Day 20: fight!

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About ten seconds after giving the signal, there were snowballs flying absolutely everywhere. Frisk was giving it their all, mostly aiming for Undyne and Mettaton. Papyrus on his part was mostly aiming for Undyne and Alphys, trying very hard to land a hit with every throw.

Sans for his part was throwing a bit slower than the others, but almost all of his throws were aimed at the famous robot in the group. He tried to avoid Grillby as much as he could, knowing the fire elemental could get hurt if they hit an uncovered part of him. Luckily the others were doing exactly the same, so he didn't need to worry too much about his boyfriend's safety.

What the small skeleton hadn't expected however, was that the flame was the first one to start a counterattack.

"Sans, you bonehead! You and your dirty pranks." Grillby exclaimed, aiming for the skeleton with his gloved hands. Sans dodged the attack with ease, but Grillbys sudden activeness lead Undyne to spring in action.

"NGHA! PAPYRUS! COME HERE!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and threw two snowballs at once at the lanky skeleton. Frisk used the fish-lady's short distraction to hit her on the back of her head, which caused her to lose her balance and fall face first in the snow.

Alphys tried to hide behind Mettaton, but the robot wasn't even thinking about providing a save space for the small scientist. Instead he quickly started to defend himself too, concentrating his attacks on Sans as well.

Undyne found her balance again and started to chase Papyrus through the snow, still throwing snowballs at him. In a desperate maneuver, Papyrus tried to hide behind Frisk. The plan didn't work though and soon both, the human child and the skeleton, were running away from the enraged former captain of the royal guard.

Sans soon found himself cornered. Both Mettaton and Grillby were still throwing snow at him and the constant bombardment was making it hard for him to counteract. He dodged the snowballs until he spotted a gap behind Mettaton that was perfect for teleporting. The small skeleton disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared behind the famous robot. In the same second Mettaton landed in the snow with a muffled squeak.

Sans was almost sure that he had won the fight now, until two strong warm arms yanked him in the air. He let out an uncharacteristically high scream, before he too landed face first in the snow.

In the meantime, Alphys tried to help Undyne with catching either Papyrus or Frisk. Luckily, her position caused the tall skeleton to change his direction, which gave Undyne the needed advantage to finally get to him. They landed in the snow together, the harmless bickering soon evolving into a full-on wrestling match between the two.

Frisk was caught by Grillby a few seconds later. The elemental was still laughing warmly at his small boyfriend, who was now trying to free himself of the snow.

"no fair." The skeleton mumbled, which earned him some more laughter from the flame.

"Come on Sans. Not all your pranks can work out perfectly." He smirked.

"What is going on out here?" Cut an upset voice through the fun.

The still fighting and laughing monsters outside all went quiet at once, turning to see Toriel standing in the doorway. The bossmonster had an angered expression on her face.

"well...shit." Sans muttered under his breath.

"My child, where's your jacket? You must be freezing out here. And you two, Undyne and Papyrus, get out of the snow, your clothes will get all soaked and cold. What did you even think while starting this anyway?" Toriel shouted with an accusing look.

The eyes of the sheepish looking monsters all landed on Sans at her last words. The small skeleton felt like vanishing into thin air, but he knew he would get into even more trouble if he did try to escape.

"And more importantly, why didn't you ask me to join?" Toriel added seriously. Sans stared at her in disbelieve, eye sockets wide. That was not what he had been expecting at all.

"whu?" He asked dumbfounded.

"You of all people should know that I like bad jokes and pranks myself." Toriel answered, her anger slowly converting into soft giggles.

"And you probably would have won too, if you had had one more person in the team."

Sans still stared at her flabbergasted. The others, however, were able to process the events faster and started to laugh in relief. They got up and moved to join Toriel in the house, leaving a still confused Sans behind.

"You can't really be that shocked Sans." Mumbled Grillby as he helped the small skeleton to his feet and lead him back into the house, Frisk still in his arms.

"just thought she would be angrier with me. kinda let the kid run wild without protection and everything." Sans muttered, shaking his head.

"You know her. If there was any real danger of getting sick she would have reacted differently." The flame tried to sooth.

"yeah you're probably right." The elemental set the child down as soon as they entered the house. Toriel told the child to change clothes and invited the rest of the friends to settle in the living room.

"Papyrus, would you be so kind and help me some more in the kitchen? I am almost ready, but I could use another hand." Toriel asked the tall skeleton kindly, who immediately joined her back in the kitchen. The rest of the group started to relax a bit in the warm atmosphere, until a gentle knock on the door interrupted their friendly chatting.

Undyne opened the door to welcome the last guest for the evening.

"Hello. Apologies for being late." Asgore greeted the fish-lady with a smile.

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