Day 9: An odd race part 2

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The first seconds of the race were a mad scramble of arms and legs, trying to get going as fast as possible. Even Toriel joined into the competitive behavior of the younger monsters around her, her eyes sparkling with a fierceness Frisk had never seen in them.

Undyne was the first to finally pick up higher speed, dashing down a particularly steep spot, followed closely by Papyrus and Mettaton and, surprisingly Toriel. Sans started slower, supervising the kid for just one more second before his blaster too dashed forward. Frisk let out a surprised yelp as her Blaster copied the movement almost instantly. The beastly skulls moved in synch, huffing and purring happily.

The hills surface wasn't particularly challenging, but it wasn't really easy to sled on it either. Frisk could feel the small bumps in the ground, that functioned like miniature ramps for the fast-moving monsters in front of her. They knew there was an actual small ramp further down the hillside. Just thinking about the jump made them grab the rope tighter.

In the meantime, Undyne and Alphys seemed to have some trouble. They had lost control of their wok for a brief second and were now spinning in circles. Another bump in the ground disoriented their center of gravity. The wok slurred as they hit the ground again, both monsters facing up the hill. The metal shifted under Undyne's grasp and Alphys squeaked as the wok shot out from it's position under the two girlfriends, leaving them both rolling down the hillside backwards for some meters.

"Crap! We were so almost getting it!" Undyne snarled angrily as Papyrus an Mettaton passed the two, almost falling in the process themselves. Papyrus dug his heels in the snow to keep them upright. The robot in front of him had thought of the same thing. They managed to evade falling, but the sharp maneuver slowed them down until they almost stood still.

The former queen whipped past the four monsters gracefully, one of her feet drifting through the snow as she took a tricky curve. She didn't even flinch as the sled under her wavered for a moment, straightening it with surprising skill and precision. Toriel took on even more speed as she rushed over the last ramp, flying through the air for a second, before she hit the ground again and drifted to a stop.

Papyrus and Mettaton jumped over the ramp to, but their lack of speed sent them both face first into the snow.

"Oh my. Are you two alright?" Asked the former queen with a laugh. Papyrus answered with a groan, helping the robot next to him out of the snow.

"This could've worked a bit better for my taste." Mettaton muttered as he tried to free himself of the snow.

Frisk had the time of their life. The blaster under them was surprisingly sturdy and well-controlled, not wavering once as they scooted over the small bumps on the ground. It chirped and trilled at her, following the movements of the rope in its fangs. Sans was still sliding alongside them. He had an almost mad-looking grin on his face. Frisk could see he was holding back from doing his normally crazy and risky maneuvers.

Frisks hair whipped in their face, as the Gaster blaster slid over the last ramp. It hovered in the air for a second, landing just a bit softer than the actual landing would have bin. Sans performed the same move, both sliding to a stop next to Toriel.

Undynes and Alphys wok reached the bottom of the hillside a second later. The fish-lady was running to get to the group as fast as possible, but her snow-covered coat slowed her down significantly. Alphys stumbled down behind her, way more careful with her steps.

"That was fun." Frisk breathed out, pushing themselves up into a more comfortable sitting position. Sans snickered at that.

"the kid's right." He turned to face Toriel.

"geeze, tori. I never expected you to be the competitive type."

"YOU ARE SURPRISINGLY GOOD AT THIS MISS TORIEL! THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS IMPRESSED!" Papyrus exclaimed, straightening his snowy clothes one last time.

"Well, I had some time to train earlier in my life. And it is rather fun to do. You should have seen Asgore back in the old days. Although, he was never really good at this." The ex-queen smiled. Frisk stared at Toriel with a new wonder in their eyes. There were certainly many things they didn't know about their new family.

"Can we go again?" They asked, shifting on top of the skull in restored excitement. Mettaton let out a loud laugh.

"Why not? As long as we don't end up in the snow again." He teased Papyrus lovingly, earning himself a disapproving look from the skeleton.

"let's get back to the top then." Sans grinned. Toriel nodded eagerly, standing up and walking back uphill, her sudden uncontrolled an informal attitude making him chuckle. Papyrus and Mettaton followed her, taking Undynes wok with them. Sans blasters began to float again, carrying the small skeleton and the human child to the top of the hill again.

The group met Undyne and Alphys on their way, the pair joining the next round happily.

"The second one is always better than the first!" Undyne exclaimed, raising their wok over her head to underline her statement.

This time, when Undyne gave the signal to move Frisk didn't concentrate on the others around them. They could faintly see Toriel being at the head of the group this time, Sans close behind her. Frisk themselves where sliding in beside Papyrus, now having to control the Gaster blaster under them all by themselves. It was surprisingly easier than they had expected and they managed to move to the bottom skillfully, even performing a quick trick at the last ramp, proud they were already this good at riding the beastly skull.

Sans had, of course, stepped up his game and was making small tricks during the whole ride. Some of them looked actually really impressive. He reached the bottom as the last one. Papyrus and Mettaton had been the first to reach the bottom this time, followed by Toriel. Even Undyne and Alphys made it to the bottom, just after Frisk had come to a stop.

"This is awesome!" Undyne screamed. She pushed herself up, walking up to Sans who was resting comfortably on his skull-weapon.

"Hey, shrimp. Mind summoning one for me? Or letting me sled on one with you?" She asked, a wide-eyed and impressed look on her face.

"fell free to join me next time." Sans chuckled with a shrug.

"Just like in the animes." Alphys mumbled in awe.

The group kept up their wild game for some time, all of them performing riskier and riskier moves as the hours passed by. When it finally got dark, the whole group was burned out and tired. Even Papyrus' movements were becoming slower.

The friends parted ways half an hour later, still in a good mood while they were walking back to their homes. Frisk joined the skeleton brothers and their boyfriends, getting carried by Grillby again, too tired to walk by themselves.

It had been a good day, they decided. A very good day. And they hoped to have one again as soon as possible.

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