Intermission: Trioblasters

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Suny blinked the traces of sleep out of his eyes. As usually, he was the first of the brothers to wake up. Although they were living on the surface for almost a year now, and they were all grown-up, they still slept in a brother pile sometimes, like they had when they were children.

Suny looked around, careful not to wake anybody. Saz was in his blaster form, his head draped over Sunys pelvis, still deep asleep. Parz was hugging him close. Suny smiled at the display. The rough-looking Skeletons didn't show their affection for each other very often, but during sleep the rough facade sometimes disappeared.

Pyru, also in blaster form, was lying on his side a bit separated from them. Suny turned, finding Papyrus on his other side, hugging Sans close to himself, who looked completely dead to the world. Papyrus on the other hand slowly began to wake up too, blinking rapidly but not moving from his position otherwise. He and Suny often woke up this early, due to their shared high amount of energy.

"Good morning, Papy." Suny whisper-screamed, causing Papyrus to jolt a bit in surprise. The sudden movement caused Sans to accidently bump against Suny. It was not a hard shove, but it was enough to force the heavy head on Sunys pelvis to slide down with a small thump. Saz groaned and curled up further, closing his eye sockets tighter with a huffing annoyed sound. Parz just mumbled something in his sleep.

"Good morning Suny!" Papyrus answered finally, a bit quieter than his brother. Sans stirred in his, opening one eye socket to glance up at him.

"Oh hey, bro. You're awake." He mumbled, the words slurred from sleep.

"You aren't supposed to be awake this early brother!" Suny intervened looking at the Skeleton in front of him with a disapproving look.

"Heh sorry." Sans mumbled, "Couldn't help it. You're morning -voice isn't really quiet, you know? And bumping into someone isn't really helping either."

"It's actually quite good, I think. You won't be a lazybones now." Papyrus said teasing.

"Yes. That is true." Suny whispered now, wiggling out of his position slowly and carefully. Sans just watched him with an amused look on his face, until the smallest brother had managed to free himself.

Suny stood up and stretched as he walked towards the big window of the room. As always, he looked outside first, checking if the green grass and the trees still looked as beautiful as the days before. The surprised gasp he made instead had Papyrus on his feet in mere seconds, carrying a half-asleep Sans with him to investigate what Suny was so shocked about.

The outside wasn't overgrown with green grass or shone with wonderful colors in the fresh sunlight. Instead it was white, a familiar and bright white, sparkling and reflecting the suns light.

"Is that.... snow?" Sans asked incredulous.

"I guess. It looks a lot like it!" Suny screamed out excited.

He jumped up and down excitedly, the ruckus of his happy antics waking Pyru. The baster beast stretched itself out, shoving his claws into Parz, causing the lanky skeleton to jump up, eyes wide and frightened.

"Who? Why? What?" He asked disoriented, not moving his arms, which were still around Saz' waist protectively.

"Stop being lazy and sleepy and look!" Suny chimed, his eye lights shining brighter with happyness.

"What is it? " mumbled Pyru, well knowing they couldn't understand him like this. He transformed back, popping his back once he was done and placing himself next to his brothers.

"There is snow. Like in Snowdin. Dad and Fellby were right after all." The small skeleton explained hastily

"Snow?" Pyrus mind was still to asleep to handle this information.

"Yes. They said there should be some around this time!" Suny still jumped around, but he was calming down slightly

"In two weeks it's gyftma-no Christmas. The humans call it Christmas. And Dad said there would be snow for it. And there is!"

A rumbling purring sound from the direction of the bed told him that Saz was awake and listening, even if he couldn't move. He opened one eye socket half way and stretched his muzzle into a toothy grin to show his approval of the situation. Parz was still holding him close, trying to comprehend what was going on around him

"We will have snow on gyft-Christmas, just like we always had in the underground!" Suny stated proudly. Pyru just stared down at him, a big smile on his face.

"We will celebrate with Dad, uncle Swabby and uncle Fellby, anyway. But it's good that there will be something familiar up here." Sans smiled genuinely.

"We have to plan that with them soon." Parz remarked, finally letting Saz go and lifting himself from the mattress.

The small skeleton transformed a second later to join his brothers at the window

"I just hope the whole festivity thingy will stay somewhat familiar..."Sans muttered more to himself than anyone else.

"It totally will." Suny beamed giving the older brother a tight hug.

"It will be better! There will be stars. Real stars." Saz mumbled.

"And fresh air." Pyru joined in.

"And cool new human food!" Sunys eye lights sparkled. He searched eye contact with Parz, knowing the taller skeleton loved to cook.

"You're getting all touchy-feely again." He scolded teasingly, but the smile on his features betrayed his internal happiness.

"Yeah, yeah." Sans snickered an answer, "too feely for the big and strong guy."

Parz growled in response but his laughter was clearly audible.

"Brothers, stop. I have a much better idea for what we could do now! Something I have missed for almost a year now." Papyrus turned towards his brothers with an almost evil-looking smirk on his features.

"I demand a snowball fight! Now! Let's go!"


There is some more art, whoo.
I had so much fun drawing this. But seriously, I think this chapter just exists because I wanted to draw this.

If you dont know the Trioblasters Au yet, go check it out. It's super sweet story and it has some really heartwarming characters in it. Honestly, it's great!

Anyway, thats it for today. Cya

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