Liam, Migraine

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"Liam has a migraine, usually he can handle them, but as the band's busy day goes on he finds his migraine worsening."


It was hard enough trying to be the responsible one in a group of five rowdy boys when you weren't in pain: Silence always seemed to call for noise, asking somebody to behave immediately meant get up to mischief. Basically it seemed that the boys all seemed to try extra hard to do the opposite of whatever was asked of them. And in short it made Liam's job as the somewhat self-allocated responsible one rather hard.

Most times Liam didn't mind it, he enjoyed being known for something, and it gave him a sense of pride that he seemed to be the most responsible. Liam liked that he had been titled as 'Daddy Direction'; but sometimes he wished that the boys could just tone it down for a bit, even if only for a little while.

Especially when he had a headache, or wasn't feeling all that great, Liam had known that it was going to be a bad day from the moment that he'd opened his eyes.

Waking up alone in his bed of the most recent hotel they were staying at, he couldn't help but take notice of the dull ache that had taken up residence behind his right eye; usually a warning sign that there was worse to come. The Wolverhampton boy didn't often get headaches, but on the rare occasions that he did such as these, they tended to turn into migraines, full blown ones.

Liam groaned as he rolled over to grab his phone from the bedside table, his muscles felt tired and sore, lifting his phone up to his face and squinting at it he saw that it was 7:34 AM, the day being Friday. Thinking of when he had been in school he recalled how being a Friday used to bring him comfort, knowing that the next day was the start of the weekend. But being in the band, Friday meant nothing to him, Management rode them all hard. Downtime was hard to come by when you were in the world's biggest boy band.

Liam let out a sigh, hoping to hell that the pain killers he kept in the bottom of his suitcase would do the job, and stop his headache right in its tracks. Or maybe if there was a heaven somebody would have mercy on him. He was somewhat dreading the day, and he hoped that his headache would not lead to any potentially embarrassing moments, something that all the fans and paparazzi would totally eat up. He had been doing this a while and had grown use to the paparazzi, he could even feel sorry for some of them, after all they were just trying to do their job. He worried more about the fans; he didn't like the idea of them witnessing him in a weak moment. Nor of his weakness being used to the delight of fan fiction writers looking for inspiration for new stories.

Pulling himself up and out of the bed he heard a quick succession of knocks at the door to his room, figuring it was time to start the busy day.

"Liam," He heard Louis, who was the eldest and the loudest call through the closed door "come on, we need to get going!"

"I'm coming." Liam responded, reluctantly thinking of everything they had to do, he thanked whoever may be listening that they at least didn't have any performances, not that he could remember anyway. Going over to his suitcase he grabbed out his packet of Advil, dry swallowing two pills and shoving the packet into his pocket. He then changed his T-shirt and went to the door, opening it and greeting Louis, who was still standing on the other side.

"Morning Lou." He mumbled, already wishing he could just go back to bed, his headache had gotten worse just standing up.

"You alright?" Louis asked "You look a little pale."

"Just tired."

Liam did a good job of ignoring his head until approximately five minutes before their first interview for the day was due to start. He wasn't yet due for another dose of Advil, but he downed another pill anyway. His head was hurting so much that he was starting to find it hard to concentrate. Sounds were still relatively okay, but the louder ones made him want to curl in a ball and cry. Thankfully the interview wasn't being held live.

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