We Meet Again

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**the night of Gumball's concert**
Marshall's PoV

Two days ago, I found out that Gumball was 'famous', I decided to do some digging. After a while I found out that his first concert was tonight and since it's his first one, it's free and an all ages event. Something inside me was telling me to go see him, so I did.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. It was the best outfit I could pull together. I wore my favourite red plaid shirt over my old band shirt with black ripped jeans and my red converse. At least this way Gumball would recognize me- hopefully. I made my way to the front door and was about to leave when I was stopped by James.
"Marshi, where are you going?" I sighed. "Don't worry about it James, I'll be back later." I smiled a bit at him and opened the door until James slammed it shut, making me flinch away from him. "You're not going anywhere until I know where you're going and when you'll be back." I was a little startled by his statement. "Why are you worrying about it? I told you, I'll be back later." "Where are you going?" "I'm going out with my friends," I lied. "Which friends?" "Why do you want to know?" "Because, I want to make sure you'll be safe," he said calmly. I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "James, don't worry about me. I'm just going out with a few other friends to a concert and I'll be back before midnight, I promise." I kissed him tenderly and he kissed back. Once we pulled away he sighed and hugged me. "If you say so  Marshi~" I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I'll be back later, don't worry about me," I said right before I left. It's not like him to act so... possessive. I shrugged it off and flew the rest of the way to the concert.

  When I got there, the crowd was excitably waiting for Gumball to enter the stage. While waiting for him, I noticed that most of the crowd was young people- about Gumball's age. (despite Gumball being 800 and something years old, he still looks young) I also noticed that some held signs and others wore his band t-shirt. After a few minutes (of which I spent trying to move more towards the front of the crowd) Gumball finally entered the stage and suddenly, I felt nervous. I was scared that I might not be able to see him afterwards and that if I did, he would yell at me and push me out of his life again.

  I moved a bit closer to the front of the crowd and looked up at him. He looked amazing... more amazing than I've ever seen him look. At this point I didn't care if I was blushing like crazy. He was all I could see in this crowd of hundreds. As the crowd sang along to the songs, I just stared at him, studying his features and realizing that not much has changed. Except his hair. I watched him along with the other fans and listened to the lyrics. Most of them were break up songs which made me a little more scared. I tried to shake off the feeling and enjoy the concert.

About an hour and a half later, the concert ended and Gumball went back stage. Now is my chance! I quickly turned into a bat and flew backstage. I looked around for where Gumball might be, when I spotted him walking to what seemed like a dressing room- complete with a glittery star on the door. I smiled and followed him into the room. He sat on a chair in front of a vanity and sighed. "Why am I like this...?" He whispered to himself and rubbed his temples in exhaustion. I studied him from behind a dresser rack and suddenly felt worried for him. Last time I saw him, I remember him being a bit emotionally unstable and he hates being alone. I guess him being the only star on the stage made him feel alone in the world. It made me wonder if he might missed me...

Suddenly I sneezed and turned back to normal. My face was flushed red when I noticed that Gumball caught sight of me. "M-Marshall...?" He looked extremely shocked. I slowly stood up and looked at him. "H-hey Bubba..." I looked to the ground expecting him to yell at me. I flinched when he walked up to me and touched my face with his soft, pale pink hands. "Marshall....." he said softy. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I waited for him to say something. After a few moments of silence, he hugged me. My eyes went wide and I blushed a bright red then hesitantly hugged back. "...I've missed you so much," he whispered to me. My heart nearly stopped (if I had one.) I fought to hold back my tears as he hugged me closer. I hugged him tighter and let my tears slip down my cheeks. Gumball quickly pulled away from our warm embrace when he heard me sniffling. "Oh dear, are you alright, Marshall?" He asked sweetly. I smiled as he wiped away a tear from my face. I lightly held his wrist and kissed the palm of his hand, not daring to look at him in the eye for the fear that I might burst into tears. "I'm perfectly fine, Bubba..." I sniffled again and slowly stopped crying as Gumball held me close to his chest.

After we met again, Gumball offered to take me back to his house. Something inside me, something powerful, screamed yes at the offer and I almost agreed with the voice, if it weren't for the startling sound of my phone ringing keeping me from running away with him. I sighed. "Sorry Bubs, just give me a sec," I said apologizing to him before taking my phone out of my pocket and answering quickly when I noticed who was calling- it was James. "H-hello?" I asked shyly. "MARSHALL-LEE ABADEER, IT IS 12:57AM! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" James' voice blasted through the speaker. "S-sorry hon, I lost track of time I promise I'll be back home as soon as I can. Don't worry about me, love you~" I hung up after James 'forgave' me and told me to come home immediately and that he loved me too.

  I shoved my phone back into my pocket and looked to Gumball who looked a mix of confused and surprised. "Marshall, who was that...?" he asked as if he either didn't want to know or if he already knew the answer. "That was James, he's uh.... my boyfriend?" I said nervously. Gumball sighed. "I knew it... you moved on as soon as we broke up. Why did I ever miss you?!" He started to walk away before I ran up to him, trying to get him to come back. "Bubba, that's not what happened! I just started dating him a month ago, we're not even that serious," I frantically explained. " 'not that serious' hmm? Then why did you say you'll 'come home' as soon as possible?! That seems like you guys are pretty serious to me!" He continued to storm off, but I stopped him by blocking his path towards the exit door. "Marshall, get out of my way!" "No! You need to listen to what I'm saying! James and I have only been dating for a month, and yes, he stays over sometimes, but we're not living together," I explained. Gumball sighed.

"Go back to him, and if you really care about me, come to my house tomorrow. Maybe try sneaking out if James is there. I'll be waiting for you." He quickly kissed me on the cheek before ducking under my arm and heading towards the exit door, then leaving. I blushed. His lips were still as soft as ever~ I could kiss them all day if he let me~

I soon made my way back home and hesitantly opened the door, calling out for James. "James, I'm home!" There was no response so I just took off my shoes and put them near the front door and went upstairs to my room to find a sleeping James curled up under the covers of my bed. I guess he was really tired. I quietly got changed into my pj's then crawled into bed next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. He tiredly cuddled closer to me and I slightly smiled as I slowly started to doze off. I quickly remembered that I'm going to Bubba's house tomorrow and I smiled brighter. I was so excited to actually spend time with him again. I soon fell asleep as I was smiling in my sleep, happily thinking of Bubba.

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