(Reader Insert) Harry, You Catch His Cold

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"Y/n catches Harry's cold and she tries to hide it while taking care of him"

REQUESTED BY: - ashbel14 , Thank you for the request.


You had been playing nurse to your stubborn boyfriend Harry Styles for a few days now. He had somehow managed to catch a horrible cold, and unfortunately for you he was a horrible patient, Harry had to be one of the most stubborn people you knew, always insisting that he was fine, and that you should leave and go home before you too became sick.

Of-course he didn't yet know that you could be just as stubborn as him, so you had refused to go, ensuring him that you had an A class immune system and that you never got sick.

You were telling the truth about being stubborn, but not necessarily about the immune system thing. That was how it came to be that four days into caring for Harry you found yourself starting to feel sick, Harry was now only slightly sniffily and congested, letting out the odd cough. But you were feeling like death warmed up, you had already spent the better part of the last twenty four hours trying to be sneaky about when you coughed, and trying to stifle your sneezes.

As much as you wanted to, you were way too stubborn to tell Harry about how you were feeling for three reasons:
One, he would taunt you with 'I told you so.' Two, you didn't want him to blame himself for you getting sick, and three, you didn't want him trying to take care of you when he was still getting better himself.

At first you had barely even noticed that you were getting sick, it had been nothing more than just an annoying tickle in the back of your throat, but it hadn't taken long to progress to a massive headache and a fully congested nose.

All you really wanted to do was to go and curl up into a ball and allow death to come for you as quickly as possible. You didn't want your boyfriend to childishly chaff you about how he had been right and you had been wrong. If achieving that meant not mentioning how you were feeling then so be it.

Harry was just waking up, and you had gone off to the kitchen to make him some tea, by this stage you were partially hoping that he would notice that you were sick. Mostly because you knew you were too stubborn to ever admit that he had been right, also if Harry was to notice than you wouldn't be admitting it, and maybe the taunting wouldn't be so bad.

You finished with the tea, splashing cool water on your face from the kitchen tap, trying in vain to remove some of the fog from your head before you took it to Harry.

"How are you feeling babe?" You asked, as you handed him the warm beverage, trying not to shiver as you lost the warmth of the mug. You found yourself longing for a warm cuddle under a comfortable blanket with a nice hot cup of soup held between your hands.

"Heaps," Harry answered you, still sounding nasally, although nothing like he had "Are you, Y/N?"

You stopped yourself from answering no, as much as you wanted to tell him that you were feeling like crap on toast you just couldn't. You were much to stubborn to give in that easily, you were not going to willingly admit defeat until your body could no longer physically function properly on its own.

"I'm fine babe, don't worry." You told him, cursing yourself inside, him noticing something was up was what you had wanted.

"Are you sure?" Harry prodded further "You don't look to well Hun!"

'Oh how wonderful would it be to just cuddle up with him?' you thought to yourself, before answering out loud "I'm fine babe! You just focus on getting yourself better."

"I feel better," Harry smirked at you mischievously "All thanks to you, you're such an awesome girlfriend." You yelped a little as he pulled you down onto the bed for a cuddle, cursing out your body's betrayal as you found yourself leaning into him in search of comfort.

"Are you really sure that you are feeling okay?" Harry frowned at you.

"Yes, of-course." You nodded still cuddled into him.

You figured that you must have fallen asleep at some point while the two of you had been cuddling; when you woke you found that somehow you had manoeuvred yourself so that you were lying almost on top of him, while he had his arms wrapped around you. Sitting up, and pulling out of his arms, taking the blanket with you, you found yourself letting out an unexpected yet forceful sneeze.

"You're sick aren't you Hun?" Harry asked you, sitting up next to you and rubbing your back. His hand felt nice and warm on your back, alerting you to the chill that had taken up residence throughout your body.

You just nodded pitifully, scooting over on the bed so that you could lean into him, allowing him to wrap his arms that still felt slightly to warm around you.

"I'm sorry, but I did tell you that you would get sick." He pulled you closer as he spoke.

"Please Harry, don't say I told you so." I mumbled against his skin.

"I wasn't going to," he pulled away "I was going to suggest we move to the couch and watch movies, or we could just stay here and nap together?"

"Movies sound great." You spoke, leaning into him once more as he helped you get up and go to the couch.

"I'm going to go get you some medicine, and something to drink." He said, helping you sit down, heading into the kitchen and returning just moments later with some cold and flu tablets and a bottle of cold water from the fridge. He then got up putting the notebook on for the two of you before sitting beside you and allowing you to lean all over him, falling asleep about halfway through the movie.

The two of you spent the next week caring for each other, Harry getting better long before you and helping you to get better, fortunately for you Harry Styles was an excellent carer and had you feeling better in no time at all.


A/N : - Argh, this needed more dialogue, I tried. Please if anybody would like to Beta read/write please swing me an inbox.

13/21 Chapters to go, until we are back to where we were.

I also have four new chapters to post.

I will update some more later.

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