Harry, Flu; Whiny/Clingy

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"Harry is sick, clingy, and just wants his Mum and sister."

REQUESTED BY: - futureauthorkm5

Harry groaned waking up in the middle of the night to his head pounding and in inability to breathe through his nose. Pushing his head further into his pillow he blindly reached for his phone, he had no idea what time it was , but he wanted his mother.

"Mum," He whimpered into the phone as he heard her answer.

"Harry, what's wrong? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Anne asked sleepily, usually she ignored her phone when it rang at ungodly hours, but when it was her youngest child [or either of her children for that matter] she just couldn't bring herself to.

"'M sick." Harry whimpered.

"Aww, Hazza, I'm sorry, Darl. What can I do for you?" Anne asked, hating that her baby was calling her because he was miserable, Harry always tended to just want her when he wasn't well.

"Talk to me, Mum." Harry said closing his eyes tightly. If he couldn't be with his mum in person then he could at least take comfort in talking to her on the phone, right?

"Oh, Honey, what about?" Anne asked, "Are you alone?"

"Mhmm," Harry nodded into his pillow even though nobody could see him.

"Where are you?" Anne asked, deciding that if he was at home than she would make the drive to go be with him, he only lived two hours away from her, so she wouldn't be going out of her way too much. And besides, what did it matter when her son so obviously needed her?

"Home." Harry said quietly, his voice muffled by his pillow. "Mum, can you come, I want you." He added, his voice cracking, and not because he was crying slightly or anything.

"Sure, baby." Anne said, "But it'll take me a couple of hours, why don't you try and get some sleep and I'll probably be there when you wake up."

"But, Mum, I want you." Harry whined, sniffling loudly.

"I know, baby." Anne said, her heart breaking slightly at how miserable her son seemed just through the phone. "But I can't teleport, if I could I would in a heartbeat."

"Can you stay on the phone then?" Harry asked, sitting upright in his bed in the hopes it would allow him to breath better.

"For a little while, yes, but then I need to drive." Anne said, "Hazza, have you got any medicine?"

Harry shook his head, "No, that's your job, to give me medicine." He said quietly, smiling to himself as he heard his mum laugh on the other end of the phone.

"You're hopeless, boy." Anne teased gently, "I'll pick something up on my way."

"Thanks, Mum." Harry said, getting up to find another blanket as he began to shiver uncontrollably. 'Fever, check.' He thought, adding it to his growing list of complaints.

Staying on the phone, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence, Anne sighed. "Harry, I'm sorry, but I need to hang up now, but I'll see you soon, okay?" She said, smiling to herself as the only response she got in return was the sound of her son's light snores.

Arriving at Harry's house, Anne used the spare key to let herself in, taking the supplies she had brought with her she made her way straight into her son's bedroom. Harry was sleeping, cocooned amongst a couple of blankets, still snoring softly. Going to gently sit on the bed she placed her hand onto his forehead, frowning at the heat she felt there. "Oh, baby, no wonder you feel so bad." She said softly.

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