oh lawd she comin

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Lately I've been staying up to look after bubba. The baby should be due any day now and I need to be awake and there for him when it happens. So far I've been up for a whole week, all without sleeping or even having a nap.

I sat quietly in a chair beside the bed as bubba slept. I watched as as his chest would rise and fall as he took in each breath and wondered to myself how breathing might feel. I wondered if maybe the baby would be like me and constantly be "dead", meaning not actually breathing and having no pulse but still being "alive" and conscious. I wondered if the baby would be immortal like me or only live for a couple hundred years...

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of my darling waking up. He opened his eyes and saw me looking down at him. "Good morning my prince," I said as I leaned closer and kissed his temple as he smiled. His smile immediately brightened my day even though the day has just started. The sun itself would be jealous of the beauty that lays beside me.
"Morning Marshi~" he pulled me down and kissed me passionately, not bothering to even take a breath. His lips are as soft as cotton candy, his tongue explored my mouth and he pulled me closer before quickly pulling away and rushing to the washroom.

Before I could get up, I heard him puking. Jeez, do I smell that bad? I mean I haven't showered for like 10 days but thats because I was looking out for bubs. He probably just got a little morning sickness.

He came back, weakly holding onto the walls for support as he came closer. I rushed over to him and picked him up bridal style. He smiled as he held onto me. "Thanks Marshi," he said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled but knew internally that I didn't deserve all this praise from him, I'm just doing my job as his husband.

I helped him back into bed then paged Peppermint butler to get us some breakfast.

We had a lovely breakfast together and the rest of the morning and afternoon were beautifully calm.

By the time sunset came, I sat by myself on the balcony. I begged bubba to come with me but he insisted on me having some alone time. I looked out at the kingdom beneath me and frowned at the thought of how they all still didn't like me. I don't even think we announced Bubs' pregnancy to the kingdom, but when the baby comes along they're bound to find out and when they do, it won't be pretty. I've done my best to make the towns people like me, I've done community service, I changed my ways completely, and still they think I'm unfit to be with Bubba.

I sighed. That's a problem for another time.

The sun is almost gone and I can see some stars pop into view. This scene is so relaxing... I could almost.... Fall...... Asleep...........

"MARSHALL!!!" I jolted awake at the sound of someone screaming my name in pain. I looked around in horror, not completely processing whats going on or where I am or what time it is.
For starters, I'm still on the balcony. I must've fallen asleep. It's completely dark outside. "MARSHALL!!!" Theres the blood curdling scream again. I stumbled over my own feet as I jumped from my chair and ran to the source of the screams. My ears led me to the infirmary where the yelling and cursing did not cease. I burst into the room to witness my husband giving birth. I didn't want to ask any questions (like where the hell is the baby is coming from) and I just ran to his side and let him squeeze my hand as tight as he needed.
I held his hand tightly and gave him encouraging words to help him deal with the pain, although it didn't seem to be helping much.
I just hope he'll be alright....

A good while later, the sound of cries filled the room and Bubba's painful noises ceased. Everyone in the room looked at the source, immediately smiling at the child we successfully brought into this world. Oh Bubba, you stupid genius. I love you so much.

It's been... I don't even know how long. I haven't slept since that little nap I took before bubs gave birth. The good news is Bubba has been getting plenty of sleep and our baby is perfectly healthy, thanks to Bubba and his genius brain. I still have absolutely no fuckin idea how he managed to create an actual person with DNA from two men and not any from women. Also, how in the actual fuck nuggets did he make an artificial uterus and then place it inside him??? I will never understand his science side, but oh god I love him.

And I love our new baby daughter. She's more perfect than I could ever imagine. I haven't been able to do anything other than hold her as tight as I can. I will never, ever, let anything or anyone hurt her. She's my perfect little demon~

I'm sitting quietly in the new nursery with my little girl in my arms and bubba asleep in the rocking chair. Our daughter, Evelyn, was fast asleep in my arms. She's only weeks old right now but she's already growing extremely fast - having the body of a 3 or 4 month old now. Her hair is almost at her shoulders and isn't thin or sparse like a baby's. Its long and a deep purple colour. She can already say a few small words and she's starting to crawl. Bubba and I are very worried about her and how long she'll live... we've been running some tests but all have come up inconclusive. Other than that, she's perfectly healthy.

I'm just worried about how long we have with her...

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