(Narry) Harry, Fever And Clingy

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"Pleaseee could you write a Narry one where Harry is sick with a fever and won't let anyone take care of him except for Niall and he clings to Niall all day. But Niall has to go out for awhile so Liam and Louis look after him but he starts screaming for Niall and has this big fit and ends up passing out. So Louis and Liam phone Niall to come back and Niall looks after him?"

REQUESTED BY: -   horan_hannah  

Niall woke up with a smile on his face, his life currently felt absolutely perfect: One Direction was still a well-known household name, his solo career was taking off nicely, and most days he got to wake up next to the love of his life. What more could he possible ask for?

Rolling over with every intention to initiate what felt like a long overdue make-out session, Niall quickly found his good mood deflating. His boyfriend, Harry, was cocooned in the blankets, sweating profusely. "'Morning," He smiled as Harry opened his eyes, "are you feeling okay, babe?"

Harry just whimpered wiggling his blanket covered body closer to the only other source of warmth in the bed.

Niall laughed allowing his boyfriend to crawl into his arms, "I can tell that you have a fever, a pretty decent one by the feel of it." He placed the back of his hand against Harry's sweaty forehead, "Can you let me up?"

Harry whimpered, fixing Niall with his puppy dog eyes, "I don't want you to go." He said pathetically.

"Babe, I just need to go get you some medicine, and the thermometer to see how high your fever actually is." Niall said, trying in vain to get up from the bed, "Haz, I need to get up."

"No." Harry whined, "Not unless I'm coming too." He said, sitting up.

"Okay." Niall laughed getting out of bed and going into the bathroom, Harry following close behind. Grabbing the thermometer he let out a subtle curse at realising that they didn't have any ibuprofen in the house. 'Hopefully his fever won't be too high.' He thought as he got Harry to sit down on the closed toilet seat, slipping the instrument into his mouth. Pulling it out when it beeped he frowned at the number, "101.8F (38.7C)" He said, wetting a cloth and placing it on the back of Harry's neck.

"'S cold," Harry complained, looking at Niall blankly. His mind was feeling all slow and foggy, all he wanted to do was go back to bed and cuddle with his boyfriend until he felt like the day was worth living.

"Yeah, I know. We haven't got any medicine so it'll have to do." Niall said, "Wanna go back to bed? Maybe you'll feel better with a bit more sleep?"

"Will you sleep with me?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Haz, babe, I have things to do today." Niall answered. "I'd love to stay in bed with you all day, but, it's just not possible."

Harry felt tears sting at his eyes, "Can I help you?" He asked.

"It's stuff for my album," Niall said, pausing at he watched Harry's face fall. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

"What about your album?" Harry asked sadly. He really wanted to be with Niall, but not if it was going to cause issues for him.

"I'll do it later, you're more important." Niall smiled, helping Harry up and leading him into the living room. "What movie should we watch?" He asked once Harry seemed comfortable on the couch.

"'Love actually'" Harry answered watching as Niall put the DVD into the player. "Where are you going?" He asked, starting to panic as Niall went to leave the room.

"Relax, Harry," Niall laughed, "I'm just going to get you some water. We can't have you getting dehydrated."

Harry stood up, "I'm coming."

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