Harry, Fever/Seizure; On Stage

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"can you do one where harry is really sick and because of a high fever starts to have panic attacks than has a seizure on stage.

REQUESTED BY: - Maliyah2703

"Harry, are you awake, and up?" Liam called through the door of Harry's hotel room.

Harry was awake, but that didn't mean that he wanted to be. He felt as if he hadn't slept at all, he had been sick now going on a few days: his stomach was upset, he had a headache, and he felt completely lethargic.

"You had better be decent, Harry." Liam again called through the door. "I'm coming in." Entering Harry's room, Liam went and sat on the side of the bed, where Harry was still snuggled under the covers, looking absolutely miserable.

"Liam, I don't want to go!" Harry whined.

"I take it you're not feeling any better than, Haz?" Liam asked, reaching out to place the back of his hand against Harry's forehead. "Jesus, you are burning up. Have you taken anything for that fever?"

Harry nodded, looking towards the bedside table, that was covered in tissues, medicines, and a half drunk glass of water, "Do I really have to go?" He asked, pitifully.

"Sorry, Hazza, but management said you do. As long as you aren't throwing up, or you know." Liam felt bad for Harry, knowing that if he wanted to miss a concert, than he really must be feeling terrible.

"If I throw up, can I ditch?" Harry asked, hopefully. He had no problem making himself throw up, if it meant that he could just stay right where he was, sleeping and feeling sorry for himself.

"No, come on. Maybe they will take mercy on you when we get there." Liam told him, patting his leg through the blanket. Harry looked after him as he walked away, waiting for him to follow.

All too soon they were all in the van, heading to the venue. Harry sat snuggling close to Niall, trying to seek whatever comfort he could, and from whomever he could.

"You are okay, Harry." Niall tried to assure him, rubbing Harry's back as well are you could when you were seated in a cramped vehicle.

But Harry didn't feel as if he were okay, he felt boiling hot, or was it freezing cold? He wasn't entirely sure. He was tired, and emotional, and he just didn't want to do anything. "I'm sick." He sniffled, crying onto Niall's shoulder. "I can't do this show."

"It will be fine Harry," Louis piped up, overhearing the exchange. "It's not like you haven't ever performed sick before."

Sometimes Harry really hated their management, it was painfully obvious to everyone that he felt like death. Getting himself from his bed and into the van had been hard enough for him. Harry would be more than happy to just stay curled up in the van, sleeping at this point.

Arriving at the venue, Harry proceeded to drag his tired and aching body inside, immediately flopping down onto the couch in the dressing area. Harry did not have a good feeling about going out on stage for the concert.

As show time approached, faster than Harry would like, Liam came and knelt down in front of him. Harry was lying awake on the couch, staring absently at the wall.

"Shit. Harry, I'm going to go and ask someone for a thermometer." Liam said, walking off, and returning moments later with the instrument in hand. Liam had been able to feel the heat radiating off the sick boy, just by being close to him, and he was worried that his fever had risen.

"Got one," Liam called, as he again came over to Harry, placing the thermometer into Harry's ear and waiting for it to beep. "103.5 F. Not good." Liam frowned, reading the number aloud.

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