let this be your first lesson in learning that I am always right." You laugh at him, finding him cute with the way he is blushing. "Come on, let's finish watching the movie." You say, snuggling up to him again. The two of you enjoy the rest of your day, thankfully with Zayn feeling pain free.


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