Louis, Sunburnt/Surfing; In Australia

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"One Direction are spending some time touring in Australia. Louis thinks that surfing looks like fun and decides to give it a go, unfortunately he didn't account for the hot Australian sun and finds himself with a decent sunburn."


The band was currently on the Australian leg of their second tour. As they sat socializing in their usual black van with tinted windows Louis found himself brainstorming about potential ideas to have a little fun.

'Wow, that looks like fun.' He thought, getting distracted by a group of surfers as they passed a beach. "Can we go to the beach?" Louis asked excitedly, interrupting the conversation of the other four boys.

"What? Why?" Niall asked, usually Louis was most content to just stay in and play video games.

"I don't know." Louis shrugged. "I think surfing would be pretty wicked to try."

"What if you got hurt? Isn't that supposed to be pretty dangerous?" Harry asked. Louis could tell that he was intrigued with the idea, even though he was questioning it.

"What about sharks, and stingrays, and whatever else that lives in the ocean and wants to kill you?" Liam asked.

Louis laughed, "I'm sure it isn't really that bad. Come on, we'll get an instructor and try it out, it's not like we have anything to do until the show tomorrow night anyway."

"I don't know." Liam said, looking at both Harry and Niall.

"Seriously? You guys want to stay indoors on a beautiful sunny day like this?" Louis asked turning to Zayn, who was yet to express his opinion, "Zayn, what do you say? Wanna go surfing?"

"Not really, I don't feel like dying today." Zayn muttered, "But if you want to, go for it."

"Haha, very funny," Louis said dryly. It was only 10AM, and he needed to find something to do before he literally went crazy from boredom.

"Fine," Liam conceded an hour later when he got tired of Louis moping around.

"Fine what?" Louis cheekily asked.

"We'll go to the beach." Liam sighed. "Find where you want to go and let Paul know."

Louis nodded, searching up: 'Good beached to surf at, Sydney' into Google.

Twenty minutes later had all five of them back in the van and heading to a beach named: 'Dee Why Beach.'

"Did you have to pick one so far away?" Zayn complained after thirty minutes of driving.

"It's not that far away, we're almost there. Besides, it had heaps of good reviews." Louis said excitedly, bouncing in his seat a little.

"What are you going to do about a surfboard?" Niall asked.

"I'll rent one out; there is a place just up from the beach." Louis said. "Are you guys going to surf with me?"

"No thanks." Harry said.

"Haha, you're the only insane one here." Zayn chimed in.

"So what are you guys going to do then?" Louis asked. He felt like his friends/ band mates were being real spoil sports.

"Probably go and get some lunch, or something." Harry said as they arrived at the beach.

"Okay," Louis said, feeling a bit disappointed that he was being ditched.

"Well, have fun." Niall said as they got out of the van.

"Yeah, and don't forget sunscreen," Liam added, patting him on the back.

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