(Larry) Harry, Hurt; Set Accident

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"Maybe do one where Harry is doing a music video and Louis is there just to watch him. Harry's in a harness hanging in the air and something goes wrong and it crashes to the ground. Louis runs to him, later followed by a set doctor. He hurt some ribs and his wrist. They brace up his injuries but tell him that they would like to do a few more scenes before calling it quits. He's in so much pain but agrees. Louis takes off his wrist brace and holds onto it while he finishes the scenes (director doesn't want it in the shot - idea from Sam in supernatural, haha). Louis puts it back on for him in the end and then show Louis comforting and taking care of Harry cause he's hurting badly."

REQUESTED BY: - itsgonnabemay5

"Are you ready for today?" Louis asked, rolling over in his and Harry's shared bed, looking at him lovingly.

"Um, yeah, I guess." Harry answered somewhat nervously. Today he was set to record a music video for his new hit 'Sign of The Times' and while it certainly wouldn't be his first time filming, it would however be his first time filming alone, and in a harness swinging around in the air.

"Aww, babe, you'll be just fine," Louis said, patting Harry's shoulder reassuringly. "And, I'll be there." He added, flashing his best award winning smile.

"Thanks," Harry smiled; Louis' surety was definitely reassuring. "What would I do without you?" He asked, pulling the blanket back and sitting up on the edge of the bed to stretch.

"Crash and burn, baby, crash and burn," Louis chuckled, getting out of his own side of the bed and making his way into the bathroom to get ready for the busy day ahead.

"Not funny!" Harry declared. Crashing and burning could literally be how his day played out, especially considering that he would be putting all his faith in nothing more than a stranger and some random fibres.

"You'll be fine," Louis said, in his eyes Harry just worried too much, typically when it came to doing new things that he felt unsure about.


"Okay, so this is what we're going to do today," The film director started to say as soon as Harry was ready to get going, "We'll strap you into the harness, get you up in the air, at first I just want you to get used to it. After that we'll get started with the singing and filming."

Gulping Harry nodded, when he had initially came up with the idea for the video he may have skimped on a detail or two, such as how uncomfortable heights tended to make him feel.

"You're okay," Louis said taking hold of his hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "You've sung in-front of thousands of people and been mobbed almost on the daily for years, you can hang in the air for a short while."

"Yeah," Harry nodded, letting go of his boyfriend's hand and following the film director over to the scary looking contraption.

"So if you'd just stand still we'll get you all strapped in, and then we'll start." The film director said, going about fitting Harry into the harness, making sure he was strapped in and secured. The last thing anybody wanted to occur was injuries, it could prove very detrimental were something to happen ten feet in the air. (A/N: 3 meters)

"Are you sure this is safe?" Harry asked, his whole body seizing up with apprehension, "Like, just, I'm not going to fall out or anything, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Styles, it's perfectly safe, the equipment is tested regularly for safety reasons." The film director said, "Now, we're going to lift you into the air, just try and relax and get used to the sensation. Once you're comfortable we'll bring you down and brief you on what's going to happen next."

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