Saas vs. Bahu {MIL vs. DIL}

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Special dedication to user20724662

Recap; Arrival of Teju n KN. a day earlier than planned.

Chakor was in the kitchen while Teju was watching over her. All of her steps were watched by her with eagle eyes. One mistake n she shook her head with a mischievous smirk. Mhm.

Chakor could feel her gaze n this made her more n more nervous she never thought is would be that difficult to prove herself to her MIL but it is much more difficult, as Suraj is their only child n the first marriage was a mix of arranged n love here it is only Love marriage!

Teju had no time to check her background she just go the information from Suraj.

Maa I found my life partner...
Teju was happy at first but she asked who?!
Maa Chakor!!
Tejus happiness fades... the caretaker of the kids?
Haan Maa but Maa she is...
Teju cuts the call.... tutu...

From that day she wanted to meet her n check on her but unfortunately something come between but not now. He married without their permission... well without her permission. KN was happy finally his son moves on in his life.

Back into the kitchen someone was burning.. Chakor had gone as Madhu had called for her.

Teju; this girl... Nikhil; Daadi what r u saying! Maa told u to take care of the food! As Madhu was crying! But u were busy hein whom were u thinking abt... Daada is here whom u left in India?! Haha.

Teju; u little devil. She twisted his ear.
Nikhil; Maa! He screams in pain which was not unheard by Chakor. She rushed down Madhu in her embrace.

Chakor; Maa please leave him. Can't u see it is paining! She removes Tejus hand from Nikhils ear...

She bend down n rubs his ear carefully n blows some air on it.., giving him a kiss. He hugs her. Maa Daadi let the food burn.

Chakor looked at the pot with the burnt food. She shrugs. So what?! Ur papa hasn't come yet we will make... hmm 🤔. Pasta!

Teju; Hmh I will made the food u better leave the kitchen with the kids.

Chakor; no Maa u just come y don't u go out with the kids. Some shopping or playing on the playground?!.

Teju; do u want to throw me out! Chakor; no Maa I was just thinking u might be exhausted n wants to spend some time with ur grandchildren. Teju; Bas Bas {enough}. I will make the food. She throws Chakor n the kids out...

In the evening they were all sitting together on the dining table.

Suraj; mhh that food is so tasty 😋. Chakor glares at him.

Teju; ur fav Malai kofta n look moongdal ka Halwa.

Suraj; mom I love u🤤.

Chakor kicks him under the table. Suraj didn't react but someone else did..

...: aahh

Teju; what happen to u now?!.

KN; it felt like if someone kicked me.

Chakor blushes in shame. She lowered her head n pleaded at him with guilt.
{KN n Chakor have nice bonding}.

KN; but maybe something hit me... u have a dog?!.

Suraj; Naa! We don't have!
Madhu; but I want a dog! 😏. Daada please before u leave give me a gift how abt a puppy?!

KN; I'm not leaving now but I can give u a pappi now 😘.

Madhu; Daada I meant a baby dog!
KN; oh ho... sorry but didn't u liked my kissi.
Madhu; bhoot {a lot}. One more! KN gave her one more.

Teju; Chakor do u even know how to cook properly?!

Chakor looked at her. Haan Maa I know but the kids...

Teju shows her palm... don't blame the kids for ur incompetent.

Suraj filled his mouth with food KN did the same like the kids they do not wanted to be dragged in this Saas vs. Bahu talk.

Chakor; I'm not dragging anyone! I just got daily a wish list of several food variations I should try n make. Besides it wasn't me who let the food burn.

She stood up n anger n left. Suraj was thinking should I or shouldn't I follow her?!.

Teju; ur wife just insulted me.

Suraj - thx Maa for clearing my thought! -. He stood up with a filled plate n leaves.

Teju; now my son will talk to her n make her understand not to mess with me!

Suraj enters the room n sit in front of her. He took a piece of bread n filled it with the kofta n made her eat it.

Chakor; Suraj I don't want. Suraj: way or I will take her side. Chakor was shocked. R u blackmailing me?!. Suraj; like u do every single night! Since we got married the kids still sleep here. Do I say anything?!. Chakor opens her mouth n he feeds her. Suraj; gud girl!. Now finish this plate.

Teju; y can't I hear his shout?!. KN; bcz he isn't shouting at her! What has she done?! She married our son n brighten his life! Y r u blaming her for something?!

Teju; shut up! KN kept quite. Nikhil n Madhu suppresses their laugh.

Suraj; I know mom is difficult to handle but trust me u just need to impress her by urself. Don't act as someone fake. Show her the true Chakor! Who can be angry too! Like u just did!

Chakor nods. Haan maybe u r right! Suraj; I'm always right! Now give me a kiss.. Chakor cups his face before the kiss could happen the kids entered the room.

Nikhil; bad timing. Madhu; as usually! They have changed into their night wear. Suraj; u brushed ur teeth's?! Madhu aspirate on him. Suraj kisses her. On the bed with u. Nikhil smirks... Suraj; U go n brush ur teeth's. Nikhil; but then I will lose the yummy taste of the food na...

Chakor pouts. It was really gud maybe she can teach me! Y fight against her I will just follow her rules.

Suraj shook his head. Didn't  u listen to my words?! She doesn't need a servant she needs a DIL with her own mind n will! U have to impress her by ur skills not by ur obeying!

Nikhil; come Maa help me. Chakor nods n helped him with the brushing of the teeth's. Teju was watching it. She is gud in handling Nikhil. 😊.

She rushes to Madhu... gud girl she did the fake cry!. Now she shows some of her angry on the dining table but I need to know more. Does she love my family or their money...

How can I make Teju bad?!.  Obviously I can't hehe. Just a test of Chakor true intentions.

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