Day 16: I dreamed a dream

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"SANS! SANS WAKE UP! IT'S GYFTMAS!" Papyrus screamed. He was shaking his bigger brother, but the short skeleton didn't even stir.

"SANS! COME ON!" Papyrus shook him again. Sans groaned in response. The bed was way too warm to just leave and get up, no matter what.


Sans opened one of his eye sockets. Maybe there was a good enough cause to stand up after all.


Sans sighed out of reflex, but he pushed himself into a sitting position.

"good morning bro." he mumbled. The smaller skeleton stretched, yawning theatrical and booped his smaller brothers nasal bone. Papyrus frowned a bit, but his excitement was hard to extinguish.

"DAD IS WAITING DOWNSTAIRS!" He exclaimed with enthusiasm, grabbing Sans arm and dragging him out of the bed.

"really?" Sans smiled and let himself be pushed out of his room.

He was standing in a warm, decorated and bright living room. The small Gyftmas tree, that was standing in the center of the room, was overcrowded with star-shaped ornaments, sparkling ribbons and colorful lights. Tree and heart-shaped lights were hanging in the windows. Snow was falling outside, covering everything in a powdery white.

"Greetings Sans! I see you finally woke up!" A low but familiar voice said. Sans turned to find his dad sitting in the armchair. The tall and lanky skeleton had a quantum physics book in his hands, but his loving gaze was laying on his sons.

"heya dad." Sans grinned. Papyrus walked up to the tall skeleton, making grabby hands at him. His dad chuckled, but he lifted Papyrus up and sat him on his lap. Sans quickly joined his brother and the three of them sat in silence for a little while, cuddling each other.

"I talked to king Asgore. He and I both agree that I am working to much. I am supervising the CORE, but it seems to be save enough for now. My coworkers should be able to handle things. So Asgore decided to give me some time to do some family bonding." The tall skeleton smiled down at his boys, the scar on his left cheek hindering the movement just a bit.

"KING ASGORE IS REALLY NICE. WHEN I AM A ROYAL GUARD, I WILL MAKE SURE TO BE AS KIND AS HIM!" Papyrus threw his arms in the air, almost hitting Sans in the process. The lanky skeleton shifted him out the way just in time. He shook his head slightly in amusement, but his gaze was kind and supporting.

"Of course, you will. You're too precious. Never change."

Sans stared up at his dad.

"it's cool we get to do stuff together. maybe you can finally teach me more about the stars!"

"I would love to!" The skeletal hands with holes in them lifted both small skeletons in the air.

"But let's not forget what day it is today. We should go and see what Santa left under the tree in town for you. What do you two think?"

"YES! COME ON SANS!" Papyrus revived excitement was contagious and soon both small skeletons were running ahead of their father. The royal scientist followed them, smiling brightly.

He promised himself to keep the boys safe and care for them. Forever.




Sans opened his eyes. He was lying in his bed, nestled in the heat of Grillbys body. The bone on his forehead furrowed slightly. Normally his dreams were dark, leaving him feeling bad, hurting and worried after he woke up. But this one surprisingly had been peaceful. Almost calming.

"...Sans?" The elemental mumbled sleepily.

Relieve flooded the small skeleton, followed by joy, as his soul suddenly shone brighter in his chest. Grillby behind him hugged the small skeleton closer to him.

"Sans? Are you alright? Was it another nightmare?" He asked, worry in his voice.

Sans turned to him, a bright big smile on his face.

"no, it wasn't. i'm good!" The small skeleton hugged the elemental back, burying his face in the bigger monster's chest.

"was a pretty good dream actually." He mumbled. Grillby sighed, but he stroked the back of Sans skull lovingly. Both monsters lay in bed silent for a while, sleep overcoming Sans rather quickly again.

The elemental lay awake a bit longer, listening to his boyfriends even breathing.

Then he closed his eyes as well, a loving smile on his features.

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