Day 7: A good idea

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"Are you really sure this is a good idea?" Mettaton asked, uncertainty wavering in his voce.

"Yes. I am." Grillby smiled at the robot. He had never thought the two of them would actually get along, but on most occasions, they managed quite well.

"You know Papyrus actually likes them, as much as he tries not to show it too much. And I know for sure that Sans does as well." The elemental continued.

"Yes yes you're right. I just don't get why we're not doing that on Christmas. The timing has to be just perfect." Mettaton mumbled, reaching an arm out with a dramatic gesture. Grillby rolled his eyes, but smiled.

"The little ones could get to overwhelmed easily, if they don't have time to accustom themselves to the home." He explained, his gaze travelling over all the small pets that sat in their cages. As much as he liked animals himself, and actually wanted a pet for his own -which had led him to this idea in the first place- Grillby disliked some of the enclosures humans build for them.

However, he tried not to think about it too much as he walked towards the man in the back of the shop. Mettaton hummed in confirmation and trailed behind him with confident steps. Grillby had decided for him to come and help pick the best fitting small buddies for the skeleton-duo. Mettaton had agreed, although he actually proved to have way more doubts about this then the flame could have imagined. However, with the kid having the wonderful idea of celebrating the 6th of December it gave the flame and the robot a perfect opportunity they couldn't miss.

"Good evening." Grillby greeted the old looking man, his voice crackling quietly. He was quite aware that he could be a scary sight at first, so he was very conscious about approaching humans.

The salesperson looked up at him, not the slightest trace of fear on his face. Instead, his eyes sparkled with a surprised interest and curiosity.

"Hello there. Welcome to my shop. What can I do for you?" His raspy voice responded cheerfully.

"We would like to provide a home for some kittens." Grillby smiled. Mettaton stood behind him, striking a confident pose.

"Yeah of course, of course. Follow me, I will show them to you." The shopkeeper turned around, leading the two monsters in the back of the store.

"My cats care for six little bundles of joy at the moment. They are right here. Be careful though." The old man looked over his shoulder with a sad smile, "Sorry to say this, but I don't know how they react to you..."

"It's alright. We are patient." Grillby smiled warmly.

"You are, at least." Mettaton mumbled under his breath, earning himself an amused snap of a flame.

The robot and the fire elemental shifted their gaze to the small bed-like area in front of them, looking at the six small bundles laying in front of them.

"Gosh, are those darlings cute." Mettaton breathed out, a hand dramatically placed in front of his mouth.

"Aren't they? Just take your time. You can pet them and lift them if you want, just take a bit of caution while doing so. And let them adapt to you before" The man smiled at the monsters, then he tended to an older cat that came walking towards him.

Grillby shifted his attention back to the kittens. There were two completely black ones, curled up and sleeping in one edge of the bed. An orange-red one was climbing a brown-striped one wildly and a white one was playing happily with a light gray one.

"Those two seem way to energetic." Mettaton laughed, pointing at the now fighting red and brown kittens. Grillby nodded in confirmation. He didn't know why, but the gray kitten reminded him of Sans in a weird way. He looked almost like how his lover looked like, whenever he had a family moment with Papyrus or when he tried to explain something to his lover. Even the laid-back nature seemed to be prominent. A glance at Mettaton, who eyeballed the white kitten in a similar fashion. The robot reached out, letting the kittens sniff at his hand before petting the white one affectionately. Grillby slowly, very slowly, reached out to copy the stars movements besides him. He kept his distant, conscious of his body's nature. To his surprise, the gray kitten lacked any fear of his flaming hand. It pressed itself into his heat almost instantly, rubbing their head against his thumb.

"Those two are our youngest members. Their mother died shortly after the birth, but the two brothers care for one another very deeply." The shopkeeper explained in the background. The monsters looked at each other, being reminded of their boyfriends just a bit too much.

"I think we found our new family members." The elemental grinned, now petting both small cats. Mettaton nodded. He too was smiling, adoring the cute fur-balls. Grillby turned to the shopkeeper, who was silently watching his kittens.

"I think these two just found a new home."

"so... ya mean to tell me you guys got 'em?" Sans asked, still looking confused. Frisk and the kittens had fallen asleep on him, just as a bright flame had joined the skeleton brothers in the living room.

"Yes. We thought it would be quite nice." He smiled warmly, a cup of coffee in his hands, "Besides, I know you brothers have a special place for cats in your soul. Especially you."

"yeah. the kid likes 'em too. and it's not like you hate cats or somethin'. i know ya." The skeleton grinned fondly.

Papyrus laughed silently to himself.

"THANK YOU GRILLBY. THAT REALLY WAS THOUGHTFUL AND NICE OF YOU!" Papyrus whisper-talked, moving to give his brothers lover a small hug and then walking towards the stairs.


Sans eyes flickered back to Grillby after a small second.

"They really remind me of you and Papyrus." Grillby chuckled. The gray cat had draped itself around the white one protectively in their sleep. Sans snickered.

"they kinda really do." He mumbled, a small, but genuine smile stretching over his face as he added: "i think you little ones just found home."

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