Intermission: Dancetale

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"why'd i agree on doin' this?" Sans grumbled defeated, burying himself even deeper into the costume he wore.

"pap owes me big time after this is over." The skeleton huffed, shutting his eye sockets. His brother had signed him up to take part in the dance routine his dance group prepared for Christmas each year. Papyrus hadn't really asked Sans beforehand, but that was not what was bothering Sans the most. What bothered him was the horribly cheesy reindeer suit his group had decided to wear for the performance. Now he stood next to the large stage that was set up for the evening, looking like a complete idiot. He sighed.

"Hey Sans. We're up in about 5 minutes. You ok?" A voice next to him interrupted his thoughts. The short skeleton put on his signature grin in a vain attempt to hide his sudden nervousness.

"y-yeah. 'm fine." He chuckled, but his wavering voice easily betrayed himself.

"You're nervous, right?" The boy, Chris was his name, smiled reassuringly at him. Sans fumbled a bit with his phalanxes, silently cursing his outfit for not having any pockets. Chris laid a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok, man. We all felt like that the first time we did this. But once you start dancing  it gets better. Besides, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I mean, you're really good after all." At these words, Sans grin shifted to a smaller, almost genuine smile.

"thanks buddy" He mumbled, "but seriously. who decided for us to look like total fools for this?" he gestured down at himself, which earned him a loud laugh from Chris.

"What do you mean? We look beautiful as reindeers, dude." Chris said sarcastically. Sans chuckled and rolled his eye lights. His attention was drawn back to the stage to the well-dressed host, who had just called their group up next.

The nine dancers gathered in a group, climbing the stage. The eight humans moved as though it was the most natural thing to them. Sans followed suit, relieved that the hat he wore at least hid most of his features from the small crowd, while he positioned himself with his group. It didn't help that he was standing in the second row from the front, in clear sight of everybody. He locked eyes with Sarah, the girl dancing in the first row, one last time, before the loud and slightly annoying tune kicked in. Sans mind went blank for a brief second, then he smoothly fell into the first dance moves.

The short skeleton threw his hands out, only to pull them back in immediately. He side-stepped, breaking the formation and moved to form another one, shifting to stand more at the back of the stage.

The dancers moved gracefully, soon finding themselves in a pose that looked like they were guiding a sleigh, bobbing steadily to the beat. They started braking the formation one by one, each person showing of small tricks and advanced dance moves before quickly retreating again.

As it came to his turn, Sans hurriedly moved to the front, counting in his head to the beat. The skeleton jumped as he counted four, landing on one hand to perform a quick handstand, before he launched himself back on his feet, performing a backflip out of the motion. Once save on his feet again he went back to the basic dance moves the rest of the group was doing.

Sarah, the most acrobatic of the group, moved to perform the finishing tricks of their dance. She wore a bright red nose in addition to her outfit, but didn't seem to mind it as she launched herself forward with some quick steps. The girl jumped, performing three flic-flacs in a row and finishing with a salto. The group struck a pose around her as the music came to an end.

"That was awesome!" Sarah exclaimed as the clapping from the audience subsided. Her green eyes were sparkling with adrenalin and joy. She reminded Sans a bit of Papyrus.

"You did a great job Sans. That flip of yours was perfect." She lightly punched him on the arm, then she jumped of off the stage, not bothering to use the stairs. Sans grinned. Maybe she had a bit of Undyne in her too.

"well, i worked myself down to the bone to get that move right." He winked at her, earning himself some giggles and groans from the group.

"but seriously. 's nothin' compared to you." He added honestly, punching her upper arm as well.

"anyway, i gotta get goin'. Want to get out of this costume as soon as possible. B'sides my freaky friends probably wants to see me." He waved lazily to the group. The skeleton took two steps back, snapped his fingers and vanished in a small flash of blue light, only to reappear at the other end of the small crowd.

"SANS? IS THAT YOU?" A loud voice behind him screamed out. He grinned, turning around just in time to be scooped up in a hug from his brother.

"YOU WERE AMAZING!" The tall skeleton said, setting the smaller back on the floor again.

"thanks bro." he mumbled. The smaller skeleton was able to spot Undyne and Alphys just behind his brother illuminated by the familiar orange glow  of his favorite bartender.

"Nice outfit, punk!" The fish-lady smiled a toothy smile at him, her body radiating with amusement. Alphys giggled beside her.

"oh, shut up, cap" Sans laughed. Grillby made his way around Undyne, smiling warmly at him, but his dancing flames betrayed his contained laughter.

"Hello Sans" The elemental crackled quietly, earning a faint blue blush on Sans' cheeks, "I must admit, you really do make cute picture all dressed up like that." His flames grew brighter with his words, indicating the good humor behind them.

"You should keep it for christmas eve." Sans blushed a deep blue hue. He wanted nothing more than his hoody back or at least some pockets on the costume. But despite that matter of fact, he just started to grin. He doubted he would get out of the friendly teasing anytime soon anyway. Why not fulfill his friends wishes for a little while longer...

~~~   A/N   ~~~

I decided to draw a bit of fanart for my story. I hope you guys like my drawing. I will see if I will add some more in the future.
This chapter is not connected to the normal storyline, its just something cute I thought about.
Bye for now

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