Day 19: It's a prank

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Hey guys.

Sorry for not uploading these past days, but I am sick and couldn't really think straight during the last days. I will catch up with the last still missing chapter tomorrow though, so stay tuned.


"heya frisk." Sans walked into Frisks room. They had taken a quick break after baking the cookies and were now lying on the bed, reading. Sans had finally finished with his papers some time ago, so he was in a good mood now, which was normally not a good thing to witness. If there was any given chance now, the small skeleton would surely use it to plan a prank. And that was exactly what he was up to.

"Hi Sans." Frisk greeted him, "You're up to something, I can tell."

Sans chuckled deeply.

"wanna help me prank the others? pap 's helping too." His eye lights shone brighter as the smug grin on his face grew wide. Frisk furrowed their brows.

"what are you planning to do?" They asked, confusion and curiosity audible in their voice.

"nothin' too special. we were thinking about a surprise snowball fight."

Frisk perked up at that. The expression on their face turned mischievous in seconds.

"Heck yeah. I will join. What's the plan?" Sans sat down beside the human child, excitement clearly visible in his eye sockets.

"ok. ya now that the others will come here in an hour or so, right? the plan is to prepare and hide snowballs outside, so we can attack them when they arrive. sound good?"

Frisk nodded thoughtfully.

"It does. But how do we know when they arrive, so we can hide in time?"

"no worries. pap said he would be the lookout. so we both just gotta prepare the stuff." The grin on Sans face grew even wider. Frisk rolled over and jumped out of their bed, a determined expression on their face.

"Let's go then. We have to be ready when they arrive." Sans chuckled again, but he quickly followed the human child outside of the room. They ran into Papyrus who was standing in front of Frisks room.

"HELLO HUMAN. HAS SANS ALREADY TOLD YOU ABOUT OUR PLAN?" He asked, his enthusiasm even more visible than normally. The child nodded excitedly. Sans came to a stop behind them and ruffled the kids hair.

"they're in bro." He mumbled. Papyrus jumped gleefully.

"PERFECT! YOU TWO SHOULD GO THEN. I WILL KEEP MS. TORIEL DISTRACTED. AND OF COURSE I WILL HAVE AN EYE OUT FOR OUR GUESTS." His eye sockets sparkled as he excused himself back into the kitchen to help Toriel. Frisk stared up at Sans.

"Ok. What did you do to him?" She asked accusingly.

"whaddaya mean?" Sans shrugged innocently.

"He normally hates pranks. How did you convince him to join?" They crossed their arms and looked up at him impatiently.

"i didn't do anything. i maybe told him that he could get revenge on Undyne this way..." Frisk shook their head in mock disappointment.

"I expected something better from you Sans." They grumbled. Sans laughed out loud at the statement.

"ya know ya shouldn't kid." The human child just shook their head again and grabbed Sans arm, pulling him with them to the front door.

"Let's just do this." They huffed, putting on their shoes hurriedly. They ran outside, scanning the front of the house for any good hiding places. Sans followed them slower, but he moved confidently behind one of the snowy trees and started making a stack of snowballs.

"Won't they find you there, like right away?" Frisk called out after him.

"nah. I can still teleport. You should find yourself a better spot tho." He chuckled again, keeping up his task. Frisk stood in front of the door a bit lost, but they quickly spotted a hidden enough spot and prepared the place in the same way Sans did. The two worked in silence for a while, until Sans announced himself as ready to go. He shuffled behind the tree next to his and began his task anew. Frisk soon joined him and together they finished a large stack of snowballs for Papyrus as well.

"now we just gotta wait." Sans mumbled, leaning back against the tree and closing his eye sockets.

"Don't fall asleep. They could arrive any second n-" Frisk started to argue, but they were cut off by an excited scream from Papyrus.


Sans quickly stood up again. He winked at the kid, then snapped his fingers and teleported out of sight. Frisk sighed but they ran back to their safe spot and crouched behind it. Papyrus ran out of the front door, just in time to hide behind his own wall of snowballs, before Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton and Grillby came in sight.

Sans quietly counted to three in his head. He teleported back besides Papyrus, just as Undyne was in line of fire for his brother and screamed.


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