Day 6: A purrfect surprise

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Papyrus had been excited for this morning for some time now. Frisk had told them that sometimes, humans would put their shoes outside during the night to the sixth of December, to find sweets in them the next morning. Papyrus had of course liked the idea. He was just as eager as Frisk to try this out.

They had both put a shoe outside, Frisk one of their small brown shoes and Papyrus one of his red boots. The kid had planned to sleep over for the night, which rose both of their excitement even more.

Now the tall skeleton waited eagerly for the rest of the household to wake up. He didn't need to sleep much, only about 6 hours a day, so he was always awake before the others were.

He would have already gotten up, if he didn't know Frisk was laying on the couch downstairs, still asleep. So he waited patiently, until he heard a hesitant knock on his door. He turned around careful, to not disturb the still sleeping Mettaton next to him and watched as the door creeped open. Frisk entered his room, walking up to his side of the bed. Papyrus smiled. Normally they would go to Sans if they needed some comforting, so he felt honored by their change of mind.

"OH, HUMAN FRISK! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE UP ALREADY. CAN'T YOU SLEEP?" he asked quietly, an encouraging smile on his face. The tiny human nodded.

"I want to go see if there is anything outside jet." They mumbled, fiddling with their fingers. Papyrus moved to stand up, careful to not wake the sleeping robot.

"LET'S GO CHECK THEN!" He stated. They were down and in front of the house in seconds and instantly checked their shoes.

Frisk had pulled some chocolate out of their boot and seemed pleased. They walked over to look at what Papyrus got.

The tall skeleton had his hands clasped in front of his mouth. Well, he certainly hadn't expected to find ... two small curled up bundles of fur in them. Frisk stood next to him, mouth slightly agape, eyes opened wide. A gasp escaped the human child.

"Oh my god, Papyrus. There are kittens! " Frisk almost cried out. Their hands covered their face now and she stared at the boot. It seemed that the child couldn't get a handle on the sheer cuteness of the scene in front of them. And if he was being honest with himself, Papyrus actually felt the same way.

"BUT HOW DID THEY GET IN THERE?" He muttered finally.

"I don't know. But they are cute as hell." Frisk squeaked. She picked up one of the small kittens, a white one with gray paws. It meowed a bit, but adjusted quickly and relaxed into the hold.

"DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD KEEP THEM?" He asked, still seeming to be lost a bit. Frisk remained silent for a while.

"We should ask the others first, I think. But they are just sooo cute!" They answered finally.

"YEAH I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. WE SHOULD TAKE THEM IN FOR NOW THOUGH. IT IS COLD OUT HERE! THEY, OR EVEN WORSE YOU, COULD CATCH A COLD." Papyrus bent down, picked up the other, light gray kitten and walked back into the living room. Frisk followed him slowly, hugging the white fur-ball close to them. They sat down on the couch, folding their legs under themselves. Frisk sat the kitten down next to them, the warm cushions surrounding it protectively. Papyrus hesitantly copied the human. He placed himself on the floor and put the bundle he was holding next to it's... brother? Sister? He was sad, that he didn't even know that information...

The kittens took just a moment before they started to explore their new environment. They took careful steps, stumbling on the surface that gave away under them. Both seemed to like the small child next to them, because they settled to climb on Frisks lab not so short after. Frisk giggled at the soft taps that travelled over their legs. Papyrus too smiled at the small cats. Despite everything that was still confusing him right now, the fluffy fur-balls were pretty cute.

"uh...heya. what are you two doin' up at this time?" Interrupted a tired deep voice the peaceful silence. Papyrus turned, to find his brother standing at the bottom of the stairs, still in his sleeping clothes. He frowned a bit. The smaller skeleton wasn't an early riser at all, so they somehow must have managed to wake him up. Or he was already up to begin with, which was also rather concerning.

"I was too excited to see what Papyrus and I would find in our shoes, so we went to look." Frisk blurted out. Sans bone-brows rose slightly at that, his gaze landing on the still happily moving kittens on the child's lap.

"heh. those are new. where'd ya find them?" The small skeleton asked.


"huh." Was the only answer the tall skeleton got.

"Can... you keep them? They are really cute! And they haven't done anything bad yet." Frisk set up their best puppy-eye expression. Papyrus saw Sans tired smile becoming warmer. He knew his older brother liked animals, frankly, he did too. He had already taken them to his soul by now, after all.

"can't make that decision all alone kid. we bros 're not the only ones living here." Sans shuffled to the couch, dropping on it and extending an arm towards the cute bundle of gray fur. Papyrus relaxed content as he watched Sans' grin widen with each passing second. The sturdy skeleton chuckled.

"they really are some cute little fellas."

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