Day 21: Movie night

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As Frisk descended the stairs again, newly dressed in their favorite blue and purple striped sweater, the others had already fully prepared the living room for their planned movie night. A few days earlier Frisk had noticed again how little her family actually knew about Christmas, regarding songs and especially movies. Seeing that none of them had watched any Christmas movie yet, they decided to plan a get-together for all of them to watch at least two movies with them before Christmas was over.

Now the big group of friends was already getting comfy around the TV. Asgore had positioned himself on the couch, next to Undyne and Alphys, who was sitting bundled up in a blanket on her girlfriend's lap. Mettaton was already preparing the small loveseat on the left of the room. Toriel had claimed the old armchair for herself earlier, so Grillby and Sans had settled themselves on the floor with some fluffy pillows and blankets. There was still some free space left close to the pair, so Frisk decided to place their small form next to Sans.

"welcome back kid." chuckled the small skeleton as he ruffled their hair. Frisk smiled up at him warmly. They snatched a blanket from the sofa and wrapped themselves in it carefully.

A smirk crept over Mettatons features at the sight of Frisks new blanket-burrito.

"Oh darling, what a wonderful idea." He chimed, grabbing one of the blankets for himself and setting it down for later.

"Are you all ready to go?" Toriel asked, her usual motherly warmness back in her voice. She carried three plates with an assortment of cookies with her, setting them down so everyone could reach for some. Papyrus trailed along behind her, carrying some tea and hot chocolate on a tray. He managed to set everything down without any major incident.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO WATCH FIRST?" The tall skeleton asked, taking a mug of hot cocoa for himself and sitting down beside Mettaton.

"I will get the DVD ready!" Frisk exclaimed, getting up again and hurrying to get everything settled as fast as possible. The others made themselves comfortable in the meantime, none of them having any clue what to expect.

"Ready." Announced Frisk two minutes later, plopping down on their blanket, eyes fixated on the screen.

The first movie they had picked was their favorite.

As they got to the scene where the skeleton was discovering the true wonders of Christmas town, Frisk decided it was time to check on the others. Alphys and Undyne behind them were both watching with focus, each nibbling on some frosting covered cookies. It was almost sad to see the small masterpieces getting eaten, but the human child didn't mind it to much. Asgore besides the pair was just as focused on the screen as the girls, taking small sips from his tea here and there. Toriel watched with a mixture of confusion and fascination. She was clearly trying to get into the movie, but the style seemed to give her some problems. Nonetheless, she seemed to enjoy it until now.

A glance to Sans told Frisk that this may have been the wrong movie to pick for the small skeleton. He was holding onto Grillby tightly while laughing into his shoulder uncontrollably. Grillby had a big smile on his face too and his shoulders bounced ever so slightly. With furrowed brows Frisk turned towards Mettaton and Papyrus. The robot was giggling as well, while the tall skeleton had his arms crossed, an orange blush spreading on his face. Frisk turned back to Grillby, confusion now written on their face.

"Why are you laughing?" They whispered, drawing Sans attention on them.

"'s just that...this jack dude really r-reminds me of pap back when we were y-younger." Sans breathed out, prompting Mettaton to giggle a bit harder.

"Really?" Frisk asked, eyes wide.

"There is a resemblance." Grillby breathed out, throwing Sans into another laughing fit.

Frisk watched the tall skeleton on screen and then the blushing skeleton on the loveseat. There really was a slight resemblance, especially in their mannerisms. Frisk shook their and concentrated back on the movie, before she could think to far into that direction.

A good hour later the movie came to its end. Everyone had really liked the piece of art and they happily prepared themselves for another. Sans, Grillby and Mettaton had finally calmed down after their brief outburst and were now finally relaxing again. Mettaton was leaning into Papyrus and Sans was cuddling his back into the flames chest.

Frisk started the second movie shortly after Asgore and Toriel had brought some more Hot chocolate and tea for the group.

This one was a more serious one, but it was still very beautiful to watch.

During the scene, where the young boy discovered the hobo who was travelling on top of the train, the human child noticed silent snoring besides them. Sans had fallen asleep, now leaning heavily against Grillby. A quick check on the others told them they were all still enjoying the new movie with interest, even though the atmosphere was getting calmer now.

After the second movie came to its end as well, the tired crew decided to end the day for now. Undyne and Alphys helped Toriel with cleaning, while Asgore and Grillby put the furniture back in place. Mettaton got the job of waking Sans, what proved to sound easier than it turned out to be.

After everything was nice and clean again and everyone was ready to leave, the friends got on their ways back home.

They would meet at the house again soon.

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