Sukor meets

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High request 😉.

Recap; Chakor spend a very nice afternoon with the kids after picking them up from school. Before that she visited her college.

Chakor was ready to face Suraj. She knew he is broken but it doesn't mean to forget his children he has to live for them.

Suraj was in his study room he has prepared a glass with whiskey n was waiting of Chakor.

Suraj - how dare she? My kids what if something would have happen to them? -.

Chakor knocked at the door. Suraj; come in. Chakor enters the study room.

Suraj turns to see her... Chakor was looking at him face to face. Before he could say a word.

Chakor; Mister Suraj Khanna I don't know what u r doing every time but I know one thing for sure. U have no time for ur poor kids! They lost a mother but bcz of ur behaviour they also lost their alive father who is too budy in his sorrows that he can't see the sadness in his children eyes. The need of love? U r ignoring them! U didn't let them come close to u just bcz u r scared to lose them but there is no need to be scared they r ur children theh will remain. U put ur sorrow over the happiness of ur children u r failure. U never should have had children. I'm wondering how u behaved the time when ur wife was alive?. U r bad father! With no sense of sensibility n love... Don't u want to say something?!.

Suraj; well if u allow me... Chakor put a hand on her mouth... she looked down but Suraj didn't utter a word... after all she was right... U may go now. Chakor nod... - I'm fired oh shit. The poor kids - . Wait! Chakor stopped n turned to see him. Suraj was holding a letter for her. Chakor; sorry sir but please don't fire me? The kids they need someone I know I.. I said much.

Suraj; sshh ya u talk too much keep quiet. Chakor 🤐. Suraj; I got a call from ur college principal here r the required documents no one is firing u. Chakor took the letter with the documents. Thank u. Suraj; if u go without taking the permission from me I don't know what I will do then.
His voice wasn't angry it was full with love n concern.

Chakor; I'm sorry but I think it would help u. If u stop drinking. Ur kids r very sweet they just need love n support n that's what u need too. U n ur kids could help each other out of this misery. Chakor left saying this.

Suraj looked at the glass he didn't drink it... he goes to his bedroom which he just use to change but not to live or sleep.

Suraj change his clothes n walked to his kids room. Madhu was sleeping like Nikhil. Suraj walked in n caresses their heads giving them a gud night kiss. He left...

Madhu n Nikhil woke up with a surprised face expression.

Both smiled n hide under their quilt.

On the next morning Chakor come in to wake the kids n was hell shocked to see them ready....

... Madhu were is ur brush?.
Madhu had it in her hand but she hide it under her pillow. Nikhil was trying to hold on his laugh. Suraj comes out of the washroom. He was looking like wet dog. Chakor couldn't hold she laughed... hahaha. Suraj looked at her his eyes weren't angry no they were pleased to see her. Suraj; it's ur job I pay u for that. Do whatever u do... Suraj left to his room n changed.

Chakor; hmm u both pull a leg... both shook their heads. Nikhil; actually we did 3 to 4 pranks on him. Chakor; really? Madhu; start with the wake up!.

Chakor; wake up? Nikhil told her abt last night. Chakor was happy. So u decided to wake time then?. Nikhil; we told him u r ill he has to help us 😁. Madhu we took a shower without papa but 😂. Chakor laughed... Suraj was hiding behind the door n listening to his kids voice n laugh. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Chakor; then? Nikhil; teeth brush. S
Chakor; what ur papa did. Madhu; he runs after us 😂. Nikhil; n thw toothpaste was over she shirt... Chakor; that was toothpaste. The kids nod. Chakor; then? U said 3 to 4 J saw Madhu hiding the hair brush under her pillow. Nikhil; our bags. Before waking him we hide everything he had to find it. Madhu; he opens the door of the cupboard. Nikhil; which we filled with toys. Haha. Madhu; everything fall on him. 😂😂😂😂. Chakor too laughed n Suraj was happy yet sad abt his behaviour toward his kids. Chakor was right he can't live like this anymore.

Suraj - I will become ur father again - 😊.

Sorry short but hope u liked it.
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