Day 24: Merry Christmas!

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Christmas eve was finally here.

The monsters had already met in Toriels house earlier and were now happily chatting and waiting for the time to go by.

Papyrus and Frisk were sitting close to the Christmas tree, excitedly telling each other what the friends had missed out on this year and what they absolutely needed to do next time. They were playing with the two small kittens the skeletons had brought with them, not wanting to leave them unsupervised for a long time again.

Toriel was preparing the dining table together with Mettaton, both half dancing to the happy Christmas music that was playing in the background. Mettaton even sang a few of the lines, remembering them well from Papyrus lessons. Toriel just softly hummed the melody for her part, glad that someone had actually signed up to help her at all.

Alphys was taking selfies with Undyne. Both wore a red Christmas hat with color-changing pompons and just enjoyed the calm atmosphere around them.

Asgore was standing in a corner of the room, talking with Grillby and Sans. Although it was unusual, Sans proved himself to be a good listener, as mostly the ex-king and the normally silent bartender were exchanging some old and new tales.

Mettaton walked into the living room, as soon as Toriel declared the food to be ready.

"Darlings, our favorite former queen sends me to tell you, that the food is ready." The robot smiled, striking a dramatic pose.

"I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM DO THIS IN A LONG TIME." Papyrus tried to whisper, but his naturally loud voice betrayed him.

"heh, 's that so?" Sans remarked, smirking up at the now slightly annoyed looking star.

"Shut up." Mettaton mumbled, rolling his eyes. Undyne looked at her friend with an expression of confusion and disbelief. Alphys just silently giggled into her hand, while Grillby desperately tried to hide his own smile. Even Asgores grin proved the old bossmonster had gotten the joke as well as the silently giggling human child.

Only Papyrus seemed oblivious to the fate he had drawn onto himself, but none of the friends was kind enough to explain it to him.

"Come on punks. Time to eat!" Undyne finally exclaimed, hauling Alphys to her feet and pushing Mettaton back towards the dining table. Her sudden movement destroyed the awkward atmosphere and quickly brought back the initial carefree one.

The group of monsters settled around the big dining table, which was loaded with various food items. Almost every monster's favorite food was present, including mini-burgers, fries, small stakes, spaghetti, various items from Muffets, sushi, pizza, snail pie and of course, a big butterscotch-cinnamon pie. There were also milkshakes, hot chocolate and various kinds of tea, as well as small monster candies, spread on the table.

"wow." Sans breathed out, eying the table with wide eye sockets.

"I think you outdid yourself a bit." Mumbled Asgore kindly. Toriel smiled warmly at him.

"This is just fabulous." Stated Mettaton proudly. Alphys was taking pictures of the table, uploading some of them on her social media.

"Don't just stare at the food, eat it." Toriel laughed warmly.

An hour later half of the food was gone, and the friends were still sitting at the table, chatting and laughing without a care.

That was, until Frisk suddenly hopped down from their chair and threw their arms up in a wild gesture.

"The best part is still missing guys! Come on, let's get to the tree already!" They exclaimed, determination sparkling in their eyes.

"My child, give me one minute. I prepared something for everybody and I would like to share it beforehand." Toriel cut in, leaving the room and returning a few seconds later, some self-made Christmas sweaters in her hands.

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