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Hi sorry for the delay.

very special dedication for Sabivalentina for ur cooperation with this chapter 😘.

chakor01 n devisandy1996

Recap; Birthday of Madhu n Chakor.

Chakor is now working for the family for over 6 months.

Suraj has changed completely he hasn't touched alcohol since the day Chakor had talked to him. Nikhil has changed too he become a gud student who is kinda number one. Madhu is the princess of everyone's heart.

Chakor was avoiding his gaze. She couldn't handle it.

Suraj tries not to be alone with her. He doesn't know what might could happen.

Nikhil; papa today we have a picnic at school with family U remember? Suraj was drinking his coffee. Of course I remember. Madhu tell him. Madhu; I got a new dress for picnic 😄. Nikhil smiles. Chakor has to come too. Suraj saw her she was making the lunchbox for the kids.

Suraj; if she has time n wants to come sure. Nikhil goes to her. Chakor please. Chakor looks at him. Nikhil I'm sorry but My exams gonna start n I need to practice as much as possible.  Nikhil felt broken heart. He left from there with a lowered head.

Madhu follows him. Bhai I'm coming na. Suraj stood up. U r angry with me not with my kids. If u want I will not come. Chakor looks at him with open mouth. Suraj; listen they won't miss me. As they aren't used to see me around. Just think abt it.

Chakor looks down n Suraj left the kitchen.

Chakor lost in her thoughts - I'm not angry on u. I'm confused abt what happened -.

Suraj was behind the door leaning with his back on it - I know Chakor u hate me for that but I... I lost myself I'm sorry. I'm very sorry -.

Chakor stood right on the otherside of the door placing her hand on it trying to feel him.

Suraj wipes his tears n walks to Nikhil. Suraj; oh my superman. I'm sure she will find time even if is just a little bit of her precious time. Nikhil; order her. Suraj; what? Nikhil! She is not our slave!. Nikhil; Papa I want ger to come. Chakor; Ok I will but only on one condition. Nikhil stood up n Suraj too to be ready for her asking to stay away. But Chakor; Don't cry. N ur coming yo pick me up. Nikhil; yes.

They all left in the afternoon Suraj come to the school n picked them up next they drove the Chakors college. She was talking a student of her age. He hold her hand n both laughed. Madhu; is this her boyfriend? 

Suraj saw them n he had an indiscribale pain in his heart. - It is gud I'm just too old for her. I mean how could I ever think abt this? -.

Nikhil felt jealous. She is only my girlfriend. Suraj smiled. Go get ur gf. Nikhil get off the car n runs to Chakor. Chakor explains him that he is a friend only a friend he (Nikhil) is her boyfriend.

In the car Suraj was just driving but Madhu was asking madly abt the boy. Chakor explains again only friends not more.

They reached at the park where the picnic was taking place.

All sit there together as families. A friend of Nikhil comes.

Is this ur mom?. He pointed on Chakor.

Nikhil; No Jim she is my gf.
Jim; what?
Nikhil; no she is our au pair but we love her as a friend n more he kisses her cherk n goes with Jim to play. Madhu was sitting on Suraj lap.

Suraj; don't u want to play. Madhu; no?. But if u both want to talk I will leave. Sukor looked at each other. Madhu; I saw u!

Suraj n Chakor 😲😲😲. Madhu; sorted out. Ok. She looks at Chakor n kissed her before leaving.

.... FB at night of the birthday.

Chakor was happt her happiness was beyond her imagination she got love respect n a cute family who consider her us one member not as an outsider.

Chakor was cleaning the place when Suraj come. Chakor what r u doing? Go I will do that. Chakor; No Suraj I will do it. U already did that much. Suraj; It is ur birthday I can't let u work on ur birthday. Chakor; ok tell me one thing. Suraj; what?. Chakor; how did u know? Suraj; that is ur birthday? Chakor nod.

Thank u for misunderstanding me. Did u thought a servant of mine would choose a caretaker no that is my job these r my children. My responsibility I was running away of.
I saw ur application ur reference were great but then I stopped on ur date of birth it remind me on my baby so u both were at the same character.

Chakor smiled. Thank u but I have to work. Suraj; leave this!. It is the banner. Chakor; no I will keep it away. Suraj; No I will do it. He pulls on it. Same like Chakor but Suraj was stronger n she fall on him.

Both landed on the ground. Chakor tried to stood up but slips with her hand as something wet was on the floor. Again she fall on Suraj. He was lost he forget the moment n placed his lips on hers...

FB ends....

Suraj; she saw that kiss?. 😣.
Chakor kisses his cheek. Suraj turns to her both were face to face. Chakor; I need time to figureout what I want. U too should think of everything again.

...Suraj! OMG what r u doing here?.
Suraj n Chakor looked up. Suraj smiles short. Hi Radha. How r u?.
Radha; I'm fine who is she? Chakor parted away from Suraj. Suraj; she is our au pair the caretaker of the kids. Radha; No way. Finally u r back. N look at u hot as usual. Suraj felt embaressed.

Nikhil n Madhu come back. U talked?.
Suraj; Home we r going home now.
Madhu; Chakor maa let's go...

Chakor was numb n stunned. Like Suraj. Nikhil; if she becomes our mother than she won't be my gf anymore. Madhu; Do u want a mama or gf?. Nikhil; without a sec to think. Maa of course. He took her other hand.

Sukor looked at each other without uttering a word they drive home...

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