shit goes down again

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  James' electric blue eyes stared me down as I felt my knees become weak. He was so powerful against me. He walked closer to me, making me back off of the staircase. "You can't run from me Marshi~" he said in a creepily monotone voice as he walked closer. I ended up dropping the shovel and tripped over nothing, falling on my back. James stepped over my body, casting a shadow over me. He crouched down to face me and he smiled creepily. "Come back home Marshi~ I missed you," he begged as he lightly dragged a knife across my neck.

I tried to back away but he just pressed it harder. "J-James... please... just d-don't hurt bubba..." I managed to choke out. He scoffed at my remark. "You still care about that prissy little brat? I heard the way he talked to you when you said he was distracting you. He will never care about you as much as I do, he doesn't love you Marshall." I was taken aback. He was listening to us? Was he watching us too? How long had he been here? "You creep! You can't just spy on us!"

He took the knife away from my throat and started choking me instead. "Don't tell me what I can and can't do! You listen to me!" I could feel my eyes start to roll in the back of my head and all of his threats that he was screaming at me seemed to fuzz up and become incoherent as I started to pass out. James must've noticed because he stopped choking me and picked me up by my sweater, his bright blue eyes facing my watering red ones. "Now, you're going to tell me where you hid gumbutt so I can kill him," he stated creepily, making me cry more. "I'm not telling you shit!" I said as I spat in his face. He became enraged and slapped me across the face hard enough to leave a mark.

"Don't you DARE disrespect me you lowly demon!" His eyes suddenly went completely black, even the whites of his eyes. It was like staring at the devil himself. "You're going to listen to me no matter what I say," he stated as his voice became deep and demonic and twisted, like there were several voices talking at once. I looked away, not wanting James to see me cry. I wasn't even sure if it was James that I was talking to anymore. "Nothing to say, huh?" James said as I continued to look away. "What if we make a deal?" I hissed out. He wants to play demon games? We'll play demon games. He looked at me suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of deal?" I could tell he was interested, but I haven't made a deal like this in a while.

"I'll show you where he is, but you have to promise that you won't hurt him, don't even look at him. Just leave bubba alone." "What's in it for me?" I thought for a few moments before deciding. This wasn't the best option, for me at least, but I knew it would get James to leave him alone. "You can do whatever you want to me... take me back home, kill me, rape me, marry me for all I care, anything. Just stay away from bubba..." He smiled sinisterly - he liked the deal I had laid out. His eyes turned from pitch black back to electric blue then he put me down.

"It's a deal," he said as he held out a hand. "You have to promise that you won't hurt him or the deal is off. Got it?" He rolled his eyes at me. "I know how these deals work. You're all mine from now on~" I sighed and shook his hand. At least bubba will be safe this way. "Alright, a deal is a deal. Lead me to him," he said. I felt my sins crawling on my back as I led James upstairs to bubba's room. My hand was shaking as I reached for the door knob and twisted it open. I stepped inside and James followed me as I walked over to the closet and knocked on the door.

"Bubba, you can come out now," I said regrettably. How did I know I could trust James not to hurt him? The truth is, I didn't.

I heard shuffling around in the closet as Bubba stood up from probably hiding behind the clothes, then he opened the door and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and pet his hair. "I didn't think you would make it," he sobbed out. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now," I said quietly. He softly cried into my shoulder as I continued to comfort him as best as I could. Our peace was disturbed by James when he decided to speak up. "Sorry to ruin your little moment, but Marshi and I have to go now," he said as he linked his arm with mine, making me let go of Bubba. "W-what? No, you can't take him away from me!" Bubba screamed at James. "I'm sorry, but we made a deal that as long as he doesn't hurt you in any way, I'm his and he can do whatever he wants to me..." Bubba looked between me and James as if he was trying to find a way around the deal. "James, please, hurt me! Quick!" He blurted out. It sounded ridiculous when he said it, but I knew what he meant. James smiled sinisterly and took out a knife from seemingly nowhere. "Alright, stay still," James said as he raised the knife.
I jumped in front of Bubba as James swung at him with the knife.

• • • • • • • • •

My heavy eyelids opened and I looked around to be greeted by bright LED - lights. I looked around some more with squinted, barely open eyes and saw a few blobs of different colours moving around. It was only now that I could feel the unimaginable pain in my chest. The blobs were operating on me! I tried to move, tried to scream, but nothing happened. I was paralyzed. I closed my eyes and endured the pain. God please just make this stop.
• • •
I woke up a few hours later (or what I assumed to be a few hours later) and I thankfully wasn't in as much pain. I felt a bit of pressure and stinging, but I was fine. As I looked around, I spotted Bubba sleeping in a chair beside my bed. Thank god he's safe. I turned my head away from him to try and get some sleep, I could tell it's been a long day for all of us.
• • •
I woke up, again, this time being woken up by a doctor. "Mister Lee, my names doctor princess. How are you feeling?" She greeted as she shinned a flash light in my eyes, making my pupils dilate. "Alright I guess..." I answered. She turned off the flashlight and put it away. "So, would you like to tell me what happened to you?" I didn't know what to say. I don't know what would happen if I confess that James has been abusing me... I sighed as I searched for the words to say. It was surprisingly hard to admit it.

"I-I got stabbed by my abusive boyfriend..." I admitted quietly. The doctor, although I wasn't looking at her, seemed shaken. Maybe she's never been told something like this by a patient. "Where is he now?" She asked eagerly. "He's talking with the nurse about what happened, but he's lying to her probably," Bubba said. I smiled a bit at him; he must know how I feel telling someone about this. They talked for a few more minutes about James and what he's done to me before the doctor finally walked out of the room to find James. Suddenly, I got very nervous. "Are you alright Marshall?" I looked up at him, realizing that he noticed my despair. Did I really look that bad? "Yeah I'm fine," I said quietly and with a small smile. He obviously didn't believe me and got up and hugged me as tightly as he could without putting pressure on the wound. "I'm here for you, Marshall," was all he could say through his heavy tears. I kissed him on the cheek and wiped away a few tears. "I know honey."

We stayed like that for a while before the doctor came in and we had to let go. "Is this him?" She held James tightly by the arm as she walked closer to me. "Yes, that's him," I said firmly. "Marshall, why are you accusing me of abuse? I did nothing but care for you!" James said as he tried to escape the doctors grip. "Care? CARE?! You did nothing of the sort! You stabbed me for fucks sakes! I don't want to see your face ever again, James!" My eyes leaked with tears as I let out my emotions. I didn't know what would happen to him, but I honestly didn't care at this point. He's a monster; a living hell. I don't understand how someone could treat a person so badly, and for no reason too. At least now he'd be gone from my life. Both the doctor and Bubba glared at James like he was the lowest of the low; which at this point he is.
I will never forget the look of fear terrorizing in James' eyes as a team of security guards took him away. He will never see the light of day again.
• • • • •
Days have passed and I haven't heard anything about James, thankfully. I hope wherever he is, he's rotting from the inside out and thinking about his terrible life mistakes for the rest of eternity. My wound has healed enough for me to go home and I couldn't be happier. I held hands with the love of my life as we walked to my house and opened the door. The house looked just the same as that day we left to go to the café and I winced at the memory. Bubba and I decided to go upstairs and take a nap. It feels like it's been a day and a half of walking around the hospital, doing some final checkups and all that stuff. We laid down on the bed and sighed at the same time. He cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arm around him. This was the first time in a while that I felt completely safe and alone with just him and I.

"I love you Marshall~" he whispered out as he traced the lines on my chest thought my shirt. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too Bubba." And with that, we fell asleep safely beside each other.

A/N: just in case any of you were confused when James turned all demonic, he's a fallen angel so he has some demon in him, but he's a higher rank than a demon. And if anyone was wondering, no I don't watch Supernatural. I just think angels and demons are cool.

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