Intermission: Bittybones

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~~~~~~~~~ A/N ~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys.

Just a small warning to help with eventual confusion: this is a reader-insert chapter. I thought it would fit better with the basic setup of this Au. So don't be confused if you read a lot of 'you's in this. ^^

With that being said, have fun!


You were woken up by small hands that were gently pressing against your cheek. Your eyes flew open, your gaze landing on the small bitty who was kneeling next to your head on the pillow. His white eye lights stared at you with a somewhat lazy but excited expression.

"(y/n). you're awake. great. pap was starting to worry that you wouldn't get up in time." The Sans-type bitty mumbled, pointing to your nightstand, where a Papyrus-type bitty was jumping up and down excitedly.

You smiled, sitting up carefully to not destroy the balance of the little guy beside you. As you stood up, you picked him up, gently setting him down on your left hand.

"HUMAN (Y/N)! GOOD MORNING!" Pap greeted you loudly. You smiled at him, placing your right hand next to him so he could get a free ride as well.


As much as you liked the taller skeleton, it was still too early for his loud talking. You shushed the small guy gently and turned your attention to the even smaller skeleton in your other hand.

"Should we get your special small flame friend before we make breakfast, Sansy?" You asked, nudging his non-existent belly. He blushed a deep blue, but nodded frantically, trying in vain to push your thumb away from his frame. You giggled, but let go a few seconds later.

The grillby-type bitty was still in the small house, staring at you through one of the small windows.

"Good morning." He crackled silently, "Can I help making breakfast again?"

You nodded in affirmation, letting the elemental climb on your right hand too. Careful not to drop your precious passengers you made your way to the kitchen. The bittys settled themselves on the kitchen counter. Sansy immediately lay down, which prompted Pap to start complaining about the tiny skeletons laziness. You let the bickering skeletons be for now and concentrated on making breakfast.

"What do you want to cook for this special day?" You asked G curiously.

"Can we make pancakes?" He shot back almost instantly. A chuckle escaped you, as you started to prepare all the ingredients necessary for the sweet treat. You had expected them to want pancakes, they loved the sweet dish after all.

G watched your movements with obvious fascination, Pap joining him shortly after. They both held a pretty high appreciation for cooking, although the fire elemental clearly showed more talent. Sansy on the other hand was more interested in the result, rather than the process behind it.

You were already filling batter in a pan for the second time, as Pap suddenly asked you something.

"WHEN WILL WE GET TO OPEN THE GIFTS?" The question struck you off guard.

"Uhm, Christmas is traditionally celebrated in the evening, so you will get them after dinner." You answered, turning to look at the now pouting Papyrus bitty.

"BUT THAT IS SUCH A LONG TIME TO WAIT!" He complained. For some reason he reminded you of a child right now and you had to smile at the thought of an even smaller papyrus bitty.

"don't worry pap. (y/n) promised to make this a fun day. I bet it won't get boring." Sansy soothed the bigger bitty. G payed the other two no mind. He gently pulled on your sleeve.

"You have to flip it, or it will be burned." He mumbled lost in thought.

Again, you smiled at the three bittys who had entered your life a year ago. You had found all three of them outside on new years eve. They had been bought for a person who didn't seem to care for them much, so you had taken them in. It was an odd group, but somehow it always worked out perfectly between them. All of them had adjusted to you easily and you actually considered them as part of your family by now.

Six unburned pancakes later, the four of you sat down at the table. The bittys were happily munching together on one of the smaller pancakes, while you were drowning your own pancake in (Fav/Condiment).

"SO, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?" Pap asked after you were finished cleaning the remains of breakfast.

"We could play some games and just make it a calm day." You suggested. Of course, Sansy instantly agreed to the idea, G following suit rather quickly, but Pap seemed a bit hesitant.

"You can go run around and do other stuff too if you want to." You assured the energetic skeleton instantly. Satisfied with the answer, he decided to join in for the lazy day.

In the end it had been a really nice day for everyone.

At some point in the afternoon you and your bittys had agreed to watch old Christmas movies. They all remembered you of your childhood, especially (Fav/ Christmas movie), leaving you with a slight feeling of nostalgia in your heart.

After finishing dinner, a rather fancy and advanced one for your standards, the four of you settled down next to the small tree you had put up in your living room.

"how exactly does this work? we just take what's our name on it and open it? Sansy asked, a sudden uncertainty in his voice.

"Yea pretty much." You answered as you watched the bittys approach the colorful boxes.

Pap was the first to open his present.

"THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!" The taller skeleton cried out as he stood up, a new bright red scarf in his hands. In front of him lay a complete new outfit, consisting of a black body, a white shirt, small blue shorts and bright red boots.

"I'm glad you like it." You mumble, watching the other two bittys with curiosity.

"I didn't know they had books about stars in our size." Sansy muttered in wonder. He was holding some books about space in his hands. In front of him lay a new bright blue hoodie. His bright genuine smile told you exactly how happy he was.

G, in the meantime, stared at his gift in disbelieve. You had gotten him a small pot, a pan and a miniature portable stove. You wanted him to finally be able to really learn how to cook. He didn't move for another minute as Lava-like tears welled up in his eyes. The small flame ran up to you and hugged your thumb tightly.

"Thank you so much." He mumbled as you rubbed his back comforting.

"Merry Christmas you guys." You hummed.

"Merry Christmas!" They answered in a choir.

You loved this bittys to death, although they could be quite a handful sometimes. They were your family and definitely worth everything. You couldn't imagine a day without them.

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