this wasn't very cash money of me. its 6am, send help.

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Gumballs PoV
Since the wedding is so small, we didn't have too much planning to do. But of course since that's the case, Peppermint butler has been pushing me to not stop working. I've spent the last week in my lab and all I've been drinking is tea. To make matters worse, Pep has been trying to keep Marshall out of the lab so I could get work done. Of course that didn't completely stop him from sneaking in and delaying my work... he's delayed it a lot and I really don't mind ;)

But of course Pep really minds and even locks the lab door from the outside with a key to keep Marshall from getting in. We can only see each other when we wake up and when we go to bed which just isn't fair! Whether I have work to do or not, we're getting married soon and I'd like to spend time with my almost husband.

I pushed those thoughts away for now as I worked on the finishing touches of this experiment. This, I thought. This would be my favourite experiment. I jotted a few things down as I added a small drop of the white sticky liquid to a mixture in a beaker and smiled when it reacted.

"Knock knock," Marshall said as he knocked while leaning against the door frame. I guess Pep forgot to lock it. I flipped over my notebook so he wouldn't see the title of the experiment. "Hey Marshi." He walked over with a certain smirk on his face and I knew what he wanted. I put a hand up to stop him in his tracks and chuckled a bit. "Marshi, we can't do it in here it's too dangerous." He held my hand gently and grazed his lips on my knuckles. "Why not my dear~? We can just clean a few things up first." I smiled and sighed at my almost-husband, he'd do me anywhere if he could.

"Can we please move it to the bedroom? It's more comfy~" I could see him melt under my request and he softened his expression. "Alright alright, lets go my love," he said as he picked me up bridal style. "Wait! I wanna do something first!" I jumped out of his arms and pushed him out of the lab then locked the door. I quickly grabbed a needle and sucked up the potion I made in the needle then injected it into my side. I bit my lip as it went in then let out a sigh of relief as I took it out. No turning back now. I opened the lab door and jumped back into his arms then he carried me to the bedroom.

He kissed me tenderly as the door closed and locked. He's almost addicting I thought as the kiss deepened and he gently placed me on the bed. I smiled as he teasingly took off his clothes slowly and gave me a little show. If I wasn't already infatuated with him, this would definitely do it. He striped down to his underwear before going over to me and practically ripping off my clothes. The feeling of my skin on our new silk bed covers felt so nice~ I wish I could stay like this forever I thought as I curled up on the bed. "Hey! No sleeping now, I'm just getting started~" Marshall said with a purr in his voice as he kissed my shoulder. I blushed and turned on my back to face him. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. His smile... It's beautiful... I hope it's the last thing I ever see.

He leaned in and kissed me again, this time not pulling away as he lifted my legs and took off his underwear to reveal his erection. I blushed more and gently bit my lip as he slid the tip inside me. "Marshi~" I moaned out. He smiled and slowly pushed in more, making me moan a bit more every second. He gently stroked my thigh and kissed my cheek to calm me down. He slid in all the way, hitting that sweet spot and making me moan into the closest pillow I could grab onto. He thrusted harder and harder until all that could come out of my mouth was moans. I held onto him tightly and he whispered sweetly in my ear, "I'm close honey~" I smiled and pulled him closer, this is it. "c-cum in me~" I shyly replied. Marshall smirked as he thrusted a few more times then came inside me. I eventually came too and whimpered as he pulled out. I tiredly looked away and closed my eyes as Marshall licked up my bubblegum cum (bubblecum?).

Narrators PoV
Marshall cuddled up to his prince and gently kissed his neck. Of course the prince already fell asleep by now, but Marshall found that he was so beautiful when he sleeps; loving the way his eyes slightly twitched and his cute little movements. He's adorable.... His face looks sculpted by angels, his eyes twinkle every time he sees me, Marshall thought.

Marshall got up and threw on a pair of boxers then cuddled up with the prince again, falling asleep this time.

Marshall's PoV
For about a week now Bubba's been feeling pretty sick and I'm worried about him. He insists that it's just a common cold but early in the morning, before I should even be awake, I can hear him puking in our washroom... I would interfere but I'm afraid he'll get mad and make a big scene out of it so I leave him alone. He's also getting a bigger appetite out of nowhere. I know he stress eats but ever since I started living here I haven't seen him stress eat; probably because I'm with him most of the day and he doesn't get much work done... But still, he's been eating almost twice the amount of food that he normally does and surprisingly he hasn't gained any weight.

Earlier this morning I had woken up to Bubba looking in the bathroom mirror with his shirt up and he was holding his belly. I looked at him from the bed, wondering what the hell he was looking at. He sighed and pulled his shirt back down before leaving the bedroom and going downstairs for breakfast. Something tells me he wants to tell me something...

......I can't believe I'm doing this. I know it's wrong to go through peoples stuff but I know something's up and he's not telling me. I crept into the lab and made my way over to the desk. The...very messy desk. If there's any place he would keep something secretive it would be here. I know he has a diary somewhere and I know he writes all his feelings and thoughts in it. If I find the diary, I find out the secret.
As if by fate, I turn to see the diary sitting on top of a pile of random papers. I pick it up and flip to the more recent pages and try to find and hint at whats going on. This is very wrong, I know that, but I just need to know how to help him. I stop on a page a few pages away from the most recent entry and begin to read, "I don't know what Marshall will think of this, but theres no other way to test it out other than on me. I've done my research and came to the conclusion that I will have the following symptoms: nausea, food cravings, headaches and pain, and rapid weight gain. Of course these won't happen for about 1-2 weeks after the injection. But alas, I'm still stuck on how to tell Marshall that I'm going to be-"
As if on queue, in walks Bubba.

"Marshall! What are you doing in here?" He gasps as he catches sight of his diary in my hands and bolts towards me. "Give that back! That's my personal journal!" I gladly hand it back to him as he snaps it closed and shoves it in a drawer. He crosses his arms and looks at me with the most pissed expression I've ever seen on his face. "Now, would you like to explain why you're in here and reading my journal?!" My normally pointed ears drooped as I've never heard him yell like that except for that time he beat up James.

"I'm sorry honey, you just seemed off lately and I wanted to know what's wrong and I know you write down your feelings so I figured I could read your journal and get an idea of how to help... I'm sorry..." I looked down, half expecting him to hit me. He sighed deeply and rubbed his temples.

"Marshall, there's something I need to tell you. And since you're already here I guess I can say it now. Sit down."
I didn't waste any time and sat down on his swivel chair. He opened a small drawer and pulled a stick-like thing out then closed it again before kneeling in front of me. He looked like a stressed father about to tell his kid something but trying to sugar coat it.

"Marshall... I've been experimenting with a few things ever since you moved in here and I ended up finishing the experiment earlier than planned so I had to test it out immediately even though the time wasn't exactly right..." He looked up at me with a mix of pure happiness and utter worry glazed in his eyes as he handed me a.... Pregnancy test? I flipped it over to see the result screen and felt my jaw drop to the floor.

It was positive.

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