Plot twist (seriously, this wasn't the plan.)

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A/N: y'all are gonna hate me

So... it's been a few months now...

The wedding was canceled because bubs started to build his kingdom and didn't have any time for me. He says "my new kingdom is more important than romance. I know you love me, but now I have a kingdom to run." I remember it like it was yesterday. He took off the ring and calmly handed it to me then walked away. I didn't know how to react so I just went home and cried my heart and soul out until I fell asleep. I woke up hours later, the ring still clenched in my hand. Looking down at it, I realized that I have never felt this much pain in years... I thought I finally had him all to myself, but no. He quit being a musician and decided to be a prince. When I first found out he was building a kingdom, I thought he would ask me to rule beside him, but I guess he lost interest in me...

I fell back into depression for a few months, but then I realized that he was just a teenager and probably just experimenting with me... and of-fucking-course I fell for him and his cute, pink little body...

I can't believe I'm saying this but... at a time like this, I needed someone like James. I know he was an awful person, but if he was still around (he dead btw) he would take care of me. He would cuddle me and say that he loved me. He would kiss me and tell me everything's alright.
But then he'd probably rape me again, so thank god he's gone. I just needed someone to care for me... bubs wasn't gonna do it, and I hate myself too much to do it...
The scars on my arms turned back into cuts and slashes going the width of my wrist- over and over again all up my arms.

Looks like I'm back where I started...

Narrators PoV
  Years went by, of which Marshall-Lee and Prince Gumball didn't speak to or see each other. Not a word. Not a glance.
Marshall was incredibly depressed for a while before he started to forget about his pink prince and went back to being a musician on his own. No band, no friends- just him playing at bars late at night.
Gumball also forgot about his vampire and instead focused on being a prince and such. To be honest, he didn't really care that they weren't together. His kingdom was more important now and he wouldn't let some vampire distract him. All of his thoughts about marriage and having a family with him went away completely.

As the years went by, they seemed to forget all about their past relationship and acted like they didn't even know each other.
Until one day, a girl came by named Fionna who befriended the two.

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