my new life

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Hi finally my story is bacl which was missing for 3 days bcz of watty...😣. Sorry for any mistake the original idea I had went to.... ? I tried to remember all.


Recap; Suraj was having an inner fight. Ajay his BIL is very unhappy n wanted to meet Chakor. Suraj got a call n reached at Nikhil school where Chakor was already waiting.

Suraj was happy to see her there n handling the situation. Ajay too was mesmerized by her but Suraj words echoing in his ear 'promise me not to fall in love with her' Ajay couldn't stop thinking of it n glaring at Suraj in anger n giving Chakor a warm gaze.

The teacher; Thank u for ur fast coming we were scared that he might stay here for the rest of the school day. Chakor pecks his cheek. As long ad I'm there nothing is going to harm my Nikhil, right?. Nikhil nod.

The teacher n Chakor shake hands. Chakor n Nikhil turned to leave when they saw Suraj n... Mr. unknown.

Nikhil runs to Suraj as he wasn't expecting him here he asked the teacher to call for Chakor. Suraj lift him. What u did this time?. Chakor fumes in anger making a fist. Suraj!. How dare u to blame him. She took Nikhil n carries him out. U r the one who did the mistake. Suraj was confused. What I did? He asked in anger n follows her.

Ajay was admiring them. They were behaving like a married couple his sister too always saves the kids from his anger n here too that girl was ready to argue with a bull just to save the kids of another woman.

Suraj was stamping with his feets n Nikhil was enjoying it he got all the love while Suraj just got her cold shoulder.

Chakor turns to him. She was looking him into his face. Today he had an outdoor with his class n I told u to sign on the permission letter. U said {imitating his voice n face expressing} Haan Haan Chakor I will do that u don't worry. What Chakor don't remind me always I will do. Blablabla!

Suraj got scared he moved back collidated with Ajay.  Chakor meet my BIL Ajay. Ajay meet my... he was thinking how to call her. Meet my new life. Ajay took a deep breath he forwards his hand. Chakor took it n both shaked hands.

Chakor; Sorry it must be a bit annoying for u. But it was all his mistake n then he was accusing my Nikhil no way. Mister our talk is not ended it here. Suraj gulps. Ajay couldn't hold it back n starts to laugh.

Sukor n Nikhil were watching him but soon Nikhil accompanied him. Both were laughing on Sukor. Sukor too joined them. Suraj went in excused Madhu for the day.

Madhu; Maamu {uncle}. Ajay; Oh my princess. She runs to him n gave him a tight hug n a kiss on his cheek. Madhu; Chakor. She releases herself was now hugging Chakor.

Nikhil; Papa papa! Suraj; yeah. Nikhil grind. Can Maamu stay for dinner?. Suraj looked at him? Ajay nod as it would be nice to see them as a family.

They all sat in the car. Chakor sat on backseat between the kids as usually she just sit on the passenger's seat after they drop the kids. Madhu was playing with a soft ball Nikhil got annoyed of it n warned her not to play further or he will throw it far away.

Chakor gave him a death glare don't even think abt this!!! or else I will twist ur ear several times that u won't be able to recognize the shape of it.

Suraj n Ajay hear that n scared. Suraj stopped the car as they reached home. Chakor helped Madhu to remove the seatbelt. Nikhil did it on his own.

Ajay was waiting for Nikhil. Ajay called him. Nikhil she dangerous u have to control ur pranks n anger u r like ur father. Nikhil scratches his head. Y always compare me with dad?. Ajay hit with his palm on his forehead. Bcz u r his son a carbon copy of him. Nikhil; whatever... He said disinterested.

Chakor n Madhu come out of the car  When Madhu throw the ball on the streets. Only Nikhil saw that being his fathers copy he wanted to help. So he didn't care of the traffic n runs on the street. Chakor saw it runs after him n just in time she took him as a car was coming. Suraj; Nikhil!. Ajay too was shocked looking at them. Chakor dropped him n carefully looked at him. Did u got hurt??? Nikhil shook his head. Chakor; Y u run on the street??? Nikhil show her the ball. Chakor; We could have bought her a new one but there is no other Nikhil!! She shout n cried saying it to him.

Nikhil lowered his head. Sorry won't happen again. Don't cry n don't be angry on me. Chakor kisses his forehead. I'm not angry on u. She carries him in. Suraj was near a heart-attack seeing this incident.

Ajay felt uncomfortable. Suraj I think I will come another time. Besides u told me not to fall for her but I really like her. I'm happy with ur choice she reminds me on Anu. Suraj nod. Ajay; I will call then u n the rest will come too afterall my wife will be happy to see u all again. Suraj nod both hugged n Ajay left. {U all thought I will make Ajay fall hään. 😁 No he is married 😉}.

Suraj comes in alone. Chakor where is Ajay?. Suraj; comes near her. He thought it would be better to leave now. Chakor; y?. Suraj looked out n mention the almost happened accident. Chakor; Oh..

Suraj kisses her forehead. U saved us again. Chakor hugs him they r not only ur children they r my too. Suraj nod holding her tight.

Chakor was in the kitchen thinking of Suraj words 'She is MY NEW LIFE'
Suraj comes into the kitchen he back hugs her holding her waist. Chakor smiled at his touch a shiver run down her spine.

Suraj; I Love U. Chakor smiled. I Love U 2. She turns to face him. Both shared a an eyelock which was followed by a kiss on the lips. Just then the kids entered. We r hungry.

Sukor broke the kiss. We can come later u can continue with the kiss 😁.

Sukor felt embaressed. Don't be shy u r a couple na so it's ok.

Sukor got redish cheeks. Uff they aren't married yet what will happen after their marriage if they shy like this before the marriage.

These kids r just too much❤❤❤❤.


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