Day 2: Let's sing!

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"I'm back darlings!" Exclaimed Mettaton as he walked into the house. The only answer he got was a small greeting huff from the living room couch. Mettaton rolled his eyes amused and walked behind the old green couch. He looked down, only to see Sans lazily laying spread out over the cushions, one arm draped over his face.

"How long have you been laying here?" Mettaton asked, amusement swaying in his voice. It was not his job to nag at the small skeleton, there were a fire elemental and another skeleton living in the house to do that, but he was still curious.

"dunno. an hour maybe longer...." A small grin spread on Sans face as he shifted his arm just enough to glance at the robot with one eye. "you would do the same if you knew what pap was up to these last days. then again, you'd probably like it."

"Oh my, is that so?"

"lemme tell ya. but you should maybe go find out for yourself. or join me, whatever you like." Sans winked up at him, "was a pretty long weekend for you after all."

"Oh shush. You know I live for the stage." Mettaton said, striking a particularly dramatic pose for emphasis. Sans just shrugged in response and closed his eyes again, but the genuine smile tugging at the corner of his mouth was clearly visible.

"But enough about me, although there is hardly enough of a celebrity of my caliber. Where is that boyfriend of yours?" Mettaton folded his arms gracefully in front of his chest, swiftly blowing the hair out of his face.

"escaped to the bar as soon as pap started blasting music through the house."

"And you didnt want to join him?"

"nah, didn't feel like it."

"Oh darling. You really are quite lazy." Mettaton laughed teasingly.

"cut me some slack, please. couldn't really sleep last night. and pap 's sure not helping." Sans all but whined in an overexaggerated manner. The robot let out a short laugh. He would never admit it but he always missed his housemates while he was on weekend tours.

"Speaking of Papy... what's he up to? You said something about music, right?" He asked, changing the topic swiftly. He noticed how tired Sans really had to be, seeing he hadn't told a single pun jet

"oh, I won't tell you. 's not too bad, but gets kinda annoying after about 3 hours." Sans still had his eye sockets closed and the seemingly to-heavy-to-lift arm still covered his face, but his shit-eating expression was as visible as ever.

Mettaton rolled his eyes, again, and made his way towards the second floor.

"I will go check on him then. Toodles!" He informed Sans before quickly climbing the stairs.

He could already pick up the booming of an continuous downbeat followed by small melodic chimes and cheerful notes playing a simple melody.

Mettaton stopped in his tracks. So that's what Papyrus was doing and what was driving Sans so crazy that he lazed around on the couch. With quick steps he crossed the last meters to their shared room and opened the door a bit to dramatic and without knocking. The loud music blasted around him as he closed the door behind him again and spotted Papyrus, mouth agape, a piece of paper in one and a plastic microphone in the other hand.

"Papy darling! I am back from my trip. How are you?" Mettaton started, drifting a bit too fast into their normal smalltalk. Papyrus on the other hand seemed to ignore the presence of spoken words as his eye sockets grew wide. He beamed at Mettaton gleefully before he suddenly came to life again.

"YOU'RE BACK!" The lanky skeleton exclaimed, throwing himself at the befuddled Robot and engaging him in a long and tight hug.

"YOU WILL LOVE WHAT I HAVE BEEN PLANNING WHILE YOU WERE GONE! I JUST KNOW IT." Before Mettaton could register what exactly Papyrus was doing and what was happening around him, he had a bright neon pink microphone in his hand and a lyric page was pressed into his other one. He looked at Papyrus, who was basically exploding with excitement.

"Wait Papy. What are we doing again?" Mettaton asked confused.


Something suddenly clicked.

"Oh, that's wonderful darling. You are wishing to sing with the famous Mettaton! What song do you want us to perform?" The robot exclaimed excitedly. Moments like this were why he loved the tall skeleton so much. He could always surprise him and cheer him up.

"ITS CALLED 'ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS'. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. TRUST ME!" Papyrus' cheeks flushed with a bright orange color as he quickly pressed out the words and went to turn the music back on.


The robot smiled deeply and skimmed the page in his hands for a moment. He knew the song very well and he didn't want to ruin the fun Papyrus had. The cheerful tune kicked in anew. The tall skeleton was at his side in an instant, loudly beginning to sing the first lines of the song. Mettaton smiled, listening to the slightly cracking, but still oddly beautiful voice of his lover and waited for his part to start. He rose his voice as well, theatrically moving through the room, pretending to be on stage again.

Everything else the famous Robot had wanted to do was forgotten. He completely focused on their song. This was the best thing he had done with Papyrus in ages.

It was their luck, that Sans had - despite everything - gotten up from the couch and had filmed their little improvised number. It was maybe not their luck, that Sans decided to send the video into the big group chat they all had, once he and Papyrus had stopped singing and started to exchange small, tender kisses.

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