Harry, Cold/Chest Infection

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"Can you do where Harry gets a really bad cold and he acts like a kid (he doesn't want to put on more clothes, doesn't want to take meds...) and his cold then gets worse and actually he gest severe chest infection and the boys have to take care of him, they pretty much baby him"

REQUESTED BY: - janja812

When Harry woke up the first thought that popped into his head was that he felt like crap. He swallowed trying to offer his sore dry and scratchy throat some lubrication, and sniffled loudly in an attempt to clear some of the congestion from his nose. He kicked the blanket from his overheating body and became aware during the process that his head also hurt.

Having freed himself from the confines of his blankets Harry sat up on the side of the bed, finding himself overcome by dizziness he waited for his vision to return to normal before he carefully stood up and headed into his bathroom, figuring that a shower would probably help.

Hopping into the shower he sighed in relief as he felt the first of the cool water droplets land down onto his head, running off his body down his back. Harry felt exhausted and just plain sick. He stood under the cool stream of water for roughly fifteen minutes before he hopped out, wrapping himself in a towel and heading to his room to put underwear on, he briefly contemplated just getting back into bed and sleeping some more, but he wanted comfort. Harry again dragged his struggling body up from the side of his bed, walking out to the living room. Finding Liam sitting alone on the couch he plopped himself down beside him.

Liam looked across to Harry, noticing that he seemed to be pouting. "Harry, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Harry continued pouting, moving around so his legs where over the arm of the couch and his head was in Liam's lap.

"Harry?" Liam lightly reprimanded him, looking down at where Harry was lying across him. He wondered how the tall lanky boys position could possibly be comfortable.

"'M hot," Harry mumbled, turning so his face was buried into Liam's stomach. "My throat hurts."

Liam noticed the way that Harry's back was hitching as if he was crying. "You sick, Harry?" He asked, Harry usually got emotional when he was. "I think you have a fever. Let me up so I can go and get the thermometer to check." He said placing his hand on the back of Harry's exposed neck.

"Nope." Harry stubbornly replied. Liam wished that either Louis or Niall were around to help him, but the two of them had gone to watch a ball game and they weren't due back for a few more hours yet. Liam was alone, and being alone with a sick Harry was something that nobody would be envying him for anytime soon.

Liam sighed loudly, he needed to try and find a way to persuade the younger boy to allow him to take his temperature. "Okay, Harry, it isn't exactly a hot day though, and you are in your underwear."

Harry made no attempt at all to acknowledge Liam. "Harry, if you have a fever we need to find out how high it is so we can make it better. What do you say?"

"I say that I don't have a fever!" Harry replied petulantly, rolling over even further so he was lying on his stomach with his feet bent up behind him against the arm rest. Liam again thought that there was no way that the tall boy could be comfortable in such a position. The boys could not come back quickly enough.

"Do you want to watch a movie then?" Liam asked. He could tell that Harry wasn't well just by the way he was acting; and if he wouldn't allow Liam to care for him than the best he could hope for was making sure he was at least comfortable.

He felt Harry nod against his leg. "Okay, Haz, but I'm going to need you to sit up so I can put something on." Harry quickly sat up. Lying back down on the couch fully reclined on his back once Liam had stood up. Liam decided he was going to get some supplies just in case, going to get some water from the kitchen, the thermometer and some cold medicine from the main bathroom.

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