Sukor date❤

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Hi sorry for the delay but I had problems to update....?

Recap; Suraj has planned a date with Chakor. He gave her beautiful outfit to wear n the kids r out at school.

Suraj was looking at her with love. The feeling of love he has missed the last 2 years was coming over him. Suraj pulls her towards him by
holding her waist. Chakor collidates with his chest but she doesn't mind it.

Suraj was staring her. Her hairs were open n some hair strands were on her face he slowly put them behind her ear. Chakor was excited to know where he was going to take her.

Suraj released her but just to hold her hand.

Both walks hand in hand out of the house. He locked it n both sat in the car. Chakor; where r we going? Suraj; surprise. But I'm sure u weren't there before. Chakor smiled she was excited very much.

After a while Suraj stopped the car. She was looking around the area n it was right hasn't been here before. Even if she heard abt the place she has never visited the brockwell park

 Even if she heard abt the place she has never visited the brockwell park

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Chakor; wow Suraj that is amazing. She walks a bit faster than Suraj he let her go to explore the park but soon she stops realizing that the one with whom she wants to be is far away. She turns n waited for his arrival.

Suraj looks at her with a cute smile she pout. Y u took so much time? Her hands were on her waist. Suraj comes near. Sorry but couldn't stop u. U were looking so cute. Chakor blushes. She comes next to him. She took his hand n interwine her fingers with his. Chakor; show the most beautiful spot here.

Suraj looks at her. Wait. He took out his mobile phone. Chakor; heen u have to google it? Suraj looks at her in confusion. No I will show u. He gave her his mobile in which she saw her reflection. Chakor; I can't see it. Suraj comes behind her. Chakor u asked me to show u the most beautiful spot here n look at the mobile phone it shows ur reflections bcz here is nothing in compare to u.

Chakor looked at him with a blush n smiled at him shyly. She placed her hands around his neck. U r adorable. A gentleman u have a charming smile n u r very gud in using ur well thought words. Suraj smiles.
Soon they arrived the garden.

Chakor; Suraj u said here is nothing

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Chakor; Suraj u said here is nothing. Then what is this? Suraj; I said na nothing in comparison to u. Chakor give him a smile. Both walked to a bench n sat there. Chakor was looking around no one else was present. Suraj was on his mobile when Chakor looked at him. She took his mobile n hide it in her bag.

Suraj glares at her. Chakor; Mr. Suraj Khanna we r here for date right? Suraj anger melted he touched her cheek n comes closer to her her gaze lowered but he lifts her chin with the same hand. A kiss this time with passion what bith hasn't expected.

Hmm what a luck being in public no one was there besides them. Soon the stop bcz of the lack of oxygen. Chakor stood up with a shyness Suraj was looking at her with much love. He hold her hand n they walked away.

Chakor was looking at him

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Chakor was looking at him. He had prepared alot. He took out a picnic basket n a blanket. They sat on it but before Chakor could sit on the blanket he pulls her n she lands on his lap.

Chakor hides her blushes face in his chest. He hugs her n didn't let her go she had to sit right here by him.

Chakor was playing with Suraj hand. She took her hand n lied ot ob his gand n checked the finger size. Chakor; U r really tall. Suraj was confused. U can't see this I'm u check it with my fingers. She looked at him with embaressment n he starts to laugh she follows him.

Chakor was lying on the blanket. Suraj was above her one of his hand has become her pillow the other hand of his was interwine with her hand.

Chakor was looking at him deep in his eyes. Will he or will he not confess... she did but he hasn't yet. Suraj took a deep breath.

Chakor I like u.... maybe more than I thought. U told me not to bring the age between us. I understood n did it...

Chakors fear raised what if he refused to love her what will she do?.

But Chakor I'm a father of 2 kids a widowed who still loves his wife.  I can't forget her n move on with u. The hand with which he held hers was now on her cheek wiping the tears away.

Chakor was crying unconditionally.

Suraj; Are Chakor I haven't finished yet n u starts to cry?. Just think if I would have organised this to break ur heart. Couldn't I do it at home.

She looked at him. Suraj was now up on her with his full body. With both of his hands he cups her face.

Chakor I fall in love with u the day enter my room n burst out on me. I fall again in love with u when we went to the park. But I tried a lot to hide my feelings. But then on the birthday of urs n Madhu I scold u being irresponsible u cried n I fall again on u. Chakor whatever u do. U just brought the happiness back into our lifeless life back. How can I even think not loving u?. I must be stupid. Right?.

Chakor wipes her tears away n hugs him. She was strong now Suraj was underneath her. Chakor hides her face in his chest. Suraj caresses her head n gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Suraj had prepared some snakes but were distracted in looking into each others eyes. Chakor comes closer to him n starts to kiss his lips very softly. Suraj turns her he was just waiting for the correct timing. Bith were lying next yo each other. Suraj hand was resting on her waist Chakors hand was on his cheek n both kissed each other passionately.

Soon the returned home. Suraj was trying a lot to control over himself he closed the door of her bedroom from outside.

First u r gonna finish ur studies. Then if u can bear me n my kids for the nect 2.5 years. We will think abt the next step. Ok? He asked through the door. She was standing just behind it. She nod remembering he can't see her. Ok! She answers.

Both were breathing heavily. How can we resist each other? Both were thinking...


Hope u got what u want?
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