Day 11: A beautiful home

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Frisk was laying on the green couch in the skeleton brother's household. They were reading a book, still somewhat exhausted from the day before. Mettaton and Grillby had left the house for work pretty early today, Papyrus had gone out for a walk and Sans hadn't woken up yet, so they were left to their own devices.

That was until there was an audible shuffle on top of the stairs and a flash of blue light besides them.

"heya kid. how's it goin'?" Sans grinned.

"Good morning Sans. Paps is already out. He said he was going for a walk." Frisk answered, a tender smile on their face, "You slept in again."

"heh, yeah. sorry 'bout that. yesterday was pretty exhausting tibia honest."

"It's ok. As long as you didn't forget what we wanted to do today." They looked up at him with a mischievous smirk, knowingly ignoring the pun. Sans rubbed the back of his head, looking completely lost in thought.

"uh... sorry kid. mind helping me out a bit?" He mumbled, his cheeks growing the slightest hue of blue.

"We wanted to decorate the house before the others got back. You know, as surprise."

"i totally remembered that." The small skeleton grinned again, pushing both of his hands back in his pockets.

"ok, first things first: breakfast. after that we will decorate the house." He walked into the kitchen and came back a minute later with a bottle of ketchup in his hand. Frisk sat up, putting their book away and staring at Sans tentatively.

"c'mon kid. i will get the lights and then we can start." The skeleton chuckled, disappearing and reappearing in a flash of magic, a carton box now in his hands.

"Let's go!" Frisk exclaimed excited, all but dragging the warmly laughing skeleton out of the house.

They surrounded the house with glowing lights at the roof and around the small balcony on the side, the same lights the skeleton brothers had used to have on their house in the underground. The windows were decked with small star-, tree- and heart-shaped lights and the door was adorned with a pretty Christmas wreath. They even tried to decorate one of the small leafless trees in front of the house with a snowflake pattern out of small blue lights, although it didn't really resemble one in the end.

Of course, Frisk did most of the work, getting lifted by Sans gravity-magic to reach most of the higher places without too much danger. The human child was determined to make the house as beautiful as possible.

The two busy workers gained a small spectator, once they were almost done. The white kitten was sitting in one of the decorated windows, watching the kid hanging the last glowing star in place.

"Have you guys thought of names for them yet?" They cautiously tapped the glass, the small cat watching their movements attentively.

"not yet. didn't really think about that." Sans shrugged, giving the small blue light bulbs in the tree one last tug.

"But you already have them for, like, a week now. You should do that!"

Sans ruffled their hair a bit.

"whatever you say kiddo."

Frisk knew it was hard to get Sans to do stuff, especially if you started nagging him about it. There was a still disregarded sock lying in a wooden house in the underground to prove that fact.

Instead of pushing him, they gave Sans a thumbs up. The skeleton gave them back, a wide grin accompanying the gesture.

"We really did a good job. The house looks very nice now." Frisk murmured, giving the house a final look over.

"mhm. 'm sure the others will love it. how about we make some hot chocolate as reward for our work?" Sans asked a bit absentmindedly.

"Sounds great!"

10 minutes later both were sitting on the couch, each one holding a steaming mug in their hands. The kid relaxed into the cushions, Sans following suit with a relieved sigh.

They didn't have to wait long, before a gray fur-ball came running into the room. The gray kitten jumped on Sans lap and lay down instantly, pressing himself into the smooth texture of the skeletons long sweat pants. A rumbling purr resounded trough the room.

"He really likes you." Frisk giggled. The surprised but soft gaze of the skeleton were answer enough.

"felix." He whispered suddenly, causing Frisk to jolt at the unexpected sound.

"it suits him." Sans chuckled, stroking the still purring cat softly.

"It does." Frisk mumbled, scratching the small kitten behind the ear, pretending they didn't just almost had a heart attack, "What about the white one?"

"I think paps gets to name him. He kinda bonded to him better, i guess. and they are his pets too." Sans hummed.

"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea."

Sans looked at them, a tired but happy expression on his face.

"heh... can we reintroduce nap-time?" He yawned, earning himself a small giggle from Frisk.

"Yep! Nap-time." They concluded, scooting to one end of the couch and picking up their book again.

"I will wake you, when Papyrus comes back. Sleep well."

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