Niall, Food Poisoning; Part 1

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"Niall Horan seems to have an insatiable appetite, but it also gets him in trouble sometimes, like when it betrays him and he gets sick"

REQUESTED BY: - directioner09131993,

Niall Horan was notorious for his love of food! He lived and breathed food, and to say that food made up almost the entirety of his life would be an understatement.

His favourite of all the food in the entire world was Nandos.

You know that movie, 'Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy' and how those two little mice had sought out the giant computer in search as to what the meaning of life was? If Niall had been that computer than he would have answered with food. After all without food there was no life: it made sense in a backwards sort of way, you needed food to survive, and without it there was no life.

The boys where currently at Nandos enjoying lunch and Niall had absolutely stuffed himself full to the brim. He has stuffed himself so full that his stomach was hurting, he did feel a tad guilty at his display of gluttonous behaviour, but given the others avoidance of the delicious succulent chicken that all four of his band mates had refused to eat, claiming that it had been undercooked, how was he not supposed to devour it, even if they had all questioned him thoroughly while he did so; maintaining that he was going to sick from eating so much, if not from the food itself.

At the time Niall had just shrugged their concerns off, and kept about eating, but now after the boys had returned to their hotel, he began to wonder if they had been right. The stomach ache that had started back at the restaurant hadn't yet disappeared, despite several attempts at using the bathroom, he was also starting to feel slightly nauseous.

The boys were all sat together in the living area of the hotel, playing some random game on the X-box.

"Hey Niall, you okay?" Zayn asked, noticing as Niall attempted to subtly rub at his upset and hurting stomach.

"My stomach hurts," Niall let out from between pain clenched teeth, he wasn't feeling good and he really longed for a warm body to snuggle up to, while they worked to rub the pain away. "Think you were right about lunch."

"Aww Niall, come here." Zayn softened his voice, dropping his usual tough exterior. He was always quick to offer a comforting hug to the adorable blond and second youngest of the group. Niall scooter over to the tan boy, leaning into his warm side falling into a light sleep, he woke some time later to the playful but loud banter of his band mates. Coming fully into consciousness he let out a pained and sick moan, the nap hadn't helped at all, if anything he felt worse.

It didn't take Zayn, who Niall was still pressed up against long to become aware of the Irish boys discomfort.

"Niall you good?" He asked, alerting Liam to the situation.

Liam who was always trying to care for the group and keep everything in order immediately tuned into the pairs interaction. "Niall is everything alright?" he asked, jumping straight into his Daddy direction mode.

Zayn shook his head at Liam, while Niall whined. Causing the boys on either side of him to look at him with eyes full of concern, they had all warned him not to eat the chicken at lunch.

"MMMMM," Niall moaned "I'm not okay."

"The chicken?" Louis asked, stopping his flirtatious banter with Harry to see what was going on with the others.

"Looks like." Liam and Zayn answered in unison, Niall moaned again, he felt like he wanted to be sick, his stomach was cramping, and it felt as if somebody had turned it on to spin cycle, not unlike that of a washing machine.

Liam looked at him looking so miserable, "Want to go to the bathroom? Maybe a nice hot shower will help." He offered, helping the blond to his feet as he nodded.

However reaching the bathroom Niall's body had other plans, heading for the shower he let out a sick sounding burp.

"Crap," Liam swore, as Niall let out another "are you going to be sick?"

Niall nodded pitifully as he stumbled forward, dropping down in front of the toilet and immediately starting to retch. Liam cringed, wishing that he could do more to help other than just rubbing his back. He had tears rolling down his face as he finished up leaning back into the warmth behind him, and Liam didn't know if he was actually crying or if it was just from how forcefully he had been throwing up.

He allowed the sick boy to just relax into his embrace for a while, before deciding that a shower would probably most definitely be of some help, he adjusted Niall so he was leaning against the wall, and stood up adjusting the knobs until a steady stream of warm water was running freely in the shower cubicle.

He helped Niall stand up and undress, bearing the most of his weight, Liam being unsure if he'd be able to stand unassisted in the shower jumped in fully clothed behind him, helping him to clean himself and trying to get as much warm water as possible to run over the sick boys stomach. Turning the water off they made their way over to the bedrooms, Liam getting Niall dressed and laying him down before putting on dry clothes himself.

Hearing Niall whimper at the loss of his warmth, he crawled into bed beside him, snuggling close and rubbing his stomach, feeling relieved when it became obvious that Niall was peacefully sleeping.

🤷‍♀️ this fic will likely always make me cringe, but since it was liked when I first wrote it . . .

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