Day 18: We have cookies

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"SANS! WE WILL START BAKING THE COOKIES NOW. DO YOU WANT TO JOIN US?" Papyrus asked Sans for the fifth time this evening. Sans looked up from the papers he had brought with him to Toriels house, a lazy grin on his features.

"nah bro. thanks for the invite tho." He shrugged.

"But it's fun!" Frisk intervened. They walked out of the kitchen and placed themselves in front of the small skeleton, determination sparkling in their eyes. Sans let out an amused chuckle.

"sorry kid. you gotta role with just tori and pap for this one. still need to finish this. b'sides, i'm more interested in the result anyway." Papyrus rolled his eyes.

"WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED THIS ANSWER FROM MY LAZYBONES BROTHER? I BET NOBODY." He grumbled sarcastically. Frisk wasn't about to give up so soon, but the lanky skeleton had already taken their hand and pulled them back towards the kitchen.

"But..." They tried to intervene, but Papyrus shook his head.

"AS MUCH AS I ADMIRE YOUR DETERMINATION HUMAN FRISK, I KNOW WHEN IT'S TIME TO ARGUE WITH MY BROTHER AND WHEN IT'S NOT." He turned his gaze to the already busily reading skeleton and smiled warmly.


"can still hear you bro." Mumbled Sans behind their backs. Frisk just giggled at the two brothers.

They entered the kitchen, where it already smelled like cookie dough. Frisk excitedly ran up to their adoptive mom to see what she was doing.

"Hello my child. Do you and the great Papyrus want to join me?" She asked, setting a newly prepared bowl of batter down. Frisk nodded frantically. Toriel laughed softly as she moved her bowl to the kitchen table. Papyrus and Frisk watched the bigger monster as she spread flour over the baking paper on the table and split the batter in two.

"Papyrus, can you get the cookie cutters for us? They are next to the sugar." Toriel asked during her preparations.

"OF COURSE!" The tall skeleton exclaimed, returning seconds later with a bright bag full of different shaped cookie cutters. Frisks eyes sparkled at the sight of them and even Papyrus seemed to almost overflow with his excitement.

"Thank you, Papyrus. You two have some fun. I bought icing and other decorating stuff for later too." Toriel smiled, turning away to pick up her own task again.

Frisk hopped up and down excitedly. They sat down at the table and carefully inspected every shape there was. The human child spotted some different star shapes, some heart shapes, a tree, a reindeer and even a squirrel shaped one. In the end, they settled on making every shape at least twice and formed self-made shapes of the faces of their family members out of the left-over batter Most of them ended up looking more like blobs, but they were pleased nonetheless.

Papyrus was meanwhile mostly forming circles in different sizes and making traditional shapes. He was talking about the different things he could do with the icing the whole time. It reminded Frisk a little bit of an overexcited child.

They were soon done. Toriel put the finished work in the oven and told them she would call them as son as the cookies were ready.

A good 30 minutes later the kitchen table was littered with different colored frosting, sprinkles and chocolate splitters. Frisk was mostly going for the basics, putting a thin coating of frosting on the cookies and giving them a final touch with the sprinkles.

Papyrus was giving decorating his all. He drew small shapes and patterns on the round cookies and worked on the other ones with great care. He was slower then Frisk because of this, but he didn't seem to mind.

Sans had walked into the kitchen during their decorating session. He had stolen some of the cookies, but he quickly left again as soon as he registered he would have to help if he stayed any longer.

In the end, Frisk and Papyrus had prepared three plates full of decorated cookies. Toriel had made some more advanced ones in the meantime, so now there were a total of six plates of cookies in the house.

"You two did a good job." The bossmonster praised, patting the human child on the head.

"Thanks mom!" Frisk smiled.


"Next time they will be able to be here and help for sure." Frisk assured him with a smile.

"Yes. But now, out of the kitchen! I need to clean and prepare dinner before the others arrive." Toriel decided, almost pushing her two helpers out of the kitchen.

"BUT THE GREAT PAPYRUS WANTS TO HELP YOU!" The tall skeleton protested.

"If you promise not to destroy my kitchen again..." Toriel mumbled in thought.

"OF COURSE!" Papyrus exclaimed happily.

"Well then. But please be careful."

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