(Larry) (Solo) Harry, Sick; During Performance

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"Could you write a Larry sickfic where harry is feeling sick before one of his shows and he lets Louis know that he's feeling a little ill to his stomach and doesn't feel very well so he just wants to go lay down and relax once the shows over and in the middle of the show harry has to run back stage to get sick but he doesn't want to disappoint the fans so he finished off the show and when he comes back stage to get to Louis he breaks down crying because he's feeling really bad and just wants to go home?"

REQUESTED BY: - onedirectionsickfics

Harry Styles had surprised everybody with how well his solo career was going. Harry had been born to sing, he took to it in the same way that a duck took to water: He absolutely loved everything about singing and performing, finding joy in being somebody that people came to hear for entertainment. Harry only loved one thing as much as he did performing and that was his former band mate, with whom he had been in a long term relationship with for years, Louis Tomlinson.

The two of them were currently sitting on a couch in Harry's dressing room snuggling together, Harry had a show tonight, and there was roughly an hour left until show time. Louis couldn't quite pinpoint why, but Harry just didn't seem his usual happy self. Louis found himself worrying about his boyfriend when he buried his face in the crook of his neck, though he didn't question it until he heard Harry let out a low and pained moan.

"Is everything okay?" Louis asked, voice laced with worry; he hated it whenever something was wrong with his love.

"Yeah," Harry replied nonchalantly "I'm just feeling a bit sick in the stomach."

"Oh Hazza," Louis cooed, as he pulled Harry closer into himself, engulfing his boy in a tight hug. Harry had always had a tendency to feel sick with nerves before shows when they were in One Direction, and while he had gotten better as more and more time passed, he had again felt sick with nerves when he had first started doing his solo performances. "Are you just nervous? Or do you think that you are coming down with something?" Louis asked, not wanting to disregard Harry's discomfort as just nerves.

"I don't know maybe," Harry replied, thinking about it "If it is it should get better soon." After all it wouldn't be a new thing if he was just anxious, but something about the way his stomach felt said otherwise.

With thirty minutes to go Harry excused himself to the bathroom, splashing some water on his face and sitting in front of the toilet just in case something were to happen, after being in there for ten minutes he came back out looking pale and sweaty. Louis found himself worrying even more as he saw Harry come back to the couch, looking sicker than ever.

"Lou, can we go home straight after the show?" Harry asked, Louis felt as if his heart was breaking, Harry was obviously feeling really sick to ask if they could leave as soon as he was done on stage.

"Of-course love, here lay down until the show starts," Louis moved so that he was sitting with both legs up on the couch, easing Harry down so he was laying between his legs.

Harry didn't feel any better once out on the stage; he tried his hardest to come across as his normal self, he prided himself on his performances and he didn't want to be known for a subpar show, even if the reason for it was because he was feeling sick. His stomach was churning and letting out uncomfortable noises, and it was making it hard for him to be as energetic and happy as he usually was, several times he had needed to tone down his high notes in fear of throwing up, as much as he didn't want to be remembered for a dud show, he would hate to be remembered for throwing up on stage more.

Somehow he managed to get to his interlude, racing off stage the moment it was announced, he only just managed to get to the toilet in time, almost knocking Louis over in the process.

"Are you okay Hazza?" Louis asked following him into the bathroom where Harry was on his knees before the toilet, expelling everything that was in his stomach. Louis walked up behind him placing his warm hand onto his boyfriends shoulder, he hated that Harry was so sick; he also hated it that Harry still wasn't done with the show.

Harry lent back on his heels placing his hand over his mouth, being unsure if he was done or not.

"Love, you can't perform like this." Harry lowered his hand from his mouth, leaning back into his boyfriends embrace.

"I have to," Louis didn't miss the way his voice cracked "I can't let the fans down; they paid to see a full show. Just promise me that we can go home and lay down afterwards?"

"Anything babe," Louis would do whatever Harry asked him to, just as long as it would help him feel better. "Come on, we better get you cleaned up before you're due back on stage."

Harry struggled through the last half of his show; he seriously lacked the energy needed for his performance.

"Sorry guys, I've got a bit of a stomach upset tonight." He told his audience, hoping they would understand "Please don't hold it against me if I screw up my notes a bit."

Finishing up the show, he rushed backstage to find Louis. Once he did he promptly fell into his arms and broke down sobbing, his stomach hurt, he was exhausted and he was upset that he hadn't been able to sing for his audience the way he usually did.

"Oh Harry you're okay," Louis tried to comfort him "Ready to head home?"

Harry nodded still crying into him, he was completely and utterly exhausted and barely had the energy to move under his own force. Louis helped to lead him to the waiting car, informing the driver that they would be going straight home tonight, rather than going to a bar or party.

Once the boys arrived home, Louis got Harry settled in bed with a bucket nearby just in case it was needed, before laying down next to him and rubbing his sick stomach.

And Harry could not feel happier, he may have been sick and his show may have been harder than usual, but he had his best friend and lover right by his side, and what could be better than that?

Getting there ✔️

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