Niall, Migraine

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"Sometimes Niall gets migraines, and sometimes the boys are there to help him through them."


Niall loved being known as the Irish one, he loved that he could play guitar and mostly he just loved life. However what he didn't love was the incessant pain that had clawed its way into his head and taken up residence there. He tended to get Migraines, mostly when he was stressed, overtired, ate too much junk food, or come to think of it pretty much any reason that they saw fit to torture him for. Roughly once a month Niall James Horan would find himself on the losing side of them.

The only good thing about when he got his migraines was that he would generally spend the day snuggled up to Zayn, his subtly gentle scent being the most bearably of all the boys, but that didn't mean that the others didn't have their good points.

Liam would bring him Ice-packs to place on his aching head, in an attempt to lessen the pain some. Louis would try and make him laugh, in his attempt to take his mind off the pain. Harry would usually place himself wherever he was needed, which unfortunately for him with the strongest stomach of them all was usually rubbing the small blonde boys back as he heaved over the toilet.

This morning when Niall had woken up, he felt as if he had just crawled his way into hell, and he knew he was about to be hit with a massive migraine, 'no,no,no' he thought to himself, now was not a good time, the band had back to back shows for the next few days, and with all the other things that were crammed into the boys busy schedule, he nor them had time for any of them to be sick.

Niall picked himself up off of the hotel bed, feeling like he was on fire; he went across to his suitcase rummaging through it until he found the packet of pills his doctor had given him for his migraines, at times like these he considered those pills to be gold, only problem was that they didn't always work. Niall popped out two pills throwing the rest of the packet onto his bed, making a mental note to put them in his pocket before leaving the room.

Rubbing at his temples, he undressed slowly hopping into the shower. He hoped that it would help the pills work better. Once he got out, he put on some clothes, not really caring if they looked good, somebody else would dress them the way they wanted later anyway. Looking around the room he shoved his pills into his pocket before going down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of the band.

"Nialler," Louis cheerfully greeted him, immediately noticing that something seemed to be up with him, "you alright?" He asked, clapping the younger boy on the back, causing him to wince.

"I have a headache." He answered truthfully, the others knew about his migraines, there was no point in trying to hide them. If Niall's pills didn't kick in he would find himself curled up in a little ball of misery in a few hours anyway. He just hoped that the pills would kick in and do their job.

Liam who had heard him tell Louis of his headache grew worried, "Are you sure you are going to be fine getting through the day?" He worriedly asked.

If Niall had been given a choice of going to work or staying in bed, he wouldn't have bothered even leaving his bed, "Don't know, but I hope so."

Niall managed to get through two interviews before he found himself stretched out across the back seat of the van, head buried into Zayn's thigh. Every little noise hurting his vulnerable head and the motion of the car making him want to throw up, the boys were currently on their way to rehearsal. He really wished he could just call it quits for the day, but management seemed to be particularly out of sorts, so he decided against finding out.

Niall usually enjoyed rehearsal, found it an excellent warm up, but today he just wanted to lay in a dark room and sleep. He didn't want to have to miss the show they had later tonight though, and he figured if he couldn't even survive a simple rehearsal than how could he expect to perform later. Concerts where ten times worse, what with all the lights and screaming that would be increasing the pain inside his skull, not to mention how hot it got up on stage.

Somehow Niall managed to push his way through rehearsals with no major struggles; he had needed to sit down a few times due to feeling dizzy, but after drinking some water had been ready to go again. After they finished up, he took two more of the pills he still had in his pocket and went to try and lay down for a while until it was show time.

It was during the last two hours until stage time that he really started feeling the effects of his migraine, he felt hot and then cold, he was so nauseous and every movement made him want to be sick, no matter how hard he tried he just could not get comfortable, not even with his head once more laying on Zayn's thigh.

"I'm not sure about this show," Zayn said rubbing his hand over Niall's forehead, "are you sure that you can do it?"

"No," Niall whispered, eyes squeezed closed against the brightness of the room. "But I owe it to the fans to at least try!"

"Okay," Zayn frowned at him "just take it easy okay, we still have an hour to go, try and sleep some more."

Once the concert started Niall found himself wishing that he could just cut his aching and disorientated head from his body, his eyes were burning and the lights were making him tear up. His ears felt so sensitive, and every noise was sending new spikes of pain through his head, all the screaming was definitely not helping matters at all. Not to mention the smell of his own sweating body was making him feel nauseous; come intermission he had actually found himself vomiting in the nearest toilet back stage. He was so thankfully when the concert ended, allowing himself to fall into the nearest boy who just so happened to be Harry as they left the venue.

Getting back to the hotel, showering and taking some more painkillers, he passed out almost as soon as his head his the pillow.

Thankfully waking up the next day feeling loads better; as much as he hated migraines and how they made him feel, and that life on the road seemed to increase how often he got them, he wouldn't trade his life for anything, he was so grateful that he had his four best mates to help him feel better when he needed them.

I think as a writer it's very rare for one to be happy with their own work 🤷‍♀️

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