Since You've Been Gone

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**the next day**
Gumball's PoV

I quickly ran around my house, making sure everything was perfect for when Marshall arrived. I cleaned up the kitchen, the living room and especially my bedroom. I haven't seen Marshall in years, so who knows how long we're gonna spend up there. I blushed at the thought of us making out in my room, with no one around- it made me wonder if it would lead to us doing more... sexual things. This made me blush harder and I nearly dropped the broom I was holding. I quickly caught it before it hit the ground and I sighed.

  I don't know why I get so flustered at the thought of Marshall doing literally anything to me- holding my hand, kissing me and especially him fucking me.I almost completely forgot how if felt when he was inside me... all I could remember about it was the pleasure. He completely filled me up with his size and made all of my senses scream with excitement. I blushed so much, I'm sure my face is red. I shook the thought from my mind and continued cleaning. I don't know when he'll get here since I forgot to give him a time.

I walked downstairs to put away the broom, when I found the front door open. I felt confused and scared at the same time. I turned the broom around so the fluffy part was raised up high and I nervously walked around the house, trying to find the intruder. "H-hello...?" I managed to say. I heard no response so I continued walking. Suddenly something tapped me on the shoulder and I whipped round, ready to hit whatever it was with the broom.

  I was about to scream, until I realized who it was- it was Marshall. I felt embarrassed for reacting in such a way. "Oh, it's just you... you scared me!" I hit him with the broom anyways. "Ow! Stop that, of course it's me, you wad!" I stopped hitting him and put the broom down. "Sorry, just don't scare me like that again!" "Okay, I promise I won't scare you again," he said, apologizing. I put the broom away then when to the living room to find Marshall already sitting on the couch. I sat beside him and awkwardly didn't say anything for a few seconds until he turned to me and said, "so, why'd you want me to come over?" I turned to him and blushed a bit, He hasn't changed a bit I thought.

  "Um... I just thought it'd be nice to catch up. We haven't seen each other in what, five years? What have you been up to?" I smiled a bit at him and eagerly waited for his response. "Well, everything's kind of the same, except I'm not really doing the 'rock star' thing anymore. Without you, I didn't have anyone to play with since the rest of my friends were busy doing other things with their lives. A lot can change in five years apparently." He nervously chuckled as he told me what's been happening in his life since I've been gone. He stopped being a total asshole and quit the music thing, although he still plays for fun. He still hangs out with Finn and Jake like usual, he has a new boyfriend and so far, he's doing well. I was happy to know that he's happy, even if it was without me in his life. "Sounds like you're doing pretty good," I said to him and smiled. He smiled back and continued.

  "Yeah, everything's been the same I guess..." "You guess? Is there anything else going on?" Marshall looked away and didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Well... It hasn't been all good..." he said, sounding a bit nervous. "What do you mean?" Marshall didn't dare look at me as he slowly rolled up his sleeves and showed me his wrists. My heart nearly stopped and my face dropped. All across both of his arms were giant scars slashed across his whole forearm and a few more recent cuts as well. Almost no clean space was left on his arms. My attention from them broke when I heard a sniffle then looked up to find Marshall tearing up. "I-I did most of that the night we broke up..." His voice sounded shaky, like he was about to cry. I didn't know that my decision to brake up with him would cause him to do something so harmful to himself. I felt really bad... "Marshall, please don't cry," I said as I reached for his face and cupped his cheeks in my hands, wiping away his tears. He sniffled and closed his eyes, leaning into my chest. "I-I've just been... so broken without you..." he said through his cries. I held him closely, never wanting to let go. Despite him not having a pulse, he was surprisingly warm and comfy to hold.

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