Harry, Food Poisoning

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"Can you may be do where Harry gets really nasty food poisoning and can't stop vomitting and if your happy writting also has diarrhoea to and doesn't tell anyone and Louis finds him stuck on the toilet but first laughs but when he realises the lad is ill he looks after him."

REQUESTED BY: - ilangel1

One Direction had just finished up a busy day full of: Interviews, a photo shoot, and some album promotion. All the boys had been pretty hungry so they had agreed to stop somewhere for dinner on the way back to their hotel, the only problem being that the place they pulled up at looked as if it wouldn't even be able to pass a health inspection.

Four of the five boys had just opted to eat some hot chips; nobody except Harry had been brave enough to try anything else. He had been completely starving and had decided to have a burger. The others had warned him that he would probably get sick, given the state of everything inside the restaurant, but he had decided to ignore there warning, biting into his burger it had surprisingly tasted fantastic.

When he went to bed Harry had felt completely fine. He was pretty tired, but given the bands busy never ending schedule that was to be expected!

When Harry woke in the middle of the night he had been alone in his hotel room, and at first had been unable to figure out what had woken him. It didn't take him long however to become aware of the odd sensation in the pit of his stomach. Rolling over Harry reached blindly for his phone that he had placed down onto the bedside table before he had gone to sleep, feeling his fingers make contact with it he grabbed hold of it bringing it up to his face, squinting his eyes as the bright light assaulted them he saw that it was only 1AM.

Harry again placed his phone down on the bedside table and rolled over in an ignorant attempt to go back to sleep. Five minutes hadn't even passed when he found himself hit was a sudden cramp; it had shot across and down his abdomen causing him to groan aloud. He sat upright in his bed as he stomach made a horrible gurgling noise, looking around his dark hotel room he found himself rather grateful that it was one of those rare occasions that he was rooming alone.

Pulling the covers away from himself he moved so he was sitting on the edge of his bed, while he was glad to be alone there was also a part of him that longed for comfort, he winced as another painful cramp ripped through him, and he felt a pressure building down south. Harry jumped from the side of his bed faster than he had thought humanly possible, racing towards the toilet. He was unsure on if he was going to make it as he scrambled to pull down his pants, clenching his cheeks together as he did so, sitting down onto the cold toilet he sighed in relief. Feeling his stomach muscles contract as his bowels empty out the majority of his dinner, he sighed feeling as if it was going to be a long and horrible night.

Harry didn't know just how long he had sat on the toilet enjoying the relief that had washed over him as he had muddied the water below him. He had stayed put until he no longer felt as if there was anything to come out of him. He stood up feeling the sweat on his body 'Why did bathrooms always have to be so hot?' and made his was over to the sink to wash his hands, he cupped water in his hands once they were clean and splashed it on his face in an attempt to cool himself down, feeling as if he were on fire.

Making his way back to his bed Harry again checked the time on his phone seeing that it was now 2AM he lay back down. Still feeling troubled by his stomach he placed both hands on it and gently tried to massage it, he really hoped that he would be able to make it to morning without needing to use the bathroom again, but he was very doubtful that he would.

Harry didn't recall falling back to sleep, and he had no idea of how long it had been for. The moment he had opened his eyes he was again racing for the toilet, this time dropping to his knees in front of it. It hadn't taken long before he was painful retching over the toilet, bringing up what was left of his dinner. 'Why hadn't I just listened to the boys warnings?"

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