Day 1: Christmas markets

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"hey, easy there kid. i'm not as fast, y'know?" Sans chuckled as he got dragged through the mass of people. Frisk was holding his hand in a deathgrip and was steadily dragging him with them, winding their way through the people.

They had convinced their friends to come to a christmas market with them. Monsters had made it to the surface roughly a year ago and this was their friends first experience involving christmas. Monsters were sowly integrating into human society. Of course there still were problems with racism and Anti-monster organisations, but incidents were becoming fewer by the minute. All in all, everybody was having a good time right now.

"where are we goin'anyway kid?" Sans asked Frisk with a fond expression. They smiled up at him and pointed at the far end of the road.

"Just wait a little longer. I am sure you will like it!" They said beaming. Sans smiled back, genuine. These were becoming more frequent during the last months, espacially since the small skeleton had gotten together with Grillby.

"if you say so..." Sans glanced up at the humans surounding them. The rest of his friends were somewhere here to, taking in what was going on as well. However, he hadn't expected for Frisk to suddenly drag him away from his brother and lead him right into the crowds. He still felt a bit uncomfortable around humans, but he had to admit he was getting curious what all this was about, considering he still had actually no idea what was going on. Frisk dragged him around a corner and stoped moving, still holding his hand but pointing at a particular wooden building in front of them.

Just very few humans were standing in this area, so Sans had free sight on the items in front of him. The white lights in his eyesockets grew wide and sparkled with joy as he recognized what he was looking at.

"Do it?" Frisks voice sounded a bit unsure, but their happy smile returned as soon as Sans mouth opened in disbelieve.

"why didn't i know this existed on the surface earlier?" he mumbled under his breath. The wooden stand was paked full of items, each having an individual writing on them. But that was not what was fascinating for Sans. It was the fact that every item was marked with an individual pun, matching up with either the material or the item itself.

There were flashlights that had the sentence 'to enlighten the situation' writen on the handle, some bells with the words 'knock kno- oh nevermind. I just ring' written on them and masses of T-shirts with printed dad-jokes on them. Sans was sure he had also spotted a prank-fire extinguisher with the sentence 'It's getting hot in here'engraved in the red cylinder.

"good thing ya didn't bring pap here, too." he said jokingly to Frisk. They giggled quietly and loosened their grip on Sans' hand. Determined they walked up to the packed stand and vanished in between the items. Smiling sans followed them.

In the end, he had decided he couldn't leave unless he bought at least one of the bells and a candle that said 'you melt me away' he wanted to show Grillby. Still a wide grin on his features, sans ruffled Frisks hair a bit.

"i think it's time we head back to the group, isn't it?" He chuckled, grabbing Frisks hand. This time he lead them around the people into the direction he hoped his friends would be in. A good 5 minutes later he was able to spot a familiar red scarf and a warm glow just a few meters away from him.

"Hey guys, we're back" he called out to them.

"BROTHER! HUMAN FRISK! THERE YOU ARE!" Papyrus loud voice cut clearly through the cold air. Frisk let go of Sans and ran forward, hugging Papyrus tightly. Sans waved at his brother and positioned himself next to his favorite flame.

"Welcome back," Grillby whispered amused, "was your small trip as cool as Frisk promised it to be?" Sans turned his head towards him, a wide shit-eating grin spreading on his face.

"Oh, it was just punderfull." Sans winked up at him.

"Why do I get the sudden impression that letting you go to this mysterious place wasn't the best idea?" Grillbys voice was sharp, but the small flicker in his flames betrayed his amusement.

"oh c'mon grillbs. That one wasn't even that bad." Sans answered with mock-offence in his voice. Grillby sighed, but smiled warmly at the small skeleton. He opened his mouth to replie something, but was interrupted by Papyrus loud voice.

"I THINK THE HUMAN IS GETTING COLD. WE SHOULD GO AND FIND TORIEL AND METTATON SOON." He had Frisk still in his arms, the small child shivering a bit and snuggeling into his scarf. Grillby nodded and reached out towards Frisk. They let themself be passed on and snuggeled into Grillbys heat as soon as he positioned them on his hip.

"Let's go then." Sans exclaimed, pushing his hands in his pockets. If things would stay calm like this, he could easily warm up to this festivity-stuff.

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