New Life

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Hi... 😄

It is 3 p.m. in Birmingham n a plane from India arrived. It was the plane in which Chakor sat.

Chakor Laal has come on a scholarship in addition she has a working visa. Bcz she got a Job it is not the best but a gud one. She is the au-pair of two children Nikhil n Madhu Khanna. Who lost their mother in an accident.

Chakor was coming down the airport when she saw a car driver with a name board. Chakor; Hi I'm Chakor. The driver nod. He took her luggage. Chakor; hmm how long will be the drive? Driver; madam just an hour. Chakor nod. The driver put the stuff in the car booth. She sits at the back seats n was wondering. What a big car!.

The driver drove without talking much even on Chakors many tries he didn't say much abt the family. He just said that after the death of Priya Khanna Suraj Khanna changed. Poor children they not only lost their mother but their father too. Chakor felt bad for them but she would do her best to make their life happier.

After an hour the car stops in front of a huge house.

After an hour the car stops in front of a huge house

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Chakor wow she said in a low voice.
The driver took her luggage n helped her to go to the door. Chakor; bye. Driver; bye.

Chakor pushed the doorbell. Madhu walks to the door n opens is. Chakor was confused how the dare could open. Madhu; I am here. Chakor looked down. Oh I'm sorry. Madhu; who r u?. Chakor; I'm Chakor ur au-pair. Madhu; Mary!!! she shout.

A older woman come Mary the maid. Madhu; She is Chakor our new babysitter show her her room please. Mary; Sure. Chakor smiled at her. she followed her to a big room minimalistic appearance

 she followed her to a big room minimalistic appearance

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Mary; this is ur room. Take rest we eat at 6 p.m.. Chakor; ok thank u. I will be there. Mary left n Chakor spins around in her room. She let her fall on the bed. A big smile was on her face. Finally she can do more than sitting at home n waiting for groom.

It was 6 p.m. Chakor came down wearing a silk Shalwaar Khameez

 Chakor came down wearing a silk Shalwaar Khameez

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Madhu was excited. Chakor was the first indian as the previous babysitter were all Britain. Mary was serving the food. Chakor; may I help u?. Mary; no u take care of the kids. Chakor nod n sits next to Madhu who was looking at her with big eyes. Nikhil wasn't sure yet what to think abt her.

Chakor; Hi Madhu. How r u?. Madhu shyly smiled. Fine n u?. Chakor; fine thank u. What would u like to eat?. Madhu; nothing. She stood up from the table n left. Chakor just looked at her with open mouth.

Nikhil; she is always like that. Chakor; means? Nikhil; means she is too shy. Chakor; n u r? Nikhil; I'm Nikhil. Chakor forwards her hand. Nice to meet u Nikhil. Nikhil was surprise normally the babysitter never gave him the hand to shake but she was different. Nikhil shook her hand.

Chakor; I'm just coming. Please start. Chakor stood up n walked the way Madhu took. Chakor; Madhu... where r u?. Madhu was hiding in the kitchen under a table. Mary pointed to Chakor. Chakor nod.

Mary took a tray of food and drink. Chakor; Mary where r u taking it?. Mary;... Sir stopped to eat with the family. He stays in his studyroom always drunk... Mary left saying this.

She hears someone was crying n sniffing. Chakor went down n saw the innocent face of Madhu who was crying badly. Chakor; Madhu r u missing ur mumma n papa. Madhu nod. Chakor opens her arms n Madhu runs to her. She hugs her tight n cried. Chakor lifts her up. She caresses her back n made her calm.

Chakor; Madhu do u want to hurt ur mumma? She shook her head. Chakor; gud then u need to eat. U have to become strong. Ur mumma should be proud of u. Right?. She nods. Chakor; ok to be a gud girl u have to stop crying. Here clean ur face. She gave her a tissue. Madhu sniffs n both went to the dining table n starts eating.

Nikhil was impressed by her. But still he didn't trust her.

Mary knocked at the door of the study. Suraj; come in... he was lost in alcohol n depression. Mary came in n serves the food. The new Au-Pair arrived. Suraj nod. Mary; she seems to be very nice. I think u should meet her once. Suraj looked at her. His eyes were red full of pain. Suraj; I don't want to meet her. Mary; but... Suraj stops her. Mary lowered her head n left him alone in his sorrow.

Chakor n the kids eat dinner. Chakor asked them to brush their teeth n she asked them also to change the clothes for sleeping.

Chakor comes in their room to check on them. Both were brushing their teeth. Madhu needed help in changung her clothes so Chakor helped her n brushed her hair. She took a bit of oil in her hand n massages it in Madhus hair. Chakor then braid Madhus hair.

Nikhil was watching it n Chakor felt it. Chakor then walked to his bed n massaged his hair too.

Chakor was waiting till both fall asleep. She switched off the light n wemt to her room. N fall on the bed n sleeps immidiatley.

That was the first chapter hope u enjoy 😀. Please comment n vote.

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